Extinct Frog – Not Extinct Any More!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Rediscovered “Extinct” Frog is Not Only Alive — It’s a Living Fossil

By Gemma Tarlach | June 4, 2013 @ Rediscovered ?Extinct? Frog is Not Only Alive ? It?s a Living Fossil : D-brief


The Israeli Hula painted frog seems to be outsmarting/living Mankind in the midst of a war zone. Who says Ma Nature isn't awesome? Read all at the above link.
It's only known habitat is one single pond that is on the verge of destruction? Sounds like the frogs are living on borrowed time. Hope they can restore their habitat. Cool though that they are not completely extinct as originally thought.
It's only known habitat is one single pond that is on the verge of destruction? Sounds like the frogs are living on borrowed time. Hope they can restore their habitat. Cool though that they are not completely extinct as originally thought.

The frog knows he has the "right to return" and is protected by UN Mandates. So he's pretty confident right now of a separate and permanent homeland..
It's only known habitat is one single pond that is on the verge of destruction? Sounds like the frogs are living on borrowed time. Hope they can restore their habitat. Cool though that they are not completely extinct as originally thought.

The frog knows he has the "right to return" and is protected by UN Mandates. So he's pretty confident right now of a separate and permanent homeland..

True...you can kinda tell that from the smug look on his face. :)
Uncle Ferd likes frog legs...

Rare Frog Discovery Has Researchers Hopping for Joy
March 22, 2017 — A discovery involving a rare California frog has researchers hopping for joy.
Nine egg masses from the California red-legged frog were discovered on March 14 in a creek in the Santa Monica Mountains, which stretch from Los Angeles westward along the Malibu coast into Ventura County. The threatened species hasn't been seen naturally in the mountains since the 1970s and the National Park Service has been trying to rebuild the population by transplanting eggs from a population in the nearby Simi Hills.


California red-legged frog, found in the Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles​

The discovery of new egg masses suggests that after four years of effort, the population is showing signs of sustaining itself without human help, although transplants will continue, the park service indicated. "I was literally crying when the stream team showed me the photos of egg masses," Katy Delaney, a National Park Service ecologist with Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, said in a statement. "The years of work we've put in is showing amazing progress. There's still plenty of work to be done, but this is a major moment for the project."


An egg mass from the California red-legged frog, found in a stream in the Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles.​

Red-legged frogs famously appear in the Mark Twain story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. At 2 to 5 inches long, they are the largest native frogs in the West and once were found throughout the state. However, habitat loss, pollution and the rise of non-native species such as crayfish and predatory bullfrogs have vastly shrunk the population. Efforts are under way to restore the species in other areas. Last year, thousands of tadpoles were released in Yosemite National Park, where the natural population vanished more than 40 years ago. Thousands more tadpoles and adult frogs are being bred at the San Francisco Zoo & Gardens for release in the park.

Rare Frog Discovery Has Researchers Hopping for Joy

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