Favorite Obama gimmicks


Feb 14, 2011
Remember the "We the people" petition site? How has that been going?

What are some of your other faves?
That "looking like the only adult among a group of hyperactive, sugar rushing toddlers" trick is a pretty good one.
More than 3 million jobs created and/or saved by his policies and actions while the Repub party filibustered against all jobs bills and lied about creating jobs in return for votes.

Yeah - That's one of my faves.
That "looking like the only adult among a group of hyperactive, sugar rushing toddlers" trick is a pretty good one.

Perhaps in THIS thread you will explain how over 1 trillion dollars in deficit each year is not important? Perhaps you can explain how Obama and the Dems are going to cut spending when all they have asked for is MORE spending? Last I checked we can not get a trillion dollars a year in new revenue even if we tax the rich to death. Not to mention historically ever time the dems raise taxes they increase spending.
Pleading with the American people to tighten their belts while throwing extravagant parties on a regular basis at the White House (like the Alice in Wonderland bash) and hiding them from the public.

whoopsies hit submit instead of preview

The gimmick being typical limosine liberal "do as I say, not as I do".
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That "looking like the only adult among a group of hyperactive, sugar rushing toddlers" trick is a pretty good one.

Perhaps in THIS thread you will explain how over 1 trillion dollars in deficit each year is not important? Perhaps you can explain how Obama and the Dems are going to cut spending when all they have asked for is MORE spending? Last I checked we can not get a trillion dollars a year in new revenue even if we tax the rich to death. Not to mention historically ever time the dems raise taxes they increase spending.

We're going to do it by growing the economy.
That "looking like the only adult among a group of hyperactive, sugar rushing toddlers" trick is a pretty good one.

Perhaps in THIS thread you will explain how over 1 trillion dollars in deficit each year is not important? Perhaps you can explain how Obama and the Dems are going to cut spending when all they have asked for is MORE spending? Last I checked we can not get a trillion dollars a year in new revenue even if we tax the rich to death. Not to mention historically ever time the dems raise taxes they increase spending.

Without the super committee, the spending cuts start automatically in January of 2013.

When the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012, Obama won't allow them to be renewed.

Spending cuts + a return to the old tax rates = deficit reduction.

Congress has been taken out of the equation. No treasonous Tea Party/Republicans to mess things up.

An another brilliant move by Obama.

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