Favorite games


Calm as a Hindu cow
Nov 28, 2008
Ok, since my other feel-good thread was hijacked by sex maniacs here's another try:

What are your favorite games to play with friends and family?

Mine are Pictionary and Apples to Apples.

Used to play a cool card game with the old man and the uncles called 'casino.'

My brother and I used to play marthon games of Tecmo Superbowl, football was the best.
oh! yeah! You are right. I remember playing it with my brother couldn't remember if it was atari or nitendo. I was more of a an RBI girl. :)
Now Mario Brothers, I was the master!
Ok, since my other feel-good thread was hijacked by sex maniacs here's another try:

What are your favorite games to play with friends and family?

Mine are Pictionary and Apples to Apples.


In a family situation with kids playing Monopoly is a wonderful game, totally absorbing. If adults only then Mille Bornes is fun for two couples. Last played by us with other couples way back in maybe '69.
Word games like Mad Libs, Scrabble, Boggle, Probe. Oh stop, there was too a word game called Probe when I was a kid. Get yer mind out of the gutter, dill. :D

My all time favorite though? Gin.
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