Fake news Fox "journalist" Shepard Smith goes down hard


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
The little sodomite got his butt handed to him.

WATCH: Shep Smith blames all things shutdown on Trump, but Chris Wallace says NO WAY JOSÉ!
Shep Smith on Fox News today had Chris Wallace on his show. The first thing they discussed was, of course, the government shutdown.

Shep tries to blame the entire affair on Trump, suggesting Democrats in the House hold all the cards. He actually suggests that just because Democrats campaigned on no wall in the last election, that Trump needs to give up and reopen the government.

But Chris Wallace says that’s just not true, that Trump was elected too. He points out that Democrats only control the House and as a practical matter, a bill needs to pass the Republican Senate and be signed by Trump...
The little sodomite got his butt handed to him.

WATCH: Shep Smith blames all things shutdown on Trump, but Chris Wallace says NO WAY JOSÉ!
Shep Smith on Fox News today had Chris Wallace on his show. The first thing they discussed was, of course, the government shutdown.

Shep tries to blame the entire affair on Trump, suggesting Democrats in the House hold all the cards. He actually suggests that just because Democrats campaigned on no wall in the last election, that Trump needs to give up and reopen the government.

But Chris Wallace says that’s just not true, that Trump was elected too. He points out that Democrats only control the House and as a practical matter, a bill needs to pass the Republican Senate and be signed by Trump...

Guess what. Rump agrees with Smith.

Video doesn't go away.
Trump says he is, "proud to shut down the government" and says he will "take the mantle."

Trump says, "If we shut down the country I will take it."

Trump says he is, "proud to shut down the government" and says he will "take the mantle."

Trump says, "If we shut down the country I will take it."

Yeah, and he is making the Democraps look the fool. Keep watching CNN but realize that the people who will be voting are seeing who is keeping the wall from being built, along with keeping the government shutdown/ Oh yes, the stock market that was supposed to tank, because of the shutdown, has had a very good week, thanks to President Trump...Right, not Obama's anymore...
from miketx: not one of the sharpest tacks in the wingnut tool box at usmb
The little sodomite got his butt handed to him.

WATCH: Shep Smith blames all things shutdown on Trump, but Chris Wallace says NO WAY JOSÉ!
Shep Smith on Fox News today had Chris Wallace on his show. The first thing they discussed was, of course, the government shutdown.

Shep tries to blame the entire affair on Trump, suggesting Democrats in the House hold all the cards. He actually suggests that just because Democrats campaigned on no wall in the last election, that Trump needs to give up and reopen the government.

But Chris Wallace says that’s just not true, that Trump was elected too. He points out that Democrats only control the House and as a practical matter, a bill needs to pass the Republican Senate and be signed by Trump...
Trump was elected too?


Did you people back that position when it was 2010 and were claiming how what the new GOP House campaigned on overruled any Obama promises?
I think the only non-fake news is OAN and Bloomberg

Your entire media machine is nothing but corporate state media fomenting dysfunctionalism in society. There were 50 some odd companies in that space back in the 1980s. Clinton deregulated the FCC and now the entire thing has been monopolized down to half a dozen multinational corporations. It behooves the power structure to have an utterly divided population from which to continue extracting, concentrating and redistribution societal wealth.

Americans used to understand that monopolization was a destructive force in a representative democracy. Now we worship at the altar.
Trump says he is, "proud to shut down the government" and says he will "take the mantle."

Trump says, "If we shut down the country I will take it."

Yeah, and he is making the Democraps look the fool. Keep watching CNN but realize that the people who will be voting are seeing who is keeping the wall from being built, along with keeping the government shutdown/ Oh yes, the stock market that was supposed to tank, because of the shutdown, has had a very good week, thanks to President Trump...Right, not Obama's anymore...

Trump is the one that not only looks like the fool; he is the fool.

There have been many polls since the 'Trump shutdown' and consistently a majority of respondents put the blame on Trump & rightly so.
Trump says he is, "proud to shut down the government" and says he will "take the mantle."

Trump says, "If we shut down the country I will take it."

Yeah, and he is making the Democraps look the fool. Keep watching CNN but realize that the people who will be voting are seeing who is keeping the wall from being built, along with keeping the government shutdown/ Oh yes, the stock market that was supposed to tank, because of the shutdown, has had a very good week, thanks to President Trump...Right, not Obama's anymore...

America and americans are the ones who always look the fool. That's actually the point of the entire charade. .
Trump says he is, "proud to shut down the government" and says he will "take the mantle."

Trump says, "If we shut down the country I will take it."

Yeah, and he is making the Democraps look the fool. Keep watching CNN but realize that the people who will be voting are seeing who is keeping the wall from being built, along with keeping the government shutdown/ Oh yes, the stock market that was supposed to tank, because of the shutdown, has had a very good week, thanks to President Trump...Right, not Obama's anymore...

America and americans are the ones who always look the fool. That's actually the point of the entire charade. .

America GOT what they voted for; a Giant Orange Turd in a punch bowl.
Trump says he is, "proud to shut down the government" and says he will "take the mantle."

Trump says, "If we shut down the country I will take it."

Yeah, and he is making the Democraps look the fool. Keep watching CNN but realize that the people who will be voting are seeing who is keeping the wall from being built, along with keeping the government shutdown/ Oh yes, the stock market that was supposed to tank, because of the shutdown, has had a very good week, thanks to President Trump...Right, not Obama's anymore...

Trump is the one that not only looks like the fool; he is the fool.

There have been many polls since the 'Trump shutdown' and consistently a majority of respondents put the blame on Trump & rightly so.

Only to people who have 1/2 a brain...To the rest of US he is doing exactly what he was voted in for.

Shep Smith on Fox News today had Chris Wallace on his show. The first thing they discussed was, of course, the government shutdown.

Shep tries to blame the entire affair on Trump, suggesting Democrats in the House hold all the cards. He actually suggests that just because Democrats campaigned on no wall in the last election, that Trump needs to give up and reopen the government.

But Chris Wallace says that’s just not true, that Trump was elected too. He points out that Democrats only control the House and as a practical matter, a bill needs to pass the Republican Senate and be signed by Trump...

I think the only non-fake news is OAN and Bloomberg
You're right, William. Thanks for the tip. I'd like to share a snippet of what happened to the President's Address and a response that was delivered prior to the President's proposal: Pres. Trump delivers remarks on border wall, offers proposal to Dems | One America News Network

Speaking from the White House, he laid out three main points to address the humanitarian crisis at the border.

The president asked for $5.7 billion for a wall along the southern border, to stem the flow of illegal aliens, drugs and violence.

In exchange, he offered a three year extension for DACA recipients, as well as a three year extension for those under temporary protective status.

He doubled down on his promise to the American people, and called for an end to the crisis.

“I want this to end, and end now,” said President Trump. “These are not talking points, these are the heartbreaking realities that hurt American families every day on both sides of the border. As a candidate for president, I promised I would fix this crisis, and I intend to keep that promise one way or another.”

Following his address, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a statement, saying everyone has made their point, and now it’s time to make a law.

He added, the proposal will be brought to the Senate floor this week, and with bipartisan cooperation, the house could take action as well.

Despite this, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi already issued a statement before the president’s address, saying she will reject that plan.

I think we need to have a reinterpretation of the limitations of the powers of Congress trying to impede a president with precocious dealings such as delivering a negative answer without first hearing the president, and then talking it over with both aisles in Congress to come up with an acceptance or amendment to the proposals. This intransigence of the House Speaker smacks of incompetence to handle the nation's legislation based on her petty anger for having her demands on the military transport, which is under the jurisdiction of the President, not the House, by the Constitution.

Pelosi is punishing the President, and that's not her job either. If she has an issue with being cut off from privileges that take the military away from their duties, she needs to take her grievance to the courts to straighten it out, because she is not qualified to do it with her grandiose statements of how much more powerful she is than the President, which is inadvisable because it is simply not fitting, and as Mamie said in Gone with the Wind, "It just ain't fittin'!"

It isn't fitting. Our forefathers set up Congress to be a House that negotiates things out, not commandeers the White House with the sole purpose of destroying this democracy we have and setting up a mafioso-like, hatemongering one-sided government with the intention of taking regular working people's wages away from them and having a central committee forcing people to submit to the government rather than to be a free people.

At first I thought House Speaker Pelosi was undergoing first stages of senility, but now I think she wants to turn America into a Communist state with her in charge of every step anyone takes, with all moneys funneled into her privileged coffer. Now, with her so important she doesn't even have to listen to an idea to reject it, I propose that we need immediate attention to removing this sort of leadership and replacing it with a different person who will listen to the President and respond with reasons for or against his conciliatory address.

Speaker Pelosi is cutting off her nose to spite her face.

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