fanatic christan website


Feb 3, 2004
No matter how much of a devout christian i am, things can always go too far. i found a website when i was searching dungeons and dragons, and this website is about satanic stuff, and teaches you to stay away from this stuff. but, it is crazy and stupid. They even say that left handed people are sinners, and should be taught to be right handed before it's too late. LOL i guess im goin to hell cause im left handed. It also says that you cannot have a washing mashine with a hole to look into because it could bring up horrible thoughts of sex. Whoever is this fanatical has to be thrown into an insain assylim. Also, this website is racist, sexist, and alot of other things. Here is the website:
:dev2: :dev2: :dev2: :dev2:
supermarine said:
No matter how much of a devout christian i am, things can always go too far. i found a website when i was searching dungeons and dragons, and this website is about satanic stuff, and teaches you to stay away from this stuff. but, it is crazy and stupid. They even say that left handed people are sinners, and should be taught to be right handed before it's too late. LOL i guess im goin to hell cause im left handed. It also says that you cannot have a washing mashine with a hole to look into because it could bring up horrible thoughts of sex. Whoever is this fanatical has to be thrown into an insain assylim. Also, this website is racist, sexist, and alot of other things. Here is the website:
:dev2: :dev2: :dev2: :dev2:

This site also says:

Here is one very important thingh about lesbian behaviour: it is NOT always a deadly sin if practiced WITHIN THE HOLY MATRIMONY for the PLEASURE OF THE HUSBAND! This is proven in the Bible!

Lesbianism is not always evil! The truth is, the Holy Bible says homosexual men are evil, not true lesbians. At every point, bible says thou shalt not have sex with other MEN. True Christianity therefore does not condemn True Lesbianism. Another fact: it is pleasurable for men to watch two women having sex. On the other hand, there is nothing more revolting than two homo men.

Originally, it was perfectly ok for one man to have many wives, says the Bible. So it has always been natural for the wifes to enjoy each other when the man was away. Also, wifes had sex with each other for the pleasure of their husband. So, lesbianism is perfectly fine for wifes of their own husband. This is True Lesbianism! Of course, it is unnatural to have two women living together. That is a deadly SIN! Only when a man has MANY WIFES, may lesbianism be practiced for the pleasure of the man.
-=d=- said:
that site has nothing to do with Christianity.
but..but....but it SAYS it does? Isn't that as good as the truth?
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DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT IS SAID IN INTERNET! They lie there! Only believe those that are true christians!!!

I've hear they offer child pornography in Internet! I tried to check if this was true, but had no success yet! INTERNET is the ANTI-CHRIST! Armageddon WILL come soon!
This says it all!
I just thought that this website was funny, i dont know if its fake, like someone who made this as a joke. i highly doubt it, but I think its funny as hell. they call the stupidest things satanic.
This website is hysterical. Some other things for Christians to Avoid:

1. Alien - a satanic Sci-Fi movie about the Devil himself!!!
2. Babylon 5" - it's some new satanic TV series, telling about a New Babylon in space!!! Ive not seen it but it obviously promotes homosexualism and other perversions!!! And it lies about aliens, who arenot creatures from other planets because God only created Earth and humans,and we are the center of the universum! NEVER let your children watch this satanic "science fiction" TV program!!!
3. Barney the Dinosaur (TV cartoon). Eveyone knows that dinosaurs as "prehistoric" creatures are a lie of the occult satanists, who DARE to question creationism!!! This "dinosaur" character is used to brainwash innocent children! It even uses occult "magic"! (Dinosaurs were created along all other life, but they degenerated quicker than other animals and became extint.)
4. Baths are very sinful! You must watch your children while they are bathing, as too much scrubbing with the rag 'down there' might lead to sexual thoughts or masterbation. Actually, the kids nor you shouldn't be bathing too at all since the body is a tool of the Devil and bathing focuses attention on the body!
5. Beatles - the members of this popular band have long hair - but still they are MEN (or I'm not actually sure though...)! Anyway, may the LORD have mercy on them!
6. Bikinis! "Swimming clothes" which arouse sinful sexual thoughts!!! LARD didn't mean us to wear clothes!
7. Carebears (cartoon)
8. Dancing is of satan! Young, innocent people spend hours in filthy, unhealthy air full of tobacco and marjuhana smoke and rub their bodies together, which arouses sexual thoughts! Watch Your children!
9. Darkwing Duck" (very violent cartoon) and other new Disney cartoons
10. Dinosaurs. Every true christian knows that earth was created about 6000 years ago! This is told in the Holy Bible which, as we know, is the Word of God because it is told in it! So dinosaurs were created at that time as well. Bible says, two of all unclean animals were on the ark, so, the remaning (not yet extint) dinosaurs were on the ark. They degenerated faster than other animals and died later.
11. Elvis (certain so-called "rock and roll" singer, which is negro music, that is sexual pagan ritual music!!!)
12. Fairy tales" (you must only read biblical tales to your children!)
13. Feminism! Woman's place is at home, and the Bible says woman shall serve her husband!!!!! If women would stay home, there would be no unemployment!
14. Flag of USA! Yes, flag of USA! Did you know it contains fifty satanic symbols called pentagrams!!! Satan worshippers are govern the United States of America, which claims to be "One Nation Under God"! Blasphemy!!!
15. Foreigners (especiall those of black skin!)
16. Homosexual and lesbian perverts. Would you like to have them near your children? I've seen them prowling in swimming halls! But with Tru Christian faith and prayers a homosexual can be cured!
17. Horror - horrible, satanic books and videos! Burn them!!!
18. So-called "HTML" codeing is satanic! As it is a conspiracy of New World Order, the secret plan of United Nations to take over US and the whole world!!! The code contains many loopholes and security bugs, new World Order will be able to break into every computer through this system they are marketiong!!!
19. Jeans!
20. Jewelry!
21. Left-handed people; if your child is left-handed, you must teach her/him to use right hand as Jesus told us to do! Because right is Right, and left (commies and homos) are wrong!!!
22. Lord of the Rings" and other books by J.R.Tolkein
23. Make-up. Never allow your children to use it!!! It could arouse sinful sexual thoughts!
24. Marvel Comics
25. McDonalds (junk food shop) and "Ronald McDonald", their occult "clown" character, who is clearly Lucifer in a symbolic disguise!!!
26. Microsoft is of satan, and is the Anti-Christ itself!!!! Did you know that adding the numeric values of the letters of "William Henry Gates" equals 666, the number of the Beast!
27. Monopoly (a board game) is a game produced by SIONIST CONSPIRACY! It is about usury which is CLEARLY forbidden in the Holy Bibl! Someone in USA have committed suicide when they lost in this satanic game!
28. My Little Pony" toys!
29. Martial Arts, they teach violence and pagan religions!
30. Music Television "MTV"!
31. Braiding one's hair (also, jewelry): 1 Peter 3:3; Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel
32. Power Rangers (toys and an ultraviolent cartoon)
33. Rap" music - occult anarchist music! Very evil!
34. rock and roll (awful music that publizices sex, violence, drugs and satan worshipping - listen to the records backwards and you'll hear secret satanist messages in all of themn!)
35. Mormonism - the EVIL cult of adultery and child-abuse!
36. Sex. It is much better to be morbid and lonely than to partake of the forbidden fruit. Remeber what we learned from our serpent friend!
37. Smurfs (cartoon)
38. Star Trek (movies, toys, cartoons, everything by satan!)
39. Star Wars (movies, toys, cartoons, everything by satan!) There are more people in out christian net who know that Star Wars is EVIL! But watch out if you read the things at that site, I fear it might have been made by some satanist!
40. Swedish and canadian people and other homosexuals and lesbians!!!
41. Television, except some Televangelists' are good and true in faith!
42. I read this recently from Deja News group: "Some Satanists play tennis, and some tennis players have committed suicide." This PROVES the thing I've been suspecting a long time: tennis is one of the satinic sports!!! The female players wear so little miniskirts, that their panties show, which causes sinful thoughts in the audience!
43. Vegetarians practice a pagan religion! Man is the lord of the nature and other animals, as God is the LORD, and man can - and should - raise cattle!
44. Washing machines with transparent lid. Seeing underwear in the machine might arouse sinful thoughts!
45. Ice Hockey
-=d=- said:
I think my wife sent in #36 to that site.

:( (sigh)...Can't blame her, I suppose..I wouldn't wanna do me either!




That is actually on the list too but I left it off my post - I couldn't put all of them on it.
It's gotta be a joke. I'll post back after an extensive investigation. In the meantime, I've been at the wrong game sessions, apparently. Our D&D groups each have 1 girl in them. One's engaged and the other is one player's girlfriend, and we never get to have sex with them. Also, after buying gaming books and dice, I don't have enough left over to get any drugs, unless you count caffiene...and I usually can't really afford that either.
Yep, It's a joke. Take a look at the core page,

Especially interesting is the favorite computer games section, where his favorites are Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights.

Plus, you can tell by the URL that it's a sub-page of a Finnish university, The University of Jyvaskyla, to be precise.

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