Extreme Weather Belief Like A “pagan rite of human sacrifice to ensure a good harvest


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I'm chuckling while posting this blog post by William Teach @ Rightwingnews.

There was a time when Warmists said “weather is not climate! Yeaaaarrrrrrg!” Now, because fewer and fewer are buying into what they push (which they themselves refuse to act on, as witnessed by the yearly working vacations in exotic locations which produced tens of millions of tons of CO2), they have now moved on to “extreme weather” (some, like Al Gore, have even moved on to “dirty weather”) in order to blame every weather event, including snow and cold, on someone else living a modern life

(NY Post) @ Extreme weather & superstition - NYPOST.com makes interesting reading.

And none of it will change the minds of the “global climate-change nomenklatura” as the author calls them.

A case for action: adapting to a changing climate

Over half of the world’s population lives in regions highly exposed to natural disasters.
Across these communities, economic losses from climate change are already substantial
– and on the rise. But only a part of them are insured. Worldwide, insured losses
alone from weather-related disasters have jumped from USD 5.1 billion per year in the
period between 1970 and 1989 to USD 27 billion annually over the last two decades.1
Events such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005 pushed the annual cost of catastrophes to
over USD 100 billion in that same year.2
Global warming, which could see the Earth’s surface temperatures rise by 1.1 to 6.4
degrees Celsius before the end of the century, could further heighten this vulnerability.3
With global temperatures changing, storms and floods would likely become more
severe and more frequent, and sea levels could rise up to one-and-a-half metres by the
end of the century. The most vulnerable regions are in the developing world. According
to the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) Working Group, current climate risks
could cost emerging economies anywhere between 1 and 12 percent of annual gross
domestic product by 2030. Under a high climate change scenario, this figure could
rise up to 19 percent.4
Extreme Weather - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

Weather Gone Wild

Rains that are almost biblical, heat waves that don’t end, tornadoes that strike in savage swarms—there’s been a change in the weather lately. What’s going on?


Extreme weather is hitting the United States with a vengeance and it poses an growing threat to the insurance industry and vast segments of society that rely on insurance for peace of mind and financial security. This summer’s devastating drought and record-high temperatures are only the latest
reminders of the far-reaching impacts that climate change and extreme weather events pose to U.S. property and casualty insurers still reeling from last year’s $32 billion
of insured losses from such events.

These troubling trends come as the industry is already struggling to recover from lower than normal investment returns and a sluggish overall economy. As the Washington Insurance Commissioner, I am concerned because increasing weather-related losses pose threats to the industry’s financial stability, which could ultimately lead to a crisis of affordability and availability of essential insurance
for consumers and businesses, as well as solvency problems for insurers themselves. Potentially larger extreme weather losses in the future, driven by climate change, make these scenarios especially worrisome.

My job as insurance regulator is to confirm that companies are adequately addressing the impact of climate change on their risk profiles and ensure that the public has access to insurance to cover these severe weather events.

One can find the figures and facts concerning the increasing costs and numbers of extreme weather events in all the Insurance Business publications. You can find observations from magazines like National Geographic, and from peer reviewed scientific journals.

You can ignore the warnings and the information at your own risk. And you can make a total fool of yourself by claiming that is is all a fraud.
I'm chuckling while posting this blog post by William Teach @ Rightwingnews.

There was a time when Warmists said “weather is not climate! Yeaaaarrrrrrg!” Now, because fewer and fewer are buying into what they push (which they themselves refuse to act on, as witnessed by the yearly working vacations in exotic locations which produced tens of millions of tons of CO2), they have now moved on to “extreme weather” (some, like Al Gore, have even moved on to “dirty weather”) in order to blame every weather event, including snow and cold, on someone else living a modern life

(NY Post) @ Extreme weather & superstition - NYPOST.com makes interesting reading.

And none of it will change the minds of the “global climate-change nomenklatura” as the author calls them.

Typical of alarmists of any sort. When the climate failed to cooperate, they had no choice but to turn to weather and blame every single weather event on CO2. They are so wrapped up in thier alarmism that the don't see how stupid they look blaming every single thing on a trace atmospheric gas.

Much like gun control nuts who blame every shooting death on firearms manufacturers as if they might feel better about a killing if it were done with a knife or a baseball bat.
Extreme Weather - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

Weather Gone Wild

Rains that are almost biblical, heat waves that don’t end, tornadoes that strike in savage swarms—there’s been a change in the weather lately. What’s going on?


Extreme weather is hitting the United States with a vengeance and it poses an growing threat to the insurance industry and vast segments of society that rely on insurance for peace of mind and financial security. This summer’s devastating drought and record-high temperatures are only the latest
reminders of the far-reaching impacts that climate change and extreme weather events pose to U.S. property and casualty insurers still reeling from last year’s $32 billion
of insured losses from such events.

These troubling trends come as the industry is already struggling to recover from lower than normal investment returns and a sluggish overall economy. As the Washington Insurance Commissioner, I am concerned because increasing weather-related losses pose threats to the industry’s financial stability, which could ultimately lead to a crisis of affordability and availability of essential insurance
for consumers and businesses, as well as solvency problems for insurers themselves. Potentially larger extreme weather losses in the future, driven by climate change, make these scenarios especially worrisome.

My job as insurance regulator is to confirm that companies are adequately addressing the impact of climate change on their risk profiles and ensure that the public has access to insurance to cover these severe weather events.

One can find the figures and facts concerning the increasing costs and numbers of extreme weather events in all the Insurance Business publications. You can find observations from magazines like National Geographic, and from peer reviewed scientific journals.

You can ignore the warnings and the information at your own risk. And you can make a total fool of yourself by claiming that is is all a fraud.

Any hard evidence that any of this is due to CO2?
Some scientists believe that those who fear and/or are obsessed with extreme weather are simply superstitious. These scientists believe that the fear is rooted in a reptilian section of the brain.......and this fear has been apparent in cultures back to the beginning of mankind...........

Extreme weather & superstition - NYPOST.com

Clearly, there are some among us who get totally fucked up about extreme weather.........not unlike your neighbor who cant come within 20 yards of a spider.......

Storm Fears: Survey Explores Weather Phobia | LiveScience

The complete fact is, extreme weather has been with us for billions of years.........the warming OCD's want us to think it is a new phenomenon. There were similar nuts centuries ago who got all fucked up over severe storms or every type and probably were so fucked up by it, it consumed them. And who does that sound like?:D:D:2up:

WHen you see these intelligent scientists on these video's at theseclimate summits, your looking at folks who are consumed by this shit morning noon and night. In all liklihood, they are convinced that the world will end soon if societies dont band together and "do something about it".

But as all the polls show........at least in America, concerns about climate change are so far down the list tht they arent even on it anymore. Why? Because MOST think rationally about this stuff.
At this point, its not even debatable that alarmism is offically gay..........Ive been telling them for almost a decade now that they need a beer and a plan = plan B. The bomb throwing stuff is getting them ABSOLUTELY nowhere. ( as Ive pointed out rather astutely in these pages at least 100 times)
All but the National Geographic article were from the capitalistic insurance insurance and re-insurance agencies. People that are intimately involved in the effects of weather extremes.
All but the National Geographic article were from the capitalistic insurance insurance and re-insurance agencies. People that are intimately involved in the effects of weather extremes.

Ray......there are special interests on both sides and you should know that. Suffice to say that on the warmist side are anti-capitalistic socialists who desire nothing but the destruction of the capitalistic system. In fact, the whole climate change contingent has one single major goal: wealth redistribution. Thats always what its been about and always will be what its about. To a person, all of the warmists loath America and what it has traditionally stood for. They hate the Constitution. They hate successful people. They love and trust government implicitly. Most are committed Marxists. All are card carrying members of the ACLU.

At some juncture, it bares telling that a point may well come where infringement upon individual freedoms will become intolerable to a whole lot of people......a point which I now feel I will see in my lifetime. Indeed........those who push passionately for the confiscation of private property and wealth for the purpose of "social justice" are highly likely to overreach. When they do, the creep of socialism in the USA will stop on a dime Ray.........

Obama's re-election sparks surge in gun sales here and across nation - News

The founding fathers knew well the dangers of a strong central government.........and took that well into account.:up:
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You keep referencing that link. I have read it and don't see anything there that amounts to proof that any of the claims you make are due to CO2. I have asked you which part of the link you want me to read if I want to see some hard evidence that the weather is due to CO2 and you never reply.

What is it there that you believe is proof. There are a lot of statements there but none of them seem to be backed up by anything other than just more statements. Where is the hard evidence that you seem to believe is there?
All but the National Geographic article were from the capitalistic insurance insurance and re-insurance agencies. People that are intimately involved in the effects of weather extremes.

You are joking....right? You accept the opinion of insurance companies regarding climate change and what causes it? Are you aware that insurance companies stand to make a killing off of increased premiums if they can arrange it so that they are insuring the weather and the effects of weather?

That is as nutty as asking a tobacco company's opinion on the health effects of tobacco. No, it is even nuttier because tobacco companies profits are small potatoes compared to the money liability insurance companies stand to make.

I didn't see that you had much credibility before this because you never seem to be able to back up anything you say, but climbing into bed with insurance companies just because by agreeing with you they stand to make money hand over fist is just plain shabby.
All but the National Geographic article were from the capitalistic insurance insurance and re-insurance agencies. People that are intimately involved in the effects of weather extremes.

Yes, they get to charge more for producing nothing and with zero risk. Sounds like a perfect capatilistic dream. You get to screw the little guy with the governments approval. You have zero risk for doing so, and the profits pile up like candy.

Sounds great.
the wheels are coming off the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming wagon. the more they get called out for shoddy science the more they skulk away into grey areas like 'extreme weather' because there is no proof necessary and there is the added benefit that bad weather is always just around the corner.

why didnt the greenies act on, or even acknowledge the National Geographic's near perfect prediction of catastrophic failure of the levies around NOLA in the event of a direct hit by even a weak hurricane? the monies earmarked for levee maintenance was siphoned off to fund 'other projects'.

You keep referencing that link. I have read it and don't see anything there that amounts to proof that any of the claims you make are due to CO2. I have asked you which part of the link you want me to read if I want to see some hard evidence that the weather is due to CO2 and you never reply.

What is it there that you believe is proof. There are a lot of statements there but none of them seem to be backed up by anything other than just more statements. Where is the hard evidence that you seem to believe is there?

There isnt any. Its the established narrative of the radicals but an effort that is fizzling out altogether.

Hard evidence does exist, but it is the hard evidence that exists as selected by the annointed. All the other evidence is automatically dismissed.........because it doesnt fit the narrative.

Which is why these people are now losing in spectacular fashion.............and they know it too.:D:D

"Green energy" is now a regular routine in alot of stand-up comedy all over the nation.:funnyface:

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