Far right Republican calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghinistan

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Does this put Obama to the right of the most consistent warhawk in Congress?


I am sure all the racists on the left will vote for him anyway rather than let anyone think they voted against keeping a black man in the White House.

"I can't find a whole lot right about what's happening in Afghanistan," Young said after the hearing.
IED attacks in Afghanistan have increased from 9,300 in 2009 to 16,000 in 2011, and this year is on pace to meet or exceed that level, according to the Pentagon. In the decade that the war has been going on there, IED-related casualties for all of the U.N. peacekeeping force totals 1,287. In Iraq the toll is even higher: IEDs have killed 1,791 coalition troops.
"The IED is the weapon of choice . . . because they are cheap, readily available, largely off the shelf, easy to construct, lethal and accurate," Lt. Gen. Michael D. Barbero, director of the Joint IED Defeat Organization, testified.
He called IED casualties "a reality of the 21st century warfare."
However, Barbero told the committee, the ability to detect IEDs before they detonate has improved, helping to reduce casualties by more than 40 percent in the past year.
Concern over IEDs has been a long running discussion in Washington, and the increasing casualties have collided with an intensifying debate about the war and how quickly it should end.
Polls have shown the American public has grown weary of the war and its human cost. In May, a New York Times/CBS News poll found that 69 percent of Americans surveyed believed the United States should pull out.
President Barack Obama has begun troop withdrawals, promising to have all U.S. troops home by the end of 2014. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney also supports withdrawal by that date.
Young has voted repeatedly to oppose withdrawals and even voted against setting a timetable for withdrawal. But then, in June he got the emailed letter from Sitton. The soldier, on his third combat tour of duty in Afghanistan, had gone to a school sponsored by the church Young attends, and his grandmother had told him Young helped her son years ago in another military matter.

Dead Largo soldier's prescient email to Rep. C.W. Bill Young is read aloud on Capitol Hill - Tampa Bay Times
Far right Republican calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghinistan

after the Nov. election he may get his wish.

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