EZ solution to border problem....ANNEX MEXICO!

The easy solution is to enforce the current immigration laws on the books. If necessary put troops on the border and shut the border down. Then give the 20 million or more that are here 90 days to come forward and declare themselves for the purpose of starting the process of becoming legal. They need to get in the system and pay taxes. Many now get paid cash under the table.

If they do not do not come forward and declare themselves then they get deported. Ike in the 1950's instituted "Operation Wetback" and rounded up 2 million and deported them. ( Being politically correct in the 1950's was not even invented yet) Another "Operation Wetback" needs to commence for the ones that do not come forward.

Give the illegals here a chance to come forward and start the process of becoming a citizen and legal. For the ones that do not and that will probably be the majority then they got no one to blame but themselves when they get deported.
I agree with you on everything except giving the ones here who come forward citizenship. Send them back and make them apply legally.

Too many are here to do that. 70% will not come forward though so you will be rounding up 10 to 15 million for deportation anyway. 70% of the illegals have no desire to become legal.

Of course not. You heard their children, all upset because some American students wore shirts with the American Flag on it...claiming they wouldn't wear "their" flag to school on the 4th of July. Guess what, there is no school here on the 4th you foreigners. If American's wearing shirts with our flag on them bothers you at OUR schools, GO HOME!!!!!

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