Favorite Chinese Dynasty


Semper Fi
Sep 1, 2010
What is your favorite Chinese dynasty?

I have tons of books about the different dynasties but my favorite has always been the Song dynasty. Tons of fascinating stories, people, history and battles. I know it's not the most popular of the dynasties but it's one I've always been fascinated with.

Eventually I would like to do a novel on one aspect of the Song dynasty involving a specific historical or fictional character sometime down the road after I finish up my current projects.

So which dynasty do you have as your favorite?
General Tso's.

Really, despite taking a modern Chinese history course as an undergrad (post-WW1 to 2000 basically) I simply don't know enough about Chinese history to be able to speak intelligently about China, especially when you get into the multiple kingdoms, invasions, dynasties, and so on. The only real dynastic figures I'm really aware of are the last few, especially Henry Pu Yi, and he was a child as Qing emperor and little more than a puppet of the Japanese during his whole reign as "emperor" of Manchukou..
The Zhou and Tang Dynasties. I've always been fascinated by Wu Zetian.

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