Falsification Of Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Withing The Frame Of Physics


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Falsi fication Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Eff ects Within The Frame Of Physics


The atmospheric greenhouse e ect, an idea that many authors trace back to the
traditional works of Fourier (1824), Tyndall (1861), and Arrhenius (1896), and which
is still supported in global climatology, essentially describes a ctitious mechanism, in
which a planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by an environment that is
radiatively interacting with but radiatively equilibrated to the atmospheric system. Ac-
cording to the second law of thermodynamics such a planetary machine can never exist.
Nevertheless, in almost all texts of global climatology and in a widespread secondary
literature it is taken for granted that such mechanism is real and stands on a rm sci-
enti c foundation. In this paper the popular conjecture is analyzed and the underlying
physical principles are clari ed. By showing that (a) there are no common physical laws
between the warming phenomenon in glass houses and the ctitious atmospheric green-
house e ects, (b) there are no calculations to determine an average surface temperature
of a planet, (c) the frequently mentioned di erence of 33 C is a meaningless number
calculated wrongly, (d) the formulas of cavity radiation are used inappropriately, (e) the
assumption of a radiative balance is unphysical, (f) thermal conductivity and friction
must not be set to zero, the atmospheric greenhouse conjecture is falsi ed.
Thermometer located : : : Temperature
inside the car, in direct Sun 71 C
inside the car, in the shade 39 C
next to the car, in direct Sun, above the ground 31 C
next to the car, in the shade, above the ground 29 C
in the living room 25 C

Beat Global Warming, open your car window!
Also from physicists. And the vast majority of physicists agree with this.

Introduction - Summary

Non scientific I'm afraid. Any thesis that begins with the assumption that man is the cause loses any scientific credibility. Confirmation Bias is a given with people who write such drivel.
So if there's a change in the jet stream, say if it slows down a little, that might warm the temperature up too, right?
So if there's a change in the jet stream, say if it slows down a little, that might warm the temperature up too, right?

It maybe a sign of a warmer planet with less temperature difference horizontally from north to south. So lets say if the arctic and sub-arctic(Between 40-50 north) area's keep warming at a much faster rate then the tropics then earth's temperature difference with time should decrease, which could mean a weaker jet streams. You see this during the summer when the temperature of Alaska is only slightly lower then Oregon and you get a much further northward jet stream into Canada with weak storms, but during winter when the temperature difference is great then you get jet streams of 200 mph within there cores at 200-300 millibars or 30-45,000 thousand feet. With huge troughs/long waves spitting out many short waves or low pressure area's.

That is why it rains a lot more during winter on the west coast with much stronger storms, but drier during the summer. That and a much stronger ridging over the four corner area...
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So if there's a change in the jet stream, say if it slows down a little, that might warm the temperature up too, right?

It maybe a sign of a warmer planet with less temperature difference horizontally from north to south. So lets say if the arctic and sub-arctic(Between 40-50 north) area's keep warming at a much faster rate then the tropics then earth's temperature difference with time should decrease, which could mean a weaker jet streams. You see this during the summer when the temperature of Alaska is only slightly lower then Oregon and you get a much further northward jet stream into Canada with weak storms, but during winter when the temperature difference is great then you get jet streams of 200 mph within there cores at 200-300 millibars or 30-45,000 thousand feet. With huge troughs/long waves spitting out many short waves or low pressure area's.

That is why it rains a lot more during winter on the west coast with much stronger storms, but drier during the summer. That and a much stronger ridging over the four corner area...

So, the jet stream slowed because of AGW...hmmmkay.
So if there's a change in the jet stream, say if it slows down a little, that might warm the temperature up too, right?

It maybe a sign of a warmer planet with less temperature difference horizontally from north to south. So lets say if the arctic and sub-arctic(Between 40-50 north) area's keep warming at a much faster rate then the tropics then earth's temperature difference with time should decrease, which could mean a weaker jet streams. You see this during the summer when the temperature of Alaska is only slightly lower then Oregon and you get a much further northward jet stream into Canada with weak storms, but during winter when the temperature difference is great then you get jet streams of 200 mph within there cores at 200-300 millibars or 30-45,000 thousand feet. With huge troughs/long waves spitting out many short waves or low pressure area's.

That is why it rains a lot more during winter on the west coast with much stronger storms, but drier during the summer. That and a much stronger ridging over the four corner area...

So, the jet stream slowed because of AGW...hmmmkay.

If we're having a planet with less temperature difference between the tropics and arctic...You would think so....But on the other hand a warmer planet would allow for the Atmosphere to hold more moisture and a warmer ocean would help explosive low pressure development. So maybe that could balance it out some...

Global warming or no global warming...Even if it is just natural cycle that is going on.
It maybe a sign of a warmer planet with less temperature difference horizontally from north to south. So lets say if the arctic and sub-arctic(Between 40-50 north) area's keep warming at a much faster rate then the tropics then earth's temperature difference with time should decrease, which could mean a weaker jet streams. You see this during the summer when the temperature of Alaska is only slightly lower then Oregon and you get a much further northward jet stream into Canada with weak storms, but during winter when the temperature difference is great then you get jet streams of 200 mph within there cores at 200-300 millibars or 30-45,000 thousand feet. With huge troughs/long waves spitting out many short waves or low pressure area's.

That is why it rains a lot more during winter on the west coast with much stronger storms, but drier during the summer. That and a much stronger ridging over the four corner area...

So, the jet stream slowed because of AGW...hmmmkay.

If we're having a planet with less temperature difference between the tropics and arctic...You would think so....But on the other hand a warmer planet would allow for the Atmosphere to hold more moisture and a warmer ocean would help explosive low pressure development. So maybe that could balance it out some...

Global warming or no global warming...Even if it is just natural cycle that is going on.

I see. Global warming...it's not really global, it's not really warming, but it's real
Also from physicists. And the vast majority of physicists agree with this.

Introduction - Summary

Non scientific I'm afraid. Any thesis that begins with the assumption that man is the cause loses any scientific credibility. Confirmation Bias is a given with people who write such drivel.

Calling bullshit on you again, Walleyes. The American Institute of Physics is the parent organization of the AGU.

Member Societies - American Institute of Physics

But then, you knew that already, right?:lol:
So, the jet stream slowed because of AGW...hmmmkay.

If we're having a planet with less temperature difference between the tropics and arctic...You would think so....But on the other hand a warmer planet would allow for the Atmosphere to hold more moisture and a warmer ocean would help explosive low pressure development. So maybe that could balance it out some...

Global warming or no global warming...Even if it is just natural cycle that is going on.

I see. Global warming...it's not really global, it's not really warming, but it's real

No this is very global.
I'm talking about if the northern area's(Arctic) where to keep warming it would mean less temperature difference. I would think it would have to warm a lot within the northern area's to cause the temperature(lower temperature difference) to become enough to over ride any effect of the extra moisture going into the atmosphere.

This is just would happen on a planet that is warming at a much faster rate at its poles then tropics. I bet during the climate optimum, which where far hotter in the arctic and near today within the tropics would of had this effect.:tongue:
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It maybe a sign of a warmer planet with less temperature difference horizontally from north to south. So lets say if the arctic and sub-arctic(Between 40-50 north) area's keep warming at a much faster rate then the tropics then earth's temperature difference with time should decrease, which could mean a weaker jet streams. You see this during the summer when the temperature of Alaska is only slightly lower then Oregon and you get a much further northward jet stream into Canada with weak storms, but during winter when the temperature difference is great then you get jet streams of 200 mph within there cores at 200-300 millibars or 30-45,000 thousand feet. With huge troughs/long waves spitting out many short waves or low pressure area's.

That is why it rains a lot more during winter on the west coast with much stronger storms, but drier during the summer. That and a much stronger ridging over the four corner area...

So, the jet stream slowed because of AGW...hmmmkay.

If we're having a planet with less temperature difference between the tropics and arctic...You would think so....But on the other hand a warmer planet would allow for the Atmosphere to hold more moisture and a warmer ocean would help explosive low pressure development. So maybe that could balance it out some...

Global warming or no global warming...Even if it is just natural cycle that is going on.

In general, if the Earth is uniformly warm, storms are of much less strength and duration. For there to be "explosive low pressure development" large variances in temperature are needed.
Also from physicists. And the vast majority of physicists agree with this.

Introduction - Summary

Non scientific I'm afraid. Any thesis that begins with the assumption that man is the cause loses any scientific credibility. Confirmation Bias is a given with people who write such drivel.

Calling bullshit on you again, Walleyes. The American Institute of Physics is the parent organization of the AGU.

Member Societies - American Institute of Physics

But then, you knew that already, right?:lol:

You may call BS all you like, but any organization that writes a summary like that has no credibility. The essence of science is to question.....EVERYTHING. Scepticism is the life's blood of science. When a scientist goes into a discussion with those statements running around his brain his mind is made up which means he is no longer practicing science...he is advocating proaganda......but then, you allready knew that? Didn't you:razz:
So, the jet stream slowed because of AGW...hmmmkay.

If we're having a planet with less temperature difference between the tropics and arctic...You would think so....But on the other hand a warmer planet would allow for the Atmosphere to hold more moisture and a warmer ocean would help explosive low pressure development. So maybe that could balance it out some...

Global warming or no global warming...Even if it is just natural cycle that is going on.

In general, if the Earth is uniformly warm, storms are of much less strength and duration. For there to be "explosive low pressure development" large variances in temperature are needed.

Very true, but more moisture and energy into the system on the short term could make for more severe storms like nor'easter. But a more uniform planet would mean a weak jet stream and a much weaker weather system...Convection would simply develop and drop tons of rain as one of the bigger factors in weather within such a world....A tropical world.

I only said that during the short term as the extra energy from the added moisture and heat would help keep a extra imbalance. Of course the arctic would have to warm up a hell of a lot. :eek:

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