FBI agents cheat on test about 4th Amendment

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The Justice Department said Monday it found "a significant number of FBI employees engaged in some form of improper conduct or cheating" on an exam and suggested the scandal may eventually spread far beyond the four field offices it investigated.
"We believe the extent of the cheating related to this test was greater than the cases we detailed in this report, which is based on our limited investigation in only four FBI field offices, one resident agency, and two Headquarters components," the report from Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine said.
The test was administered to some 20,000 employees to make sure they understood the 2008 Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, or DIOG, promulgated as a result of new rules implemented after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
"Of the FBI employees that we interviewed about their conduct in taking the DIOG exam, 22 cheated or acted improperly in some manner related to the exam," the OIG said. "We recognize that the amount of cheating that we identified in our limited interviews cannot be extrapolated to the entire population of FBI test-takers."

SpyTalk - FBI cheating confirmed by Justice Department

These are the people Obama wants to give more power to search and wiretap. That makes me feel so much safer.
Well frankly when you put an admitted tax cheat in charge of the IRS can you expect honestly and integrity from any of your employees?
This is why we call for smaller government, at all levels. Cluelessness, cheating and people gaming the system exist everywhere in government.

The only solution is to have minimum necessary government.
This is why we call for smaller government, at all levels. Cluelessness, cheating and people gaming the system exist everywhere in government.

The only solution is to have minimum necessary government.

Using your logic, we should call for more government since public enterprise has cluelessness, cheating, and people gaming the system everywhere.

People are people, the amount of government isn't going to change that. All it's going to change is who's ripping you off. However, your little spiel and rant about how anti-government really makes no sense in the context of this thread unless you want to start outsourcing our national security to private companies. Blackwater alone should tell you how much of a good idea that would be. If you are a student of history at all, you'd also know that private groups becoming the main army for the Roman Empire is one of the reasons for it's downfall.

Post fail on your part, big time.

Addressing the rest of the thread:

As for this, should we be really surprised at this point? I'm not. Coming from someone who is firmly against the Patriot Act, FISA, and other poorly related bills that rip up our civil liberties, this is just same shit just different day sort of deal.

I'm going to make a educated assumption and say the majority of those who are now complaining about what Obama is doing were silent if not encouraging when the government began to take apart our civil liberties after 9/11 brick by brick.

And the only reason I'm bringing up Obama is because he was specifically mentioned in the thread. Whether Obama or McCain was President wouldn't of made a difference in what is currently going on.

Tl;dr: Same shit, different President. People are people, whether they are in government or public enterprise.
I'm just flabbergasted. The FBI is our elite law enforcement agency, and getting hired there is no easy task. How can people who have that as their ambition, who manage to achieve it, risk it all for a passing grade they doubtless could have gotten if they had studied?

What discipline does the FBI plan, Quantum Windbag? Will the cheaters be terminated? Seems to me, they should be -- unless "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" is no longer the FBI's motto.
I'm just flabbergasted. The FBI is our elite law enforcement agency, and getting hired there is no easy task. How can people who have that as their ambition, who manage to achieve it, risk it all for a passing grade they doubtless could have gotten if they had studied?

What discipline does the FBI plan, Quantum Windbag? Will the cheaters be terminated? Seems to me, they should be -- unless "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity" is no longer the FBI's motto.

Beats me, since it was just discovered by their IG I don't think they have had time to think about discipline. Mayne Congress will hold hearings and right regulations, that always seems to help.

This is why we call for smaller government, at all levels. Cluelessness, cheating and people gaming the system exist everywhere in government.

The only solution is to have minimum necessary government.

Using your logic, we should call for more government since public enterprise has cluelessness, cheating, and people gaming the system everywhere.

People are people, the amount of government isn't going to change that. All it's going to change is who's ripping you off. However, your little spiel and rant about how anti-government really makes no sense in the context of this thread unless you want to start outsourcing our national security to private companies. Blackwater alone should tell you how much of a good idea that would be. If you are a student of history at all, you'd also know that private groups becoming the main army for the Roman Empire is one of the reasons for it's downfall.

Post fail on your part, big time.

Addressing the rest of the thread:

As for this, should we be really surprised at this point? I'm not. Coming from someone who is firmly against the Patriot Act, FISA, and other poorly related bills that rip up our civil liberties, this is just same shit just different day sort of deal.

I'm going to make a educated assumption and say the majority of those who are now complaining about what Obama is doing were silent if not encouraging when the government began to take apart our civil liberties after 9/11 brick by brick.

And the only reason I'm bringing up Obama is because he was specifically mentioned in the thread. Whether Obama or McCain was President wouldn't of made a difference in what is currently going on.

Tl;dr: Same shit, different President. People are people, whether they are in government or public enterprise.

You're dumb, just stump ass dumb.

Smaller government means less employees needed means they can be pickier about whom they hire. That just makes sense, as you grow, you must loosen up the hiring standards.

Also, QW didn't blame Obama for anything in the OP so you just brought him into the conversation so that you could whine some more about how mean people are to him. Seriously Bert..................
You're dumb, just stump ass dumb.

Smaller government means less employees needed means they can be pickier about whom they hire. That just makes sense, as you grow, you must loosen up the hiring standards.

Also, QW didn't blame Obama for anything in the OP so you just brought him into the conversation so that you could whine some more about how mean people are to him. Seriously Bert..................

That's not true at all.

Also, I never said he blamed Obama, I said he specifically mentioned Obama as if it would be any different under McCain it seemed.

Perhaps instead of thinking of ways to talk down to me, you can actually read what I wrote. :thup:
You're dumb, just stump ass dumb.

Smaller government means less employees needed means they can be pickier about whom they hire. That just makes sense, as you grow, you must loosen up the hiring standards.

Also, QW didn't blame Obama for anything in the OP so you just brought him into the conversation so that you could whine some more about how mean people are to him. Seriously Bert..................

That's not true at all.

Also, I never said he blamed Obama, I said he specifically mentioned Obama as if it would be any different under McCain it seemed.

Perhaps instead of thinking of ways to talk down to me, you can actually read what I wrote. :thup:

If you were not a partisan hack you would know i mentioned Obama because he is the one that is currently trying to expand wiretapping powers. If McCain was in office I would say the same thing, because I oppose all erosion of my rights, and yours. I am willing to bet that I am much more willing to get into a persons face and challenge his assumption that he has the power to take away my, or your, rights than you are. I challenge cops when they pull me over, and when they ask me a question. I challenge CBP when they want to know why I was in Mexico or Canada.

You should be thanking me, and people like me, instead of claiming that we are only doing it because Obama is black.
If you were not a partisan hack you would know i mentioned Obama because he is the one that is currently trying to expand wiretapping powers. If McCain was in office I would say the same thing, because I oppose all erosion of my rights, and yours. I am willing to bet that I am much more willing to get into a persons face and challenge his assumption that he has the power to take away my, or your, rights than you are. I challenge cops when they pull me over, and when they ask me a question. I challenge CBP when they want to know why I was in Mexico or Canada.

You should be thanking me, and people like me, instead of claiming that we are only doing it because Obama is black.

LOL wut.

You clearly have no idea of my positions or have not read any of my posts concerning the Patriot Act, wiretapping, FISA, or pretty much anything else having to deal with our civil liberties.

I wonder where the hell you pulled your comments from. I NEVER said you were making your comments because Obama happens to be half African American. This is a clear-cut example on your part of

A.) A lack of reading comprehension.


B.) A massive ego.


C.) A tendency to play tough guy on the internet.

or a combination of the three.

Better luck next time with someone who has been consistent with his positions on here.




I don't like this argument. Just because someone can figure out things thanks to the internet, doesn't mean we should give the government free reign as to their lawful right to look into our lives.

As for illegal immigrants, to believe they wouldn't be able to get their hands on a National ID card is bordering on nativity. No offense.

Having roadblocks and checking for IDs is one step closer to the Authoritarian Utopia. That may be your ideal future, but one where I feel like a prisoner because I gotta go show my ID to go to a friend's house is not.

The Real ID is just another step to control over people. It has nothing to do with safety or anything such as that. At this point, a officer can walk up to you on any given street corner and by law you are required to identify yourself. He can also frisk you beforehand as to make sure you are not armed and that is all legal.

To paraphrase George Carlin, "Even if you read the papers half as good as possible, you'll see the list of our rights get shorter year by year."

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin.
If you were not a partisan hack you would know i mentioned Obama because he is the one that is currently trying to expand wiretapping powers. If McCain was in office I would say the same thing, because I oppose all erosion of my rights, and yours. I am willing to bet that I am much more willing to get into a persons face and challenge his assumption that he has the power to take away my, or your, rights than you are. I challenge cops when they pull me over, and when they ask me a question. I challenge CBP when they want to know why I was in Mexico or Canada.

You should be thanking me, and people like me, instead of claiming that we are only doing it because Obama is black.

LOL wut.

You clearly have no idea of my positions or have not read any of my posts concerning the Patriot Act, wiretapping, FISA, or pretty much anything else having to deal with our civil liberties.

I wonder where the hell you pulled your comments from. I NEVER said you were making your comments because Obama happens to be half African American. This is a clear-cut example on your part of

A.) A lack of reading comprehension.


B.) A massive ego.


C.) A tendency to play tough guy on the internet.

or a combination of the three.

Better luck next time with someone who has been consistent with his positions on here.




I don't like this argument. Just because someone can figure out things thanks to the internet, doesn't mean we should give the government free reign as to their lawful right to look into our lives.

As for illegal immigrants, to believe they wouldn't be able to get their hands on a National ID card is bordering on nativity. No offense.

Having roadblocks and checking for IDs is one step closer to the Authoritarian Utopia. That may be your ideal future, but one where I feel like a prisoner because I gotta go show my ID to go to a friend's house is not.

The Real ID is just another step to control over people. It has nothing to do with safety or anything such as that. At this point, a officer can walk up to you on any given street corner and by law you are required to identify yourself. He can also frisk you beforehand as to make sure you are not armed and that is all legal.

To paraphrase George Carlin, "Even if you read the papers half as good as possible, you'll see the list of our rights get shorter year by year."

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin.

Both of you have been critical of abuses in government aimed at spying.
Both of you have been critical of abuses in government aimed at spying.

Indeed. I have no idea why QW made the post he did. All I was pointing out that what's going on is no big surprise and that whoever was President would make no difference. It wasn't a comment aimed at anyone in particular.
Both of you have been critical of abuses in government aimed at spying.

Indeed. I have no idea why QW made the post he did. All I was pointing out that what's going on is no big surprise and that whoever was President would make no difference. It wasn't a comment aimed at anyone in particular.

Quantum Windbag is not accustomed to encountering reasonable people. He's more used to folks like me, who need to have the truth of some unpleasant or unlikely things beaten into them. LOL.

Keeping after me is his special job.

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