"Faulty Intelligence">Perfect Example Of Manipulation And Mind Control


I am the board idiot
Jan 4, 2004
It is always amazing to hear people put down the information found on the FREE PRESS INTERNET and stay in their own little world of CNN, FOX,ABC,NBC,CBS,Washington Post,Time, their local newspaper etc., which are government propaganda, corporate controlled media. There are no more than 12 HUGE MEDIA CONGLOMERATES IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, AOL Time Warner being the largest along with the Rupert Murdoch media empire, Disney, General Electric, AT&T, Sony etc.These media conglomerates control every MAJOR newspaper, radio station, television station,magazine, book publisher, movie and music companies etc, not only in the USA, but the world. Now if you want to believe everything that these huge media conglomerates put out, that's your choice, but this is nowhere near what is called the FREE PRESS. This should be called MONOPOLY OF THE MEDIA AND THE NEWS. If you control the media on such a grand scale, you basically CONTROL PEOPLE'S MINDS!!!

The Internet is the current bastion of FREE PRESS remaining in the world and this is a threat to the government propaganda media conglomerates mentioned above because they could lose CONTROL OF PEOPLE'S MINDS, which is what the MONOPOLY MEDIA is all about.

What most people don't realize is that governments have media information departments that have budgets into the billions of dollars. These government propaganda departments seek to CONTROL THE PEOPLES MINDS>>>it's the main way to be able to RULE THE MASSES OF PEOPLE AS THE "ELITE RULERS" SEE FIT.On a daily basis, story after story that reaches the news chain originates from these government media information centers.. These government information departments also put out DISINFORMATION when needed. Disinformation can be described as "lies" or made up stories that are released to divert attention away from the TRUTH about what is REALLY going on..Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld even tried to blatantly setup an official US government DISINFORMATION agency, but it didn't fly>>>at least not officially.

Yes MIND CONTROLLED PEOPLE, these organizations really do exist.Put these names in www.google.com and read on for days. Oh but nothing is written about the Illuminati or New World Order in the corporate controlled monopoly media, so this can't be true, can it??? Get a new life, OPEN UP YOUR MINDS AND THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!

So the MONOPOLY MIND CONTROLLING MEDIA has linked anything reported on the FREE PRESS INTERNET with "conspiracy theorists",nut cases,bullshit, lies,loony tunes and every other negative word you can think of. According to what the MONOPOLY MIND CONTROLLING MEDIA would like the people to believe is that everything written on the Internet IS NOT TRUE and everything written or shown in the monopoly mind controlling media IS "TRUE". Now if you want to believe this LIE, then you give up the right to anything that resembles a FREE PRESS. Sure some of the stuff on the Internet is not true, but there is much more MAJOR NON-TRUTHS AND MANIPULATION in the MONOPOLY MIND CONTROLLING MEDIA.

CONTROLLING PEOPLE'S MINDS IS A MAJOR INDUSTRY.Just look at the billions of advertising dollars expended to sell products. If you buy various"name brand" products that are advertised, you are being mind controlled to various degrees.Look at the millions and millions of dollars of advertising spent on elections of mayors, governors, Congressmen, Senators, President etc. If you don't have millions of dollars, you really don't have much of a chance to win any election. Rarely do you ever see major media coverage of candidates for elected offices outside of the Democratic and Republican parties. Now is this what the US Constitution and Bill of Rights had in mind???

So if you want to put down everything that is being written on the FREE PRESS INTERNET, than you are not giving yourself a chance to widen your perspectives and THINK FOR YOURSELF>>>AND NOT THINK ONLY HOW THE CORPORATE MONOPOLY MIND CONTROLLING MEDIA WANTS YOU TO THINK.

The most obvious example of how the government propaganda MIND CONTROLLING CORPORATE MEDIA works is the current situation of BUSH'S LYING TO START A WAR IN IRAQ. President Bush gave the order to go to war and his US military has killed and wounded tens of thousands of innocent babies, children, women and men in Iraq.

After the fact, it was learned that Bush and PM Tony Blair based their decisions to race to go to war on what is being called "faulty intelligence", that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that could be fired at the US or Britain at any moment.
.A main part of their "faulty intelligence" was a paper written by a college student over ten years ago. This student's paper, spelling mistakes and all, was included in the British parliamentary papers that Blair used to "sell" his decision to go to war to the British people.. Collen Powell used parts of these same papers in his "dramatic" presentation to go to war in his speech before the United Nations. This story about the college student's paper was reported on the Internet BEFORE THE US AND BRITAIN WENT TO WAR in Iraq, but was not reported in the government propaganda mind controlling corporate media Now as leaders of Nations, you would think that in making such a serious decision to go to war, these leaders would definitely ask their government agencies " where did this document come from?" In addition, recently in Great Britain, a Dr. Kelly had blown the whistle that Blair and his associates had the intention to mislead the British people into going to war in Iraq and knowingly used what is now being called FAULTY INTELLIGENCE. Bush and his cohorts knowingly were doing the same CON GAME and misleading the American people in the US in their quest to go to war to STEAL THE IRAQI OIL, and aid the war industrial establishment in making billions of dollars from another war, along with connected corporations making billions of dollars from NO-BID contracts to "rebuild" Iraq, a Nation that Bush dropped over 30,000 big bombs on and unnecessarily destroyed based on "FAULTY INTELLIGENCE".

Dr. Kelly was coveniently "suicided" and killed for his brave disclosures, which is a highly controversial story still unfolding in Britain. Blair is being linked to Dr. Kelly's death.The government propaganda mind controlling corporate media in the USA has not reported and related what is going on in Great Britain surrounding Blair and the Dr. Kelly story. Instead President Bush, who committed the WAR CRIME of "lying to start a war" for political and financial gain, is allowed to stay in office and establish some committee to "investigate" his own CRIME, which is ridiculous. It's like allowing the Mafia to investigate themselves, rather than being tried in a COURT OF LAW!!! And the US government propaganda mind controlling corporate media DOES NOT CHALLENGE BUSH AND HIS ASSOCIATES IN CRIME. Instead they are allowing Bush and Blair to get away with MURDERING THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS IN IRAQ!!!

In the civilian world, if a CEO or president or executives of a Corporation screw up and make bad decisions that negatively affect the corporation that they lead and causes the corporation to lose billions of dollars, they are FIRED from their jobs and new leaders are hired to replace them.Not only did Bush and Blair "screw up" and cost their countrymen billions of taxpayer dollars on an unnecessary war, they also are responsible for the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of innocent human beings, including members of their own military. NOT EVEN ONE of the corporate controlled MONOPOLY MEDIA is calling for the ouster of Bush and Blair and all their related government officials who participated in this "fiasco" and WAR CRIME!!!

BUSH, BLAIR AND THEIR ASSOCIATES HAVE GOT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS. They must be brought to justice in a court of law and charged with WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!! Or do the taxpayers want to let these men and their business partners in crime CON them and steal billions of dollars by making unnecessary wars??? Let the courts decide the guilt or innocence of these men and not some "committee" that is established by the PARTICIPANTS in the crime.


DO YOU STILL WANT TO BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATE MEDIA STORY OF WHAT HAPPENED ON 911??? OR DID BUSH AND OTHERS KNOWINGLY PARTICIPATE IN 911, WHICH KILLED 3000 INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS,FOR POLITICAL AND FINANCIAL GAIN??? Over $1,000,000,000,000 {one trillion dollars} was made in trading stocks, bonds and derivatives before, during and after 911 by a few people in the USA and Europe etc., who had to have insider knowledge of 911 in order to profit so incredibly by their trades.But neither the FBI nor the CIA are talking about this and identifying these people and bringing them to justice in a court law>>>WHY???

Never before in the history of the world has there been so much available information for humans to have quick, easy access to as there is on the FREE PRESS INTERNET. If you take the time to read and do your own research and evaluation, you have the opportunity to come to realizations that may be out of the "NORM" of the corporate controlled monopoly media, but which may be THE REAL TRUTH.

your comments are noted and you have just been formally invited to the alien colony on antarctic, where uneducated human conspiracy theorists are offered up to the Gods for sacrifice. Have fun.
Most Americans, liberals exempted, are intelligent enough to know BS from the truth.. As usual the left believes everyone but themselves are idiots,..... Geez have some faith in your fellow Americans.... And for God's sake get out among the populous more and stay away from the intellectuals, they are usually the most uninformed... I know, they tried to brainwash me in college but it was fruitless..
Originally posted by superfreak
your comments are noted and you have just been formally invited to the alien colony on antarctic, where uneducated human conspiracy theorists are offered up to the Gods for sacrifice. Have fun.
and while you get ready to go, take some of the others in here with you! im sure you guys know each other... some type of conspiracy telepathy or some such thing
their teletransporter must have mulfunctioned..instead of taking them up,up,and away....it spead them out....WAY OUT!!!! and all over....load up them guns johnney....

Someone put an eaves dropping device in my teddy bear!

In fact, my whole house is wired. They're watching me all of the time.

I never thought i would see that sort of thing in this message board. But now that i have let me respond breiffly because..... I'm one of THEM, i'm watching you all the time and i just want to let you know that WE'RE RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR......BOO.
any way a response, my god man are you insane?!? did the doctors let you out a few years early, or have you just lived in isolation for the last, oh i don't know forever. Jesus man there is no mass conspiracy to dominate the minds of amercians and make us all mindless zombies. Get a clue, open your window and take a look outside. the sun is shinning and the sky is not falling. Wake up call....this is earth, realitties here and he wants to say goodbye.:bye1: :tinfoil: :cuckoo:
kcmcdonald , this MS 36 wacko has NEVER replied to one of his post...he hangs it out there and leaves...the next time we will here from him is when he post more crap....probably will post this same one again as he did last time....
:tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil:
Originally posted by wonderwench

Someone put an eaves dropping device in my teddy bear!

In fact, my whole house is wired. They're watching me all of the time.

wasnt me....nope not me, i dont know what your teddybear looks like, dont know how it got on the bed like that :dunno: :dunno: :scratch:
Yeah, I guess you'd just call them trolls. But they are a certain kind of troll who starts a topic and doesn't respond to what people say.

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