FACT: 1.7 million people make minimum wage or less!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
and of that 51.2% or 861,000 are between 16 years and 24 years old.

Of the 76.5 million people paid by the hour in the United States in 2006, 2.2% make minimum wage or less. Here are some generalizations we can make about minimum wage workers:

Most minimum wage earners are young. While 2.2% of all hourly workers earn minimum wage or less,
just 1.4% of workers over the age of 25 are paid at or below the Federal minimum wage.
More than half (51.2%) of minimum wage workers are between 16 and 24 years old. Another 21.2% are between 25 and 34
Who Earns Minimum Wage? A Statistical Profile

900 comments on pitiful substance "minimum wage" BUT any FACTS as to how many suffered?
ONE anecdotal story and 900 comments! Now that is pitiful!
The secret is in living below your means.
It ain't no party, but it can be done.

All well and good but ONCE again exaggeration, hyperbole, anecdotal exceptional situations garner headlines.."if it bleeds it leads"..

I just want more people to research FACTS before spewing idiocy like oh.. how can anyone live on Minimum and it has 900 comments!
Bold face hyperbole seems to get attention sad to say!
and of that 51.2% or 861,000 are between 16 years and 24 years old.

Of the 76.5 million people paid by the hour in the United States in 2006, 2.2% make minimum wage or less. Here are some generalizations we can make about minimum wage workers:

Most minimum wage earners are young. While 2.2% of all hourly workers earn minimum wage or less,
just 1.4% of workers over the age of 25 are paid at or below the Federal minimum wage.
More than half (51.2%) of minimum wage workers are between 16 and 24 years old. Another 21.2% are between 25 and 34
Who Earns Minimum Wage? A Statistical Profile

Fact 85% of all minimum wage jobs are held for less than 2 years and are not the primary income of household.

They are also almost all held by those under 21 and over 65.
I've lived below my means. Many times in my life. The most extremely difficult experiences, but the most memorable.

Wealth isn't in money, posessions, or property. We've forgotten this. And this will be our downfall.
I've lived below my means. Many times in my life. The most extremely difficult experiences, but the most memorable.

Wealth isn't in money, posessions, or property. We've forgotten this. And this will be our downfall.

Yea that sounds good and righteous but still another platitude!
Facts are the the "poor" people living on minimum wage can:
The "poor" in 2010..
a) 8 million at least have FREE cell phones.. in 1890 NOT EVEN A Millionaire had this!
b) 40 million getting FREE FOOD ... in 1890 millionaires still had to pay!
c) Millions in poverty have TVs,Cars, internet.. DIDN"T exist in 1890!

FACTS are even the "poor" today live better then millionaires in the 1890s!
and of that 51.2% or 861,000 are between 16 years and 24 years old.

Of the 76.5 million people paid by the hour in the United States in 2006, 2.2% make minimum wage or less. Here are some generalizations we can make about minimum wage workers:

Most minimum wage earners are young. While 2.2% of all hourly workers earn minimum wage or less,
just 1.4% of workers over the age of 25 are paid at or below the Federal minimum wage.
More than half (51.2%) of minimum wage workers are between 16 and 24 years old. Another 21.2% are between 25 and 34
Who Earns Minimum Wage? A Statistical Profile


This is what I have been trying to point out for some time. People rail about Minimum wage jobs like they are a bad thing. They are entry level Jobs, and the people that have them, are happy to have them. The Vast majority use them as a stepping stone and rise above Minimum wage quickly. The Few that are stuck in Minimum Wage jobs for life are usually there for a reason.
and of that 51.2% or 861,000 are between 16 years and 24 years old.

Of the 76.5 million people paid by the hour in the United States in 2006, 2.2% make minimum wage or less. Here are some generalizations we can make about minimum wage workers:

Most minimum wage earners are young. While 2.2% of all hourly workers earn minimum wage or less,
just 1.4% of workers over the age of 25 are paid at or below the Federal minimum wage.
More than half (51.2%) of minimum wage workers are between 16 and 24 years old. Another 21.2% are between 25 and 34
Who Earns Minimum Wage? A Statistical Profile


This is what I have been trying to point out for some time. People rail about Minimum wage jobs like they are a bad thing. They are entry level Jobs, and the people that have them, are happy to have them. The Vast majority use them as a stepping stone and rise above Minimum wage quickly. The Few that are stuck in Minimum Wage jobs for life are usually there for a reason.

The same idiots railing about "minimum wage jobs" most likely have either never held one or have never been a small business owner!
In the first example.. if they had worked like evidently YOU and I have you would have been living at home, or with roommates going to school during the day flipping hamburgers at nite! In fact I worked in a beer gas and wine store from 3 in the afternoon to midnite went home slept got up put on a pinstriped suit called on banks getting them enrolled in a new business I started from scratch! After got the first bank.. quit the minimum job!

But people who THINK they are compassionate about the "poor minimum wage person"
have once again that pompous elitist faux egalitarian mentality!
In fact I worked in a beer gas and wine store from 3 in the afternoon to midnite went home slept got up put on a pinstriped suit called on banks getting them enrolled in a new business I started from scratch! After got the first bank.. quit the minimum job!

My platitudes are better than your platitudes.
I've lived below my means. Many times in my life. The most extremely difficult experiences, but the most memorable.

Wealth isn't in money, posessions, or property. We've forgotten this. And this will be our downfall.

I've had the high and low as well. I have dumpster dived. I've bought food with pink stickers on it. I've double couponed (cripes I just remembered I'm supposed to put up a thread about how to make couponing work yikes I better do that) I'm the penultimate recycler (just took a kitchen cabinet from our local dump cut it in half and made a fabulous planter out of it filled with crackerjacks, aladin orange petunias and nolanas. Looks gorgeous btw) I garden and fight giant slugs and mosquitoes as big as drones, but I bring the back yard to life and fill the freezer.

Poor to me is a state of mind. If you have the instinct to survive well and appreciate every blessing you can wrap your head around life as one of my favorite songwriters put it

"life is a highway I wanna ride it all night long".
I find it curious that minimum wage gets the cold hearted wingnuts of the right all in a dither? If jobs existed the debate would be meaningless as employers would compete for workers. That situation occurred during the Clinton years due to Internet bubble and millennium. FDR's job programs and Eisenhower's Interstate project had similar positives. Since then outsourcing has changed the picture. Buy American, made here, developed here, and things could improve for all. As for minimum wage, it is simply a convenient distraction for some.

U.S. Department of Labor - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - Minimum Wage Laws in the States
whining about telling the truth?
Is that what you teach your kids that anytime they see exaggeration, hyperbole, and out and out LYING that it shouldn't be puncture for the faux pious concern?
I bet you tell your kids "don't be a snitch".. You see a friend cop a feel, or steal that's OK!

When people like you criticize people like me for POINTING out the gross exaggerations that create MORE problems then they solve.. CASE in point idiots like you reading sobbing headlines like how can yo live on minimum wage get all bent out of shape!
Contact your paper, your politician BEGGING the minimum wage be raised!
AND guess what the f...k happens?
Small businesses NOW have to let some teenager go because some UNINFORMED idiots like you make a totally wrong assumption about WHO gets minimum wage...hence YOU want to see a $40,000 hamburger flipper who will be let go because his education isn't worth it!
THEN no adult will apply for such a demeaning job!
As a result small business owner pushes existing staff work harder!!!
IDIOT do-gooder PHONY compassion meaning NOTHING do MORE harm in the long run!

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