Fake News Blows Up on Journalists Again; Where Are the Apologies?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Fake News Blows Up on Journalists Again; Where Are the Apologies?

By Jeffrey Lord ~~ One can only wonder at this point. Does the liberal media have any idea - any idea at all - as to how much they are damaging their own credibility?
The latest case in point: the phone calls Donald Trump Jr. made in the wake of the now-famous Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer in 2016. Samples include stories like this from 2018:
There was more. But what is striking here - yet again - is that with conservative media under relentless attack because of organized campaigns to intimidate advertisers with the goal of silencing various Fox News hosts or talk radio commentators, the publisher of the New York Times is stone cold silent about that threat to a free press. The problem is completely ignored. There are no infuriated editorials, no in-depth investigative reports about how the shut-down campaigns work and why they are wrong.
All of which leads to a bluntly obvious point. The liberal media - in this case the New York Times — cares about a free press only when the President attacks them for fake news. But when the shoe is on the other foot and the subject of serious attacks designed to shut down conservative media or remove a Fox television anchor is on the table - silence.
The real object, in both cases, is to get the President, get his son, and get anyone out there in the media who supports them.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist Left and their slavish minion LSM will never apologize, because they are abiding their agenda...'get Trump by any means necessary'.
If Mueller does not get him, then they hope to kill him with 1,000 cuts, meaning one contrived controversy after another, until people sicken of him, turn against him, and vote him out of office in 2020.
If, by chance, their false reporting becomes a story in-and-of itself, they don't care. They simply shrug it off and move onto the next one.
The group that needs the apology most is the American people. The corrupt Marxist media lies to us all and some are actually fooled by it as we have seen on these forums.
Ir was only once again proven time and times again as evidenced by the Covington DC incident, Smollett hoax and this passed weekend when the racist Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) was identified falsely by CNN as a Republican.
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It will be all the more fun to watch them on election night in 2020....
They go after everyone that is against their agenda not just Trump.

The Gov. of VA a (D)is against their 9 month term abortion agenda and all of a sudden that Medical School yearbook shows up.
Not even confirmed if it's really him or not and the Dems and media are pushing for his resignation.

They only care about their own agenda and no one else, just like any other Tyrants have done throughout history.
Anyone that believes the "news" that the networks broadcast these days is a malleable useful idiot.
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You want me to feel sorry for a politician who picked a fight with the media?

get real.....

what kind of idiot advertises on the MSM? Alphabet, amazon, FB and their subsidiaries are the big boys of the MSM. They are hitting regulatory hurdles worldwide. They are also likely to be hit in the pocketbook for in kind contributions to the Ds.
What those newspapers need is for someone to throw a wooden shoe into their printing presses.
Leftists never never apologize, admit they're wrong, or have a sense of humor. It's just how it is. :dunno:
It is pretty entertaining to watch all the lefty shitbirds - media, elected dims, the DNC, etc. - get all excited every time some useful idiot floats another “It” allegation and they fall all over one another while forming up their new circle jerk.
There is fake news out from many sources but why did you not put up the titles of fake news from the right?
It is pretty entertaining to watch all the lefty shitbirds - media, elected dims, the DNC, etc. - get all excited every time some useful idiot floats another “It” allegation and they fall all over one another while forming up their new circle jerk.
I know it's like the infanticide lies flying around from the right..
You want me to feel sorry for a politician who picked a fight with the media?

get real.....

Standing up to is picking a fight in lib land i guess. Apparently Trump was supposed to bend over and take it in the ass, anything else is "picking a fight".

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