Favorite War to refight


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
I notice on message boards that wars are re-fought often...the Civil War, WW2, the Vietnam War...heck, we even re-fight the wars of other countries.

What is your favorite war to re-fight and why?
The Civil War, because it's the only war that reached the homeland.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-JcCm2T1ZE]YouTube - Civil War Reenacting with the 69th NY Irish Brigade[/ame]
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I used to play "Steel Panthers" so its WWII for me. I came to admire the tenacity, cleverness, inventiveness and outright total fucking meanness of the Soviets.
I prefer the wars of antiquity - the Roman Civil war, or the Pelloponesian war. The Napoleonic era is somewhat similar in appeal, as the Fench mass tactics resemble those of the Greek Phalanx, replacing the rigid formalism of Fredrikan drill.

Not a big fan of modern battles - too much artillery or airpower, though some of the infantry clashes around Cassino were interesting.
The Plundering of Mosul.

I used to play "Steel Panthers" so its WWII for me. I came to admire the tenacity, cleverness, inventiveness and outright total fucking meanness of the Soviets.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gyhNiXEzhI]YouTube - Panzer general 2 Entire mission movies[/ame]

Ring a bell?
The Civil War, because it's the only war that reached the homeland.

YouTube - Civil War Reenacting with the 69th NY Irish Brigade
*ahem* Revolutionary war?


Ze homeland.
The city fell to George Rogers Clark in 1778 during the American Revolution. The parish rang the church bell in celebration, which has since been called the "liberty bell". It is housed in a brick building shrine near the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The brick church was built in 1843 in the squared-off French style.[2]
Kaskaskia, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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I prefer the wars of antiquity - the Roman Civil war, or the Pelloponesian war. The Napoleonic era is somewhat similar in appeal, as the Fench mass tactics resemble those of the Greek Phalanx, replacing the rigid formalism of Fredrikan drill.

Not a big fan of modern battles - too much artillery or airpower, though some of the infantry clashes around Cassino were interesting.

So you don't like any war where you can't neatly move infantry around on a map?
Here is a new concept, how about realising why we fight wars in the first place so we dont't keep making the same mistake over and over again. Now thats radical is it not.
I would like to refight the War of the Toilet Seat. Mrs. BBD won that war and the seat is now always left in the down position when I exit the bathroom. I'm thinking I might have won that war if i had of just taken a stronger stance... Well, maybe not. She used nukes on me.
Here is a new concept, how about realising why we fight wars in the first place so we dont't keep making the same mistake over and over again. Now thats radical is it not.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kdOKJXfTU4]YouTube - Chamberlain's Speech to Mutineers on Road to Gettysburg: What it is to be an American[/ame]

Who said war is a mistake?

It is a mistake to live with nothing to die for.
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Hmm, perhaps either the German Danish war, (Yay, we got an Ally they got nobody!) which was how wars should be, quick, onesided (for my side), and with a minimum of civilian casulties.

Alternativly, perhaps the Indochina war (which had a lot of German participation due to the Foreign Legion enlisting whole Camps of German PoWs, interestingly, the Vietnamese treatment of those Germans was relativly bening, quite a couple ended up married with Vietnamese Women, nevertheless, they fought largely to the death at Dien Bien Phu).
After Algeria, most French forces there also claimed to have prefered Indochina.
I notice on message boards that wars are re-fought often...the Civil War, WW2, the Vietnam War...heck, we even re-fight the wars of other countries.

What is your favorite war to re-fight and why?

In war game titles WW2 is probably the biggest seller and most game titles of all wars.
Hmm, perhaps either the German Danish war, (Yay, we got an Ally they got nobody!) which was how wars should be, quick, onesided (for my side), and with a minimum of civilian casulties.

Alternativly, perhaps the Indochina war (which had a lot of German participation due to the Foreign Legion enlisting whole Camps of German PoWs, interestingly, the Vietnamese treatment of those Germans was relativly bening, quite a couple ended up married with Vietnamese Women, nevertheless, they fought largely to the death at Dien Bien Phu).
After Algeria, most French forces there also claimed to have prefered Indochina.

Not to the Death, over 10000 Troops were captured at Dien Bien Phu.

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