Fake News And The Iraq War: New Film 'Shock And Awe'...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
All the lies told to justify the Iraq invasion, weren't just told by our Government.

By Martin Armstrong

I recently watched the movie Shock & Awe on the Iraq War. It really showed how the pretend free press are just stenographers for the government and that your President Trump is absolutely correct about fake news. The movie ended with the New York Times apologizing for its fake reporting.

I STRONGLY advise that you take the time to watch this film. Then you will start to understand how the Deep State and how the mainstream press is interlinked. Yes, I know Bill Kristol. He even spoke at one of our conferences back in the early nineties. I do not think he was so much a neocon back then. I would by no means say we were “friends” just knew each other from the political circles in Washington...

Why Did the US Invade Iraq? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
All the lies told to justify the Iraq invasion, weren't just told by our Government.

By Martin Armstrong

I recently watched the movie Shock & Awe on the Iraq War. It really showed how the pretend free press are just stenographers for the government and that your President Trump is absolutely correct about fake news. The movie ended with the New York Times apologizing for its fake reporting.

I STRONGLY advise that you take the time to watch this film. Then you will start to understand how the Deep State and how the mainstream press is interlinked. Yes, I know Bill Kristol. He even spoke at one of our conferences back in the early nineties. I do not think he was so much a neocon back then. I would by no means say we were “friends” just knew each other from the political circles in Washington...

Why Did the US Invade Iraq? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

So does the movie address the following MAJOR issue?

The Invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 was a two-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring state of Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of the country. This invasion and Iraq's subsequent refusal to withdraw from Kuwait by a deadline mandated by the United Nations[8] led to military intervention by a
United Nations-authorized coalition of forces led by the United States.

Was Saddam RIGHT and the UN wrong?

So how was Iraq defeated?
After 42 days of relentless attacks by the allied coalition in the air and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared a cease-fire on February 28; by that time, most Iraqi forces in Kuwait had either surrendered or fled.
Persian Gulf War - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Was the Iraq CEASE FIRE a legal International agreement?
Within two hours, the obviously humbled Iraqi delegation had accepted all the demands that were presented for a permanent cease-fire in the Persian Gulf war. In effect, the Iraqis had surrendered and the coalition's victory over the Government of President Saddam Hussein appeared complete.
AFTER THE WAR: Cease-Fire Meeting; A Hard-Faced Schwarzkopf Sets Terms at Desert Meeting

So it appears that there NEVER was a formal surrender. A 1991 Cease-Fire.

So why did Bill Clinton sign this Act and was it discussed in this movie?
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia

So given the attack on 9/11, 3,000 people killed two American cities attacked, nearly a Trillion dollars in damages... what why did GWB then fulfill the 1998 Liberation of Iraq ACT?

One major issue was WMDs which Scott Pelley of CBS news said was found...
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction.
And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
All the lies told to justify the Iraq invasion, weren't just told by our Government.

By Martin Armstrong

I recently watched the movie Shock & Awe on the Iraq War. It really showed how the pretend free press are just stenographers for the government and that your President Trump is absolutely correct about fake news. The movie ended with the New York Times apologizing for its fake reporting.

I STRONGLY advise that you take the time to watch this film. Then you will start to understand how the Deep State and how the mainstream press is interlinked. Yes, I know Bill Kristol. He even spoke at one of our conferences back in the early nineties. I do not think he was so much a neocon back then. I would by no means say we were “friends” just knew each other from the political circles in Washington...

Why Did the US Invade Iraq? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

So does the movie address the following MAJOR issue?

The Invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 was a two-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring state of Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of the country. This invasion and Iraq's subsequent refusal to withdraw from Kuwait by a deadline mandated by the United Nations[8] led to military intervention by a
United Nations-authorized coalition of forces led by the United States.

Was Saddam RIGHT and the UN wrong?

So how was Iraq defeated?
After 42 days of relentless attacks by the allied coalition in the air and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared a cease-fire on February 28; by that time, most Iraqi forces in Kuwait had either surrendered or fled.
Persian Gulf War - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Was the Iraq CEASE FIRE a legal International agreement?
Within two hours, the obviously humbled Iraqi delegation had accepted all the demands that were presented for a permanent cease-fire in the Persian Gulf war. In effect, the Iraqis had surrendered and the coalition's victory over the Government of President Saddam Hussein appeared complete.
AFTER THE WAR: Cease-Fire Meeting; A Hard-Faced Schwarzkopf Sets Terms at Desert Meeting

So it appears that there NEVER was a formal surrender. A 1991 Cease-Fire.

So why did Bill Clinton sign this Act and was it discussed in this movie?
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy stating that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia

So given the attack on 9/11, 3,000 people killed two American cities attacked, nearly a Trillion dollars in damages... what why did GWB then fulfill the 1998 Liberation of Iraq ACT?

One major issue was WMDs which Scott Pelley of CBS news said was found...
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction.
And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.

The main point it makes, is that US Fake News was complicit in all the lies leading up to the Iraq War.
President Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with U.N. sanctions but Saddam apparently thought Bush was bluffing. Bush asked congress for permission to use ground troops and congress (including 39%) of democrats complied. Bill Clinton claimed that Saddam was building WMD's but that was not the stated purpose of using ground troops. The CIA's role is puzzling. The agency allegedly went along with the conflict and then turned against the president when democrats decided that they didn't support the mission anymore. It should be noted that Harry Truman sent troops to Korea on an (illegal?) executive order and bungled the mission so badly that we lost anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans in a three year quagmire but Korea didn't receive the scrutiny that Iraq did even though the freaking war never ended. There were a couple of movies depicting the heroism of American troops but no behind the scenes political intrigue like you see constantly about the Bush administration. The political double standard has been in place for many years.
President Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with U.N. sanctions but Saddam apparently thought Bush was bluffing. Bush asked congress for permission to use ground troops and congress (including 39%) of democrats complied. Bill Clinton claimed that Saddam was building WMD's but that was not the stated purpose of using ground troops. The CIA's role is puzzling. The agency allegedly went along with the conflict and then turned against the president when democrats decided that they didn't support the mission anymore. It should be noted that Harry Truman sent troops to Korea on an (illegal?) executive order and bungled the mission so badly that we lost anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans in a three year quagmire but Korea didn't receive the scrutiny that Iraq did even though the freaking war never ended. There were a couple of movies depicting the heroism of American troops but no behind the scenes political intrigue like you see constantly about the Bush administration. The political double standard has been in place for many years.

It was all lies. Hussein and Iraq were no threat to the US whatsoever. US Fake News and our Government lied us into war.
In 2003, Kristol and Lawrence F. Kaplan wrote The War Over Iraq: America’s Mission and Saddam’s Tyranny (ISBN ), in which they provided support and justifications for war in Iraq. They argued that war was necessary to create a democracy in the Middle East that they claimed would be the beginning of a new era in American foreign policy. Their neocon ideas of trying to create a democracy in Iraq was simply insane and it completely failed...

Why Did the US Invade Iraq? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.
Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.

Now you have made personal statements WITH NO supporting facts contrary to what rational logical people do, i.e. give substantiation for their "rational reasons".

You have none.

So let's make sure we are "counting" distinct LIES or are they the repetition of the same lie?

Trump has told lies. No question. But not 4,000.

Because the biased MSM has counted for example 64 times that means 64 lies according to the below Post article..
That's where irrational and ignorant statements are passed on to uninformed people like you.
100 days of Trump claims

So by that method Obama told this LIE 36 times...hence he LIED 36 times right? Did Obama LIE 36 times?
36 Times Obama Said You Could Keep Your Health Care Plan

Or how about Obama's "shovel ready Jobs" lIE...
He admitted it was a LIE!!! Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects"
Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

Yet did YOU keep track of how many times Obama LIED about "shovel ready jobs"?

Did the MSM?


I did a search on ""How many Trump lie" 67,200,000 times
Headlines like "Trump has made 3,001 false or.."

BUT how many stories about Obama's LIES???

Politifact.org identifies 72 distinct LIES Obama told.... HOW MANY TIMES were they repeated?
WE DON"T KNOW because no has kept track of the repetitions!
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

There are 72 distinct LIES Politifact calls LIES!
How many times did Obama repeat them? Using the ratio for "you can keep your plan" lie Obama told that lie 36 times or times 72 distinct lies:that's 2,592 times!

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Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 1.37.29 PM.png
Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.

Politicians lie, that's no new revelation. But MSM Journalism is supposed to act as a 'Watchdog.' And that just isn't the case. US MSM 'News' is consistently producing Fake News. It's very sad and disturbing.
This film demonstrates how they lied about absolutely everything to create that war. They bypassed intelligence and cherry-picked reports to pretend that there were weapons of mass destruction. This film shows how corrupt the entire system is and how facts and the press are shaped to justify whatever the government desires. They have conspired to accomplish the same similar goals in Syria...

Why Did the US Invade Iraq? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
This film shows how corrupt the entire system is and how facts and the press are shaped to justify whatever the government desires.

What government is shaping the press these days?

Recent examples would be the US MSM News' shameful cheerleading for war with Syria and Libya. They went all-in on phony reports of Assad Chemical Weapons attacks. And now they're fully onboard with pushing for a new Cold War with Russia. They've created a hysterical 'Red Scare.'
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Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.

Politicians lie, that's no new revelation. But MSM Journalism is supposed to act as a 'Watchdog.' And that just isn't the case. US MSM 'News' is consistently producing Fake News. It's very sad and disturbing.

Completely agree. We have to many media personalities and to few journalist reporting on news.
Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.

Politicians lie, that's no new revelation. But MSM Journalism is supposed to act as a 'Watchdog.' And that just isn't the case. US MSM 'News' is consistently producing Fake News. It's very sad and disturbing.

Completely agree. We have to many media personalities and to few journalist reporting on news.

All propaganda. No actual 'News' is being reported. Credible American Journalism is dead.
Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.

Politicians lie, that's no new revelation. But MSM Journalism is supposed to act as a 'Watchdog.' And that just isn't the case. US MS

.M 'News' is consistently producing Fake News. It's very sad and disturbing.

No one has come close to equaling the total lies Trump has made since he became president. And you Little Trumpsters, don't care. Trump truly could shoot someone on main street and you fuckers would cheer him on. You fools prove it 24/7.
That is a fact.
Question,; has the media lies as much as Donald Trump?
There are over 4,200 documented times that Trump has lied or made misleading statements.
None of these lies/misleading statements have ever been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporter.
As this thread was started by a Trumpser, there is hypocrisy and selective outrage about when the truth is abused.

Politicians lie, that's no new revelation. But MSM Journalism is supposed to act as a 'Watchdog.' And that just isn't the case. US MS

.M 'News' is consistently producing Fake News. It's very sad and disturbing.

No one has come close to equaling the total lies Trump has made since he became president. And you Little Trumpsters, don't care. Trump truly could shoot someone on main street and you fuckers would cheer him on. You fools prove it 24/7.
That is a fact.

Did you read the article? It isn't only about Donald Trump. Fake News has been around a long time. It routinely works with our Government to lie us into disastrous wars.

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