Fantastic jobs numbers ...Dow over 25000...Trumponomics BABY

Wait. I thought Trump being elected would be so disastrous for the economy, plus we'd be in a World War by now. There would be innocent citizens in concentration camps, and a war on puppies. What happened?
Construction Employment Reaches 10-Year High as Industry Adds 19,000 Jobs in July and 303,000 for the year; Industry Unemployment Sets ...
Associated General Contractors › news

Aug 3, 2018 · Construction employment increased by 19000 jobs in July and by 303000 jobs over the past year, reaching a 10-year high, while the industry's ...

I am still waiting for all the liberals who in December said it was President Trump's economy, to backtrack and say it is Obama's now. They on the left are total idiots and will stay idiots, till they die, and I hope it is soon.

Fantastic jobs numbers ...Dow over 25000...Trumponomics BABY

You may have a point here since the DJIA went over 25k over a year ago and since went over 26. Hasn't caught back up yet. So yeah, "Rumponomics" indeed. And "Baby" for sure.
Construction Employment Reaches 10-Year High as Industry Adds 19,000 Jobs in July and 303,000 for the year; Industry Unemployment Sets ...
Associated General Contractors › news

Aug 3, 2018 · Construction employment increased by 19000 jobs in July and by 303000 jobs over the past year, reaching a 10-year high, while the industry's ...

/----/ BUT BUT BUT the shutdown was supposed to cripple the economy.....
Trump pilot.png
Fantastic jobs numbers ...Dow over 25000...Trumponomics BABY

You may have a point here since the DJIA went over 25k over a year ago and since went over 26. Hasn't caught back up yet. So yeah, "Rumponomics" indeed. And "Baby" for sure.
And the Surrender Monkeys excuse for not going there?
Fantastic jobs numbers ...Dow over 25000...Trumponomics BABY

You may have a point here since the DJIA went over 25k over a year ago and since went over 26. Hasn't caught back up yet. So yeah, "Rumponomics" indeed. And "Baby" for sure.
And the Surrender Monkeys excuse for not going there?

Perhaps this post comes in English.

Perhaps it's of no consequence even if it does.
Fantastic jobs numbers ...Dow over 25000...Trumponomics BABY

You may have a point here since the DJIA went over 25k over a year ago and since went over 26. Hasn't caught back up yet. So yeah, "Rumponomics" indeed. And "Baby" for sure.
And the Surrender Monkeys excuse for not going there?

Perhaps this post comes in English.

Perhaps it's of no consequence even if it does.
I can't fix your stupid!
Fantastic jobs numbers ...Dow over 25000...Trumponomics BABY

You may have a point here since the DJIA went over 25k over a year ago and since went over 26. Hasn't caught back up yet. So yeah, "Rumponomics" indeed. And "Baby" for sure.
And the Surrender Monkeys excuse for not going there?

Perhaps this post comes in English.

Perhaps it's of no consequence even if it does.
I can't fix your stupid!

Ah. So the answer is "B".

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