Fake News Jerk Stephen Colbert Lies Every Night


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
How awfully dumb audiences of Stephen Colbert must be. The samn fool gets in front of all of America and lies to us, night after night. His even dumber audiences laugh at his poor excuses for jokes, showing they aren’t even aware they’re being lied to.

Oh examples, you ask ? Well, there isn’t room in this article for the hundreds, if not thousands, of those, but I could mention one of his latest. Last night, Strawman Stephen said that US Attorney General Jeff Session lied when he said that he never met with the Russians. FALSE! Sessions didn’t say that. Sessions said that he didn’t meet with the Russians as part of the Trump campaign.

As for when Sessions did meet with a Russian ambassador, that was merely as a US Senator (doing his job). Sessions’ recusal from investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential campaign, is simply due to Sessions having generally been a part of the Trump campaign. It has nothing to do with and Trump campaign connection with Russia (which no one has presented any evidence of any existence of).

It’s really getting tiring seeing and hearing these witchhunter, Trump basher, clowns strutting their fake news, with the full cooperation of the fake news media. Maybe it’s time to start slamming CBS, NBC, CNN, et al with some DOJ slander and libel lawsuits to get them to clean up their ACTS. As Obama went after big city mayors with DOJ lawsuit threats, why not have Trump and Sessions go after the media with the same tactic ? Free speech is legal. Slander and libel aren’t.
I really don't think that 'liberals' really think that they themselves are lying but more that they have bought into the arguments of the relativity of absolute truth. Once you believe that their is no such thing as unchanging truth then you have nothing to center your own opinions and logic around. It is the reason why so many of them sound absolutely crazy when they explain things to others.

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