Extendn Unemplymnt Insurnce Ths Yr Shld Be A Given Fr Cngrss!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The current Congress should most definitely extend Unemployment Insurance this year and not let it expire at the end of this month like it is set to. The case for extending is overwhelming.

If this insurance is not extended two million Americans will lose their unemployment checks in December. America is now in the Christmas shopping season, this will hurt the nation's retailers big time not only these two million families spending power is affected but this cut off will spoil the consuming mood of the American consumer they will hear about these cut off families not being able to pay their bills and they will worry about their own economic well-being and hold back on spending. Early next year when the nation's retailers report their fourth quarter profits the figures will be low which will hurt these businesses stock prices and be a drag on business and wall streets confidence which could hurt the nation's economic recovery. Plus, these unemployment check recipients spend this money they get quickly they create an economic stimulating boost to the nation's economy wisdom doesn't call for taking away this stimulating boost right now when the economic recovery is still in a fragile state!

Another very good reason for holding off on the stopping of unemployment checks right now is that when it is stopped nationwide the pain from this government act on the American people is going to be significant, many of these unemployed won't be able to make their mortgage, rent, car/credit card payments, utility bills etc.. This social impact will be palpable, a new level of the hardship this recession has thrust on the American people will be evident. The American people need the current government to drop this situation on the newly elected government's lap especially the new Republican controlled House of Republicans and give them a real wake up call. Because this new Republican government is so misguided they offer no hope to the American worker as a whole on the middle income jobs front!

These Republicans with their lower business taxes and trickle down economic policies are delusional if they thing this is going to generate the numbers of middle class jobs needed by the American people! These Republicans fail to recognize that American business managers have as their priority increasing profit not creating good paying jobs. These Republicans have to gain a commitment to bring back manufacturing to America. Plenty of manufactured items used in American households and in other capacities in America have a price point where they could pay an American worker manufacturing such product a middle class wage. Republicans have to abandon their refusal to support anything that restricts free markets or free trade. Too many ordinary people get hurt with a pure free market system. Countries have to have a domestic industry to compete in a free market system otherwise the whole system is a sham, it is a government's duty to preserve a domestic industry for those goods whose prices can support such an industry - a government has a duty to work to provide decent livable wage jobs for their citizens. Republicans will tell you the answer here is we need American businesses to be doing research and development and come up with new products that people around the world will need and Americans will find good employment in making these new products. The American people have been hearing this crap from their politicians for the past twenty five years with nothing to show we have heard it about the solar power indusrty and the wind power industry and electric car battery industry and what happens American business invent this technology and other countries manufacture the products and little American employment comes from it. Republicans need to get the message from the American people enough is enough do whatever you have to fix this situation but fix it renegotiate the trade agreements allowing countries to protect their domestic industries so that a third of the products consumed domestically come from domestic industries or just start doing what the Chinese and other foreign governments do providing grants and low interest loans to businesses building and running domestic manufacturing industries and put tariffs on foreign imports to protect these industries as needed. Stopping Americans unemployment checks is a bomb and it should be dropped on the next Congress because maybe it will change that Congress for the better otherwise rest assured more unemployment bombs are coming!

If Congress needs help paying for this legislation, American businesses have foreign generated profits sitting off shore because they don't want to pay the thirty-five percent U.S. corporate tax rate on this revenue if they bought it back into the country. Congress for a year or two should lower the tax on this revenue stream to around ten percent, the U.S. treasury would get tens of billions of dollars they would not otherwise get from this tax and they could use this to pay for an unemployment insurance extension. Plus, all this offshore money coming back into the U.S. would have an economic stimulating effect for the American economy, it would be a two-for!
Can't you even come up with a short, snappy title for your rant? "Congress Must Extend Unemployment" would have been fine.... but no, you have to use too many words which requires the removal of letters.... Dude, just reword shit. Seriously. How stupid. If you can't even write a title, why should I bother to read a wall of text?
Yes, they must extend unemployment beyond the nearly 2 years it already runs. Because we don't want people having to go out to look for work during the Xmas season, right? They should be home, enjoying the holidays with lots of presents courtesy of the US taxpayer.

What a 'tard. People need to get off their asses and get a job. If they end up on the street then we can see about doing something. But people are resourceful. They will find something to do.
Better yet...why don't we keep a permanent underclass of people whose only job is not to work? If it gets extended again, then it may as well be extended indefinitely...Then people who work for minimum wage can quit, because unemployment isn't much less and none of the hassle of actual work. Then we can raise the minimum wage, to get people off unemployment, but then there will be less minimum wage jobs available to people who need to get their foot in the door (If a product costs more than it is worth, then costs will have to be cut to make it affordable...Workers will be one of those costs)...then the seperation of haves and have nots grows wider....welcome to generational welfare and the poverty spiral...wonder what countries this has been tried in? Western Europe?
I agree, just extend it till 2 months before the next elections. Dems can run off "See, we care" or "See, Republicans hate American's" forever.
99 weeks is already far more coverage than people bargained for when they purchased unemployment insurance.

You can't change the terms of a contract retroactively in the real world, lets not change the terms of unemployment insurance unless people are paying for the coverage they get.
I agree, since it was this government who got us into this mess. Of course, I hardly consider 400 dollars a week with no insurance any kind of just compensation.
I agree, since it was this government who got us into this mess. Of course, I hardly consider 400 dollars a week with no insurance any kind of just compensation.

You're right. Make it $2000. Hell make it 50000. That sounds pretty just.

Where do they teach this stuff??
Yes, they must extend unemployment beyond the nearly 2 years it already runs. Because we don't want people having to go out to look for work during the Xmas season, right? They should be home, enjoying the holidays with lots of presents courtesy of the US taxpayer.

What a 'tard. People need to get off their asses and get a job. If they end up on the street then we can see about doing something. But people are resourceful. They will find something to do.

15,000,000 unemployed.

3,000,000 job openings.

Get it?
I agree, since it was this government who got us into this mess. Of course, I hardly consider 400 dollars a week with no insurance any kind of just compensation.

You're right. Make it $2000. Hell make it 50000. That sounds pretty just.

Where do they teach this stuff??
Most children are envious little creatures. Not everyone grows out of it.

Yes, they must extend unemployment beyond the nearly 2 years it already runs. Because we don't want people having to go out to look for work during the Xmas season, right? They should be home, enjoying the holidays with lots of presents courtesy of the US taxpayer.

What a 'tard. People need to get off their asses and get a job. If they end up on the street then we can see about doing something. But people are resourceful. They will find something to do.

15,000,000 unemployed.

3,000,000 job openings.

Get it?

Neither one of those numbers is fixed, with new jobs opening all the time.

So on your view maybe we should extend unemployment permanently. Maybe ration jobs like they did in France.
Can't you even come up with a short, snappy title for your rant? "Congress Must Extend Unemployment" would have been fine.... but no, you have to use too many words which requires the removal of letters.... Dude, just reword shit. Seriously. How stupid. If you can't even write a title, why should I bother to read a wall of text?

more fallacy from the dumb bitch of the board
I know these days that quoting scripture will not win any popularity contests but has anyone gotten it yet that we may be on the wrong paths? Could there be a possibility that remembering our roots and previous foundations when the country was going up in prosperity and not down could possibly be advantagious?

Deuteronomy 15:7-11:
7 If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:
8 But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.
9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee.
10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto.
11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.

May God Bless America!

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