Favorite Spongebob!



Just something silly to see how many Spongbob fans there are...
My two favorite episodes are

Hash Slinging Slasher and April Fools!
That's a good one too! There are too many good ones!

Valentine's day

the one where they are riding on the fishing hooks and SB gets hooked.
I liked the one where Spongebob kept ripping his pants at the beach, and the one where everyone kept cursing. And also the one where Squidward thinks he accidentally feeds Spongebob a bomb.
I love all the episodes!!

Lifeguard ("I'm Cool")
Grown up
borrowing a ballon

there are so many, i can't remember them all!!

Favorite character is Patrick by far.
also the one where they paint mr. krabs' basement.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
I also like the episode where Spongebob and Patrick get lost on the bus and wind up in the next town over.

Rock Bottom, lol
Originally posted by Semper Fi
So are you guys nervous going to a new school this fall?

(heh heh)

hey man, spongebob is for all ages.:D

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