Explaining "the rich" to a Socialist..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Back in the 90s it was all the rage to have lefties moaning about the inequities in the world economy as a whole. THey would pull long lists of factoids about US domination and hegemony like:

The US uses 25% of the world's resources, but only has 5% of the world's population. OR

The US controls 23% of the world's wealth, but only has 5% of the world's population..

Well I'm here to acknowledge the great victory for Social Justice that has been acheived.
In the 20 years since they mounted this hate America campaign --- wrongs have been righted and we all see the fruits of their labor.

You see --- America WAS "the rich". That small selfish statistic that stood in the way of the world wide social justice movement. And WE needed to pay our FAIR SHARE. After all we were benefitting only by trampling the economic opportunities of all those poor 3rd world hell holes like China and the Middle East.

So -- We needed to share the wealth and shed some of our businesses and jobs to make it right. You should be PROUD of the progress of your movement. And now we are ready to roll over and let you do the same for your own nation..

I am conceeding the class war based on the remarkable good that you've brought to the rest of the world..

After all -- we, "the rich" could afford to fork out "just a little more" -- couldn't we?

And if we go down because we're all fighting over the leftovers, will our benefactors survive without us? Sure -- and they'll thank us also..

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