Farmer on NPR said he couldn't find an American who would pick fruit...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...he said an American tried it and gave up after one box.


How much does this farmer pay a fruit picker to pick one box of fruit?

Obviously, just enough to entice an illegal alien, but not enough to entice an American who has other employment options.


Pay your workers more, enough so someone can actually live off what you are paying him, maybe enough for groceries, rent, utilties, with a little extra left to go to the movies on Saturday.

Illegal aliens don't need that. They live 12 to an apartment, eat rice and beans, and send the rest of their money to their families in Mexico or Central America.

So, the farmer wants us to let in illegal aliens so he doesn't have to pay a living wage for an American.

So, why are the Democrats AGAINST a living wage for American workers?

This is why Trump won the election, because American workers realized the Democrats have abandoned them.
How about 15 per hour plus partial benefits.....that's a start. No American should do that job for any less.
I'm not saying raise the minimum wage.

I'm saying, eliminate the competition from immigrant workers, and let American workers benefit from the resulting labor shortage.
My brother works at Facebook, and he tells me he is the only American citizen in his unit.

We conservatives weren't paying attention to this issue, even trying to win political correctness points by being pro-immigration.

The American worker is now good and screwed thanks to all the immigrants he has to compete with on the labor market.
...he said an American tried it and gave up after one box.


How much does this farmer pay a fruit picker to pick one box of fruit?

Obviously, just enough to entice an illegal alien, but not enough to entice an American who has other employment options.


Pay your workers more, enough so someone can actually live off what you are paying him, maybe enough for groceries, rent, utilties, with a little extra left to go to the movies on Saturday.

Illegal aliens don't need that. They live 12 to an apartment, eat rice and beans, and send the rest of their money to their families in Mexico or Central America.

So, the farmer wants us to let in illegal aliens so he doesn't have to pay a living wage for an American.

So, why are the Democrats AGAINST a living wage for American workers?

This is why Trump won the election, because American workers realized the Democrats have abandoned them.
The legal migrants get $12.50/hr

not a lot, but when you have no education and don't speak the language..

npr interviewed an illegal that's been her 28 years, that lazy fuck still can't speak English.
We also have to crack down on H1-B visas, which technical companies are abusing.
The Democrat Party's embrace of blacks cost them the South.

The Democrat Party's embrace of illegal aliens cost them the Midwest and the Rust Belt.

With the Western states already solidly Republican, that leaves the Democrats with the Pacific Coast, the Northeast, and Hawaii.
The pay is crap, the working conditions are crap but more than anything else, its just plain hard work.

That's why American's won't do it.

Thanks to RWNJs, family farms are going under. But, have no fear because pino trump's 1% buddies are right there, ready to buy them out for pennies on the dollar.

The pay is crap, the working conditions are crap but more than anything else, its just plain hard work.

That's why American's won't do it.

Thanks to RWNJs, family farms are going under. But, have no fear because pino trump's 1% buddies are right there, ready to buy them out for pennies on the dollar.

speak for yourself you lazy ****.

me and my sister worked the fields.
The pay is crap, the working conditions are crap but more than anything else, its just plain hard work.

That's why American's won't do it.

Thanks to RWNJs, family farms are going under. But, have no fear because pino trump's 1% buddies are right there, ready to buy them out for pennies on the dollar.

Americans would pick fruit if they couldn't just get on social security disability or some other government program that pays people to goof off.
Entire cities (ESTL STL DET.....) full of young un-employed sucking housing, food stamps, utilities, Welfare etc. For generations now. There's your workers. Time to break the cycle.
Entire cities (ESTL STL DET.....) full of young un-employed sucking housing, food stamps, utilities, Welfare etc. For generations now. There's your workers. Time to break the cycle.
I agree. Hard work on the farms would do these young people a lot of good. Empty out the ghettos and put them in shanty towns. They can learn again that life is better when you work hard and pay your own way.
We are actually importing Mexicans to do the work that black people used to do. Stupid.
The pay is crap, the working conditions are crap but more than anything else, its just plain hard work.

That's why American's won't do it.

Thanks to RWNJs, family farms are going under. But, have no fear because pino trump's 1% buddies are right there, ready to buy them out for pennies on the dollar.

The right is responsible for kids not able to do a days worth of honest work. This stupid is brought to you by a lefty providing safe spaces and psychiatrists to any snowflake that feels hurt by hearing words they don't like.

Yeah that makes sense.
The pay is crap, the working conditions are crap but more than anything else, its just plain hard work.

That's why American's won't do it.

Thanks to RWNJs, family farms are going under. But, have no fear because pino trump's 1% buddies are right there, ready to buy them out for pennies on the dollar.


Yes, I'm sure of it.

Americans will do any job for the proper compensation. Up north in these ungodly winters, I see linemen out in -0 degree weather during snow storms with winds 30mph on polls restoring electric power. I see the same in such weather repairing water lines.

The supply and demand system is the most perfect when it comes to employment. If you can't find workers,you need to increase your offers. If you find many workers, you are probably paying too much.

The system works good until you throw a monkey wrench into it like unions or immigrants. Then it F's up everything.
Illiterate illegals are trying to turn starter jobs that teens used to do to learn business practices into "living wage" paying careers with the help of the Democrats.

I ask you, what fry flipper is worth $40,000 per year, plus benefits?
...he said an American tried it and gave up after one box.


How much does this farmer pay a fruit picker to pick one box of fruit?

Obviously, just enough to entice an illegal alien, but not enough to entice an American who has other employment options.


Pay your workers more, enough so someone can actually live off what you are paying him, maybe enough for groceries, rent, utilties, with a little extra left to go to the movies on Saturday.

Illegal aliens don't need that. They live 12 to an apartment, eat rice and beans, and send the rest of their money to their families in Mexico or Central America.

So, the farmer wants us to let in illegal aliens so he doesn't have to pay a living wage for an American.

So, why are the Democrats AGAINST a living wage for American workers?

This is why Trump won the election, because American workers realized the Democrats have abandoned them.

Why do they have to be illegal? Why can't they come in legally, stay in employer provided barracks type housing, and go home off season?

I don't care if we let MORE people in if they're vetted and are working, tracked, abide by the law and aren't voting for commies.
Kick out all the Mexicans and South Americans and the market for Americans to take the job opens up.

Illegals are depressing the job market.

Yep.....that is why both the republicans and democrats want them here...the establishment republicans want the lower wages....the democrats want a perpetual underclass that can vote democrat.

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