Falk: Banishing WB Palestinians violates humanitarian law

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
NEW YORK, (PIC)-- Richard Falk, the UN coordinator of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, has lashed out at the Israeli decision to deport tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens from the West Bank at the pretext their presence there was "illegitimate".

Falk in a radio statement published on the UN website said that the latest Israeli army decision in the West Bank was in viorlation of the international humanitarian law and human rights.

He said that such a decision does not respect the rights of residents in occupied lands, who should be protected by the occupying power.

Falk: Banishing WB Palestinians violates humanitarian law
BOGUS link.

In fact, there is no Israeli occupation as the West Bank is not sovereign Pallie territory and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Palestine is wholly sovereign Israeli land under the terms of the binding San Remo Resolution and Palestine Mandate.

Pallies are the occupiers.

Thus, you are PWNED, once again, and left with no reputational pts for your lack of credibility.
BOGUS link.

In fact, there is no Israeli occupation as the West Bank is not sovereign Pallie territory and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Palestine is wholly sovereign Israeli land under the terms of the binding San Remo Resolution and Palestine Mandate.

Pallies are the occupiers.

Thus, you are PWNED, once again, and left with no reputational pts for your lack of credibility.

Let's see:

Richard Anderson Falk (born 1930) is an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, writer (the author or co-author of 20 books),[1] speaker, activist on world affairs, and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories.

Falk described his family background as "assimilationist Jewish with a virtual denial of even the ethnic side of Jewishness,"[2] and more recently described himself as "an American Jew".[3]

Falk obtained a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Laws from Yale University, and a Doctor of Laws (SJD) from Harvard University. He is Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus at Princeton University, and was Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2001–04). He retired from teaching in 2001.[4][5]

Falk has published a number of books and essays analyzing the legality of the Vietnam War and other military operations. With regard to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, he has written that it is "inescapable that an objective observer would reach the conclusion that this Iraq war is a war of aggression, and as such, that it amounts to a Crime against Peace of the sort for which surviving German leaders were indicted, prosecuted and punished at the Nuremberg trials conducted shortly after the Second World War."[6]

Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Marc39 an Israeli apologist/propagandist on an internet forum.

Hmmmm, who to believe, who to believe?
BOGUS link.

In fact, there is no Israeli occupation as the West Bank is not sovereign Pallie territory and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Palestine is wholly sovereign Israeli land under the terms of the binding San Remo Resolution and Palestine Mandate.

Pallies are the occupiers.

Thus, you are PWNED, once again, and left with no reputational pts for your lack of credibility.

Let's see:

Richard Anderson Falk (born 1930) is an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, writer (the author or co-author of 20 books),[1] speaker, activist on world affairs, and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories.

Falk described his family background as "assimilationist Jewish with a virtual denial of even the ethnic side of Jewishness,"[2] and more recently described himself as "an American Jew".[3]

Falk obtained a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Laws from Yale University, and a Doctor of Laws (SJD) from Harvard University. He is Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus at Princeton University, and was Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2001–04). He retired from teaching in 2001.[4][5]

Falk has published a number of books and essays analyzing the legality of the Vietnam War and other military operations. With regard to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, he has written that it is "inescapable that an objective observer would reach the conclusion that this Iraq war is a war of aggression, and as such, that it amounts to a Crime against Peace of the sort for which surviving German leaders were indicted, prosecuted and punished at the Nuremberg trials conducted shortly after the Second World War."[6]

Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Marc39 an Israeli apologist/propagandist on an internet forum.

Hmmmm, who to believe, who to believe?

Falk has a history of anti-Israel bias and lacks credibility.

Thus, he is a BOGUS source.

No reputational pts for you today. Sorry.
BOGUS link.

In fact, there is no Israeli occupation as the West Bank is not sovereign Pallie territory and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Palestine is wholly sovereign Israeli land under the terms of the binding San Remo Resolution and Palestine Mandate.

Pallies are the occupiers.

Thus, you are PWNED, once again, and left with no reputational pts for your lack of credibility.

Let's see:

Richard Anderson Falk (born 1930) is an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, writer (the author or co-author of 20 books),[1] speaker, activist on world affairs, and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories.

Falk described his family background as "assimilationist Jewish with a virtual denial of even the ethnic side of Jewishness,"[2] and more recently described himself as "an American Jew".[3]

Falk obtained a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Laws from Yale University, and a Doctor of Laws (SJD) from Harvard University. He is Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus at Princeton University, and was Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2001–04). He retired from teaching in 2001.[4][5]

Falk has published a number of books and essays analyzing the legality of the Vietnam War and other military operations. With regard to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, he has written that it is "inescapable that an objective observer would reach the conclusion that this Iraq war is a war of aggression, and as such, that it amounts to a Crime against Peace of the sort for which surviving German leaders were indicted, prosecuted and punished at the Nuremberg trials conducted shortly after the Second World War."[6]

Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Marc39 an Israeli apologist/propagandist on an internet forum.

Hmmmm, who to believe, who to believe?

Falk has a history of anti-Israel bias and lacks credibility.

Thus, he is a BOGUS source.

No reputational pts for you today. Sorry.

The truth is anti-Israeli. Where is the bias?
Let's see:

Richard Anderson Falk (born 1930) is an American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, writer (the author or co-author of 20 books),[1] speaker, activist on world affairs, and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories.

Falk described his family background as "assimilationist Jewish with a virtual denial of even the ethnic side of Jewishness,"[2] and more recently described himself as "an American Jew".[3]

Falk obtained a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Laws from Yale University, and a Doctor of Laws (SJD) from Harvard University. He is Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus at Princeton University, and was Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2001–04). He retired from teaching in 2001.[4][5]

Falk has published a number of books and essays analyzing the legality of the Vietnam War and other military operations. With regard to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, he has written that it is "inescapable that an objective observer would reach the conclusion that this Iraq war is a war of aggression, and as such, that it amounts to a Crime against Peace of the sort for which surviving German leaders were indicted, prosecuted and punished at the Nuremberg trials conducted shortly after the Second World War."[6]

Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Marc39 an Israeli apologist/propagandist on an internet forum.

Hmmmm, who to believe, who to believe?

Falk has a history of anti-Israel bias and lacks credibility.

Thus, he is a BOGUS source.

No reputational pts for you today. Sorry.

The truth is anti-Israeli. Where is the bias?

Opinio Juris Blog Archive Why Richard Falk is Unqualified to be a UN Special Rapporteur

Falk is also a 9/11 Truther...
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Falk has a history of anti-Israel bias and lacks credibility.

Thus, he is a BOGUS source.

No reputational pts for you today. Sorry.

The truth is anti-Israeli. Where is the bias?

Opinio Juris Blog Archive Why Richard Falk is Unqualified to be a UN Special Rapporteur

Falk is also a 9/11 Truther...
UN Rights Official Endorses 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - UN Watch

So? Nothing here but different opinions.

Falk only has opinions and his are the opinions of a 9/11 conspiracist.

Thus, you are PWNED, again, Mr. No Reputational Points.

Falk only has opinions and his are the opinions of a 9/11 conspiracist.

Thus, you are PWNED, again, Mr. No Reputational Points.

Irrelevant. 9/11 has never been investigated. That is all they ask.
Falk has a history of anti-Israel bias and lacks credibility.

Thus, he is a BOGUS source.

No reputational pts for you today. Sorry.

The truth is anti-Israeli. Where is the bias?

Opinio Juris Blog Archive Why Richard Falk is Unqualified to be a UN Special Rapporteur

Falk is also a 9/11 Truther...
UN Rights Official Endorses 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - UN Watch

The comments section of your article sheds further light on the issue, particularly the compelling analysis offered by Patrick S. O'Donnell.

Of course Zionists will conclude that any opinion finding their behavior illegal or immoral or objectionable in any way is "biased."

The comments section of your article sheds further light on the issue, particularly the compelling analysis offered by Patrick S. O'Donnell.

Of course Zionists will conclude that any opinion finding their behavior illegal or immoral or objectionable in any way is "biased."

A Muhammadan suggesting "Zionists" are engaged in illegal or immoral behavior is like the Elephant Man telling Catherine Zeta Jones she's ugly.

I don't think you want to get into the history of illegal and immoral behavior of Muslims, such as Muhammad sexually molesting a 6 year-old little girl and Islam sanctioning the beating of women. More recently, Saudi Arabia beheaded 6 people.
[insert laughable quote from Warren Buffet and a cut and paste from the JVL]

In fact, there is no Israeli occupation as the West Bank is not sovereign Pallie territory and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Palestine is wholly sovereign Israeli land under the terms of the binding San Remo Resolution and Palestine Mandate.

Pallies are the occupiers.

Marc, this could be the the winner at the BIGGEST-PILE-OF-SHIT-IN-A-POST USMB Awards. Not even the most retrograde reactionary of Israelis would deny that it is an OCCUPATION. The word OCCUPATION is used IN THE ISRAELI MEDIA ITSELF... CONSTANTLY, you dumb shit!! Wow, I mean, your post almost merits no response. It's clear you don't know anything about this conflict if you can even think of saying it's not an occupation.

Anyway, regardless of what Falk says or doesn't say, the point is that Israel is once again ripping International Humanitarian Law to shreds; laws which were very ironically put in place after you-know-who was doing you-know-what to 'certain occupied peoples.'

Fourth Geneva Convention said:
Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.
In fact, there is no Israeli occupation as the West Bank is not sovereign Pallie territory and, thus, cannot be occupied.

Furthermore, Palestine is wholly sovereign Israeli land under the terms of the binding San Remo Resolution and Palestine Mandate.

Pallies are the occupiers.

Marc, this could be the the winner at the BIGGEST-PILE-OF-SHIT-IN-A-POST USMB Awards. Not even the most retrograde reactionary of Israelis would deny that it is an OCCUPATION. The word OCCUPATION is used IN THE ISRAELI MEDIA ITSELF... CONSTANTLY, you dumb shit!! Wow, I mean, your post almost merits no response. It's clear you don't know anything about this conflict if you can even think of saying it's not an occupation.

Anyway, regardless of what Falk says or doesn't say, the point is that Israel is once again ripping International Humanitarian Law to shreds; laws which were very ironically put in place after you-know-who was doing you-know-what to 'certain occupied peoples.'

Fourth Geneva Convention said:
Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

Except, the Geneva Conventions are intended to regulate the treatment of civilians during warfare and have no application to Jewish communities in Israel.

Read, learn...
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

Furthermore, Pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions, nor, do they abide by its rules, thus, Israel is not bound by Geneva law.

Indeed, Pallies are in flagrant violation of Geneva law in militarily targeting Israeli civilians.

In fact, Israel is in full compliance with international law.

You flunk.
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