EXPOSED: The Real Tea Party Platform


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Once again, directorblue @ Doug Ross Journal Doug Ross @ Journal: EXPOSED: The Real Tea Party Platform has come up with a good piece which explains what the Tea Party is all about. He provides us with a good graphic that shows the principles.


Here's a personal take on the Tea Party. As long as it remains a fractured group of people without a central organization, it will have no power beyond local politics. But, by its very nature, it seems to me to be a most difficult task to bring the varied entities together to coalesce into a viable national organization.

Yes, the media and lefties love to vilify The Tea Party, but don't seem to have the fainest idea of who or what they are attacking.

Do we want to keep our freedoms or not.
All that stuff sounds fine and dandy but when in power they forget it and start kissing rich man ass just like any other republican. What is their current platform? A raft of corporate socialism and neo-confederate throwbacks that bears no resemblance to a coherent populist agenda. Before you accuse me of ignorance understand that I do not look to party manifestos to find what someone believes in, I look to what they fight for and attack with the most energy and right now they are failing the test of giving a damn about anyone other than the 1%.
EXPOSED: The Real Tea Party Platform

Once again, directorblue @ Doug Ross Journal has come up with a good piece which explains what the Tea Party is all about. He provides us with a good graphic that shows the principles.
I don't think that's gonna do a whole-lotta-good.....

"Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the fucking money!"

[ame=]Ticker_Guy_on_Ratigan.flv - YouTube[/ame]​
The biggest flaw in that argument is that their idea of "Faith and Family Values" is conflicting with "Constitutionally Limited Government". But since you did post a fancy chart from some random guy's blog I am now convinced the Tea Party isn't full of shit.
All that stuff sounds fine and dandy but when in power they forget it and start kissing rich man ass just like any other republican. What is their current platform? A raft of corporate socialism and neo-confederate throwbacks that bears no resemblance to a coherent populist agenda. Before you accuse me of ignorance understand that I do not look to party manifestos to find what someone believes in, I look to what they fight for and attack with the most energy and right now they are failing the test of giving a damn about anyone other than the 1%.

you should talk about kissing ass, you do it with the Democrat party and so does your OWS
All that stuff sounds fine and dandy but when in power they forget it and start kissing rich man ass just like any other republican. What is their current platform? A raft of corporate socialism and neo-confederate throwbacks that bears no resemblance to a coherent populist agenda. Before you accuse me of ignorance understand that I do not look to party manifestos to find what someone believes in, I look to what they fight for and attack with the most energy and right now they are failing the test of giving a damn about anyone other than the 1%.

you should talk about kissing ass, you do it with the Democrat party and so does your OWS

:lol::lol::lol: demomcraps will put their hand on Mien Kampf and swear that there's not a demoncrap in the world worth more than thirty thousand dollars.
All that stuff sounds fine and dandy but when in power they forget it and start kissing rich man ass just like any other republican. What is their current platform? A raft of corporate socialism and neo-confederate throwbacks that bears no resemblance to a coherent populist agenda. Before you accuse me of ignorance understand that I do not look to party manifestos to find what someone believes in, I look to what they fight for and attack with the most energy and right now they are failing the test of giving a damn about anyone other than the 1%.

you should talk about kissing ass, you do it with the Democrat party and so does your OWS
Another one who thinks we can run the country entirely for the benefit of the richest and remain free. Do you think a billionaire or their pet politicians give two shits about your freedom if their bottom line is at stake?
All that stuff sounds fine and dandy but when in power they forget it and start kissing rich man ass just like any other republican. What is their current platform? A raft of corporate socialism and neo-confederate throwbacks that bears no resemblance to a coherent populist agenda. Before you accuse me of ignorance understand that I do not look to party manifestos to find what someone believes in, I look to what they fight for and attack with the most energy and right now they are failing the test of giving a damn about anyone other than the 1%.

you should talk about kissing ass, you do it with the Democrat party and so does your OWS
Another one who thinks we can run the country entirely for the benefit of the richest and remain free. Do you think a billionaire or their pet politicians give two shits about your freedom if their bottom line is at stake?

You should ask that of all those millionaires you vote for in the Democrat party..
You OWS types are the excrement of America, nobody cares what you think....nobody gives a shit what you want.

Shitting on Police Cars is about all you are good for kid.

All that stuff sounds fine and dandy but when in power they forget it and start kissing rich man ass just like any other republican. What is their current platform? A raft of corporate socialism and neo-confederate throwbacks that bears no resemblance to a coherent populist agenda. Before you accuse me of ignorance understand that I do not look to party manifestos to find what someone believes in, I look to what they fight for and attack with the most energy and right now they are failing the test of giving a damn about anyone other than the 1%.

you should talk about kissing ass, you do it with the Democrat party and so does your OWS
Another one who thinks we can run the country entirely for the benefit of the richest and remain free. Do you think a billionaire or their pet politicians give two shits about your freedom if their bottom line is at stake?
Wow...a strawman with graphics.

Progressives have finally found powerpoint.

We were wondering how long it would take.
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you should talk about kissing ass, you do it with the Democrat party and so does your OWS
Another one who thinks we can run the country entirely for the benefit of the richest and remain free. Do you think a billionaire or their pet politicians give two shits about your freedom if their bottom line is at stake?

You should ask that of all those millionaires you vote for in the Democrat party..

Republicans are every bit as rich, what's your point? That democrats should only care about rich people too?
Another one who thinks we can run the country entirely for the benefit of the richest and remain free. Do you think a billionaire or their pet politicians give two shits about your freedom if their bottom line is at stake?

You should ask that of all those millionaires you vote for in the Democrat party..

Republicans are every bit as rich, what's your point? That democrats should only care about rich people too?

Heh...Pelosi..Reid...Kerry...the list is long and distinguished.

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