FBI Informant Halper $1mil by Obama Admin for Spying


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
FBI Informant Stefan Halper Paid Over $1 Million By Obama Admin; Spied On Trump Aide After Election

Less than a week after Stefan Halper was outed as the FBI informant who infiltrated the Trump campaign, public records reveal that the 73-year-old Oxford University professor and former U.S. government official was paid handsomely by the Obama administration starting in 2012 for various research projects.

A longtime CIA and FBI asset who once reportedly ran a spy-operation on the Jimmy Carter administration, Halper was enlisted by the FBI to spy on several Trump campaign aides during the 2016 U.S. election. Meanwhile, a search of public records reveals that between 2012 and 2018, Halper received a total of $1,058,161 from the Department of Defense.

so, about $150k a year. i realize some deep zerohedge as "alt-right" but given how people skew NAZI and shit, i don't buy into all that until they're wrong more often than right. (aka, cnn).

so - is it true? if so, it this an ok action for ANY SITTING PRESIDENTS ADMIN to take?

so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.

right? i mean, if you ok the action you ok the action. once you do that you don't control who will do it next and to what purpose.
The important thing isn’t the numerous crimes committed by the Trump campaign, it’s the perfectly legal means by which they were discovered.
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
He thinks that in 2020, if the Dem candidate’s campaign is petitioning foreign governments for help sabotaging our election, that for some reason Democrats would be opposed to punishing that.
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
He thinks that in 2020, if the Dem candidate’s campaign is petitioning foreign governments for help sabotaging our election, that for some reason Democrats would be opposed to punishing that.
I don't see how he can even say there was an informant IN the Trump campaign, that is simply false and even his laughable ZeroHedge article does not show that.....?
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
He thinks that in 2020, if the Dem candidate’s campaign is petitioning foreign governments for help sabotaging our election, that for some reason Democrats would be opposed to punishing that.
I don't see how he can even say there was an informant IN the Trump campaign, that is simply false and even his laughable ZeroHedge article does not show that.....?
Because Zerohedge is a conspiracy site that is completely anonymous, it cannot be held accountable. But the rubes eat it up.
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?

how do you not?
fbi informant in trumps campaign at DuckDuckGo

find any article you wish to explain it. what i don't comprehend is how people can go with TRUMP MET WITH RUSSIANS AT TRUMP TOWER and its impeachment grounds but obama putting plants into trumps campaign is hidden as whatever you need it to be. fuck that.

this is wrong. you / WE do not do this to each other. not right to left, not left to right. if you're ok with one side doing this another, i don't care which side, we are at odds period.
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
He thinks that in 2020, if the Dem candidate’s campaign is petitioning foreign governments for help sabotaging our election, that for some reason Democrats would be opposed to punishing that.
I don't see how he can even say there was an informant IN the Trump campaign, that is simply false and even his laughable ZeroHedge article does not show that.....?

and i don't see how you can say there wasn't. you can dog on ZH all you want but fine - put the names in and find sources who you disagree with on this and read their side with an open mind. to sit around and say "this is cool" ONLY MEANS you god damn well better be cool if the right does it also cause the only thing shit like this does it set precedence for future behavior.

saying "he's undercover" is not a get out of jail free card. it's bullshit. you don't send a 72 year old man you paid $1.1 mil over 6 years into as undercover. obama pulled some crap and there's no way around it by anyone with no less than neutral eyes.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is once again trying to divert attention from a real investigation of treasonous actions by himself and his family. Time to put this scum in Leavonworth.
MEANS you god damn well better be cool if the right does it also cause the only thing shit like this does it set precedence for future behavior.
If the left isn't engaging in treason, money laundering, fraud, and attempting to sabotage the election, then it won't be a problem.
The important thing isn’t the numerous crimes committed by the Trump campaign, it’s the perfectly legal means by which they were discovered.
Numerous crimes? Could you provide a list of all the criminals who were convicted?
The important thing isn’t the numerous crimes committed by the Trump campaign, it’s the perfectly legal means by which they were discovered.

I would love for you to provide a SINGLE example of a law that trump has broken. I can point out five, in this case alone, that the obummer admin has.
The important thing isn’t the numerous crimes committed by the Trump campaign, it’s the perfectly legal means by which they were discovered.
Numerous crimes? Could you provide a list of all the criminals who were convicted?
Multiple guilty pleas, little guy :itsok:

The rest, we'll have to wait for the trials to end :thup:

Not one of which had a damned thing to do with trump little guy. Try again.
The important thing isn’t the numerous crimes committed by the Trump campaign, it’s the perfectly legal means by which they were discovered.
Numerous crimes? Could you provide a list of all the criminals who were convicted?
Multiple guilty pleas, little guy :itsok:

The rest, we'll have to wait for the trials to end :thup:

Not one of which had a damned thing to do with trump little guy. Try again.
Yeah, they were all just coffee boys for his campaign :rolleyes:

so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
He thinks that in 2020, if the Dem candidate’s campaign is petitioning foreign governments for help sabotaging our election, that for some reason Democrats would be opposed to punishing that.
I don't see how he can even say there was an informant IN the Trump campaign, that is simply false and even his laughable ZeroHedge article does not show that.....?
tell you what - how about you tell me what Stefan Halper was doing in trumps camp being paid $1.1 mil by obama's camp for the last 6 years.

let should be fun.
The important thing isn’t the numerous crimes committed by the Trump campaign, it’s the perfectly legal means by which they were discovered.
Numerous crimes? Could you provide a list of all the criminals who were convicted?
Multiple guilty pleas, little guy :itsok:

The rest, we'll have to wait for the trials to end :thup:

Not one of which had a damned thing to do with trump little guy. Try again.
Yeah, they were all just coffee boys for his campaign :rolleyes:


The facts are quite simple, even a simpleton, such as yourself, should be able to understand. Not one of the "crimes" that have been plead to had a thing to do with trump or his campaign. Not one. So far we have obummers DOJ breaking all sorts of laws trying to engineer a coup against trump, but they haven't been able to pin a single crime on him, nor have they been able to manufacture one to pin on him.

Must suck to be you.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is once again trying to divert attention from a real investigation of treasonous actions by himself and his family. Time to put this scum in Leavonworth.
and when you call him all the names you do speaks volumes of objectivity.

you don't give a fuck how trump comes down as long as he does. if illegal you'll look away while it happens or worse yet, cheer it on.
so while obama may not have "wiretapped" trumps campaign, he sure had a well paid informant in there didn't he? if this is ok - then it will be ok with you when trump does it.
HOW in the world do you come to that conclusion Iceberg?
He thinks that in 2020, if the Dem candidate’s campaign is petitioning foreign governments for help sabotaging our election, that for some reason Democrats would be opposed to punishing that.
I don't see how he can even say there was an informant IN the Trump campaign, that is simply false and even his laughable ZeroHedge article does not show that.....?
tell you what - how about you tell me what Stefan Halper was doing in trumps camp being paid $1.1 mil by obama's camp for the last 6 years.

let should be fun.
How about you tell me what he was doing in service to the U.S. for the last 5 decades? Or, oh no, did you think he wasn’t involved with us until Obama? Oh man.

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