Experts Call For Federal Regulation Of Genetic Ancestry Testing


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
I wasn't sure whether to put this under law, ethics, or science :|

Imagine donating a sample of your DNA to help researchers study the genetics of diabetes. The disease is common among your friends and family, and you're proud of your role in finding out why. Now, imagine that some time later, you learn that your DNA has been used for other studies on topics you never expected — schizophrenia, human migration, inbreeding. Although your name isn't attached to the sample anymore, scientists are using your DNA to draw conclusions about your community and your ancestors. Some of these studies violate your cultural beliefs.

That's what happened to the Havasupai Tribe of Arizona. In 2004, they sued Arizona State University, the institution that originally collected the DNA, for failing to provide ethical oversight on the use of the samples. The case is still working its way through the courts.
Genetic ancestry tests, which can cost just a few hundred dollars and require only a simple cheek swab, are gaining popularity among genealogy hobbyists and curiosity-seekers. But without clear rules and regulations, consumers may not be getting what they were promised. (Lee wrote specifically about the challenges posed by the direct-to-consumer genetic testing industry in the June 5 issue of The American Journal of Bioethics.)
Experts Call For Federal Regulation Of Genetic Ancestry Testing
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Science is a better place for it. Ethics is too broad to use as the reasoning for the religion category. But meh ...

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as they don't tamper with the natural DNA. One thing it will aid in is helping to keep accidental incest incidents to a minimum, if they allow people to utilize it for purposes such as that. As for the studies, it could possibly help in several medical advances in the future.
Science is a better place for it. Ethics is too broad to use as the reasoning for the religion category. But meh ...

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as they don't tamper with the natural DNA. One thing it will aid in is helping to keep accidental incest incidents to a minimum, if they allow people to utilize it for purposes such as that. As for the studies, it could possibly help in several medical advances in the future.

Incest is a minor concern. It is more a social taboo then a danger. Was watching part of a program the other day and the couple were cousins, it only increased the chance for defects by 2 percent.

They pointed out that we allow people with Genetic defects in the family to marry and reproduce and that is a 40 percent chance. We allow women over the age of 40 to reproduce and that raises the odds high too, forgot the number but way over 2 percent.

What happened to that mantra " 2 consenting adults" anyway? Only good for Gays, ehh?
Science is a better place for it. Ethics is too broad to use as the reasoning for the religion category. But meh ...

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as they don't tamper with the natural DNA. One thing it will aid in is helping to keep accidental incest incidents to a minimum, if they allow people to utilize it for purposes such as that. As for the studies, it could possibly help in several medical advances in the future.

Incest is a minor concern. It is more a social taboo then a danger. Was watching part of a program the other day and the couple were cousins, it only increased the chance for defects by 2 percent.

They pointed out that we allow people with Genetic defects in the family to marry and reproduce and that is a 40 percent chance. We allow women over the age of 40 to reproduce and that raises the odds high too, forgot the number but way over 2 percent.

What happened to that mantra " 2 consenting adults" anyway? Only good for Gays, ehh?

Hmm? You must have me confused with someone else again. Incest chances increase the closer they get, and not everyone who is adopted knows they are, so there is always a chance of brother and sister getting together, which would be dangerous genetically.
Science is a better place for it. Ethics is too broad to use as the reasoning for the religion category. But meh ...

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as they don't tamper with the natural DNA. One thing it will aid in is helping to keep accidental incest incidents to a minimum, if they allow people to utilize it for purposes such as that. As for the studies, it could possibly help in several medical advances in the future.

Incest is a minor concern. It is more a social taboo then a danger. Was watching part of a program the other day and the couple were cousins, it only increased the chance for defects by 2 percent.

They pointed out that we allow people with Genetic defects in the family to marry and reproduce and that is a 40 percent chance. We allow women over the age of 40 to reproduce and that raises the odds high too, forgot the number but way over 2 percent.

What happened to that mantra " 2 consenting adults" anyway? Only good for Gays, ehh?

Hmm? You must have me confused with someone else again. Incest chances increase the closer they get, and not everyone who is adopted knows they are, so there is always a chance of brother and sister getting together, which would be dangerous genetically.

Not proven. The reality it only becomes a problem if you have generations of inbreeding. And again how can you justify gays marrying but deny people from marrying because they are related?
Incest is a minor concern. It is more a social taboo then a danger. Was watching part of a program the other day and the couple were cousins, it only increased the chance for defects by 2 percent.

They pointed out that we allow people with Genetic defects in the family to marry and reproduce and that is a 40 percent chance. We allow women over the age of 40 to reproduce and that raises the odds high too, forgot the number but way over 2 percent.

What happened to that mantra " 2 consenting adults" anyway? Only good for Gays, ehh?

Hmm? You must have me confused with someone else again. Incest chances increase the closer they get, and not everyone who is adopted knows they are, so there is always a chance of brother and sister getting together, which would be dangerous genetically.

Not proven. The reality it only becomes a problem if you have generations of inbreeding. And again how can you justify gays marrying but deny people from marrying because they are related?

Um ... why are you insisting on interjecting gays into the discussion? Are you that focused on homosexuality that you just can't stop thinking about it?

The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?
Hmm? You must have me confused with someone else again. Incest chances increase the closer they get, and not everyone who is adopted knows they are, so there is always a chance of brother and sister getting together, which would be dangerous genetically.

Not proven. The reality it only becomes a problem if you have generations of inbreeding. And again how can you justify gays marrying but deny people from marrying because they are related?

Um ... why are you insisting on interjecting gays into the discussion? Are you that focused on homosexuality that you just can't stop thinking about it?

The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?

Innocent offspring? Do you support abortion? If you do,do NOT EVER use that term again.

Once again if the excuse to allow gays to marry is that it is "2 consenting adults" then you have not got a leg to stand on.

Ohh by the way, polygamists are busy building their cases based on the mantra that as long as it is consenting adults it is ok.
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The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?

Actually, the laws exist, like many morality laws, because individuals found the idea repugnant and reprehensible (which makes sense, if one accepts the evolutionary and moral instinct models)
The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?

Actually, the laws exist, like many morality laws, because individuals found the idea repugnant and reprehensible (which makes sense, if one accepts the evolutionary and moral instinct models)

True, however science has come up with a valid reasoning for those laws as well ... so meh. :razz:
The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?

Actually, the laws exist, like many morality laws, because individuals found the idea repugnant and reprehensible (which makes sense, if one accepts the evolutionary and moral instinct models)

True, however science has come up with a valid reasoning for those laws as well ... so meh. :razz:

It is not valid when we allow people with genetic defects in their families to freely reproduce. It is not justified when we allow women over the age of 40 to bear children. There are other examples of why it is not justified scientifically.
Not proven. The reality it only becomes a problem if you have generations of inbreeding. And again how can you justify gays marrying but deny people from marrying because they are related?

Um ... why are you insisting on interjecting gays into the discussion? Are you that focused on homosexuality that you just can't stop thinking about it?

The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?

Innocent offspring? Do you support abortion? If you do,do NOT EVER use that term again.

Once again if the excuse to allow gays to marry is that it is "2 consenting adults" then you have not got a leg to stand on.

Ohh by the way, polygamists are busy building their cases based on the mantra that as long as it is consenting adults it is ok.

Why is it that the "anti-gay" crowd wants this connection? So that when they do get the right they can then say they have a valid excuse to practice their real perversions? I wonder, but it seems the only valid reason.

I support giving the mother the responsibility to make the right or wrong decision and refuse to have another womans moral choices on my conscience. Of course, you have to actually read to comprehend that.
Um ... why are you insisting on interjecting gays into the discussion? Are you that focused on homosexuality that you just can't stop thinking about it?

The risk of long term inbreeding is possible if you become too relaxed on precautions, that's why the laws exist, to stop long term not the individual inbreeding. The laws are to protect the innocent offspring who have no choice in the matter, are you not for protecting babies?

Innocent offspring? Do you support abortion? If you do,do NOT EVER use that term again.

Once again if the excuse to allow gays to marry is that it is "2 consenting adults" then you have not got a leg to stand on.

Ohh by the way, polygamists are busy building their cases based on the mantra that as long as it is consenting adults it is ok.

Why is it that the "anti-gay" crowd wants this connection? So that when they do get the right they can then say they have a valid excuse to practice their real perversions? I wonder, but it seems the only valid reason.

I support giving the mother the responsibility to make the right or wrong decision and refuse to have another womans moral choices on my conscience. Of course, you have to actually read to comprehend that.

Yet you won't let that woman marry whom ever she chooses cause it bothers you. Go figure. Murder is fine but marriage is a no go. Thanks for playing.
Seeing as homosexuality and then morality of incest are only very loosely connected to the OP, can KK split these posts into a thread over in Religion and Ethics about the morality of incest and whether it should be legislated against?

This thread was made to discuss the ethics and regulation of such tests and the informed consent of donors
Seeing as homosexuality and then morality of incest are only very loosely connected to the OP, can KK split these posts into a thread over in Religion and Ethics about the morality of incest and whether it should be legislated against?

This thread was made to discuss the ethics and regulation of such tests and the informed consent of donors

Now you want to dictate what someone can talk about in a thread. Of Course you are appealing to the right person to get your wish.
Seeing as homosexuality and then morality of incest are only very loosely connected to the OP, can KK split these posts into a thread over in Religion and Ethics about the morality of incest and whether it should be legislated against?

This thread was made to discuss the ethics and regulation of such tests and the informed consent of donors

Now you want to dictate what someone can talk about in a thread.

It's called staying on topic and splitting separate discussion into separate threads. Boards consisting of mature persons do it all the time.

Of Course you are appealing to the right person to get your wish.

She is the only mod yet to appear in the thread :rolleyes:
Seeing as homosexuality and then morality of incest are only very loosely connected to the OP, can KK split these posts into a thread over in Religion and Ethics about the morality of incest and whether it should be legislated against?

This thread was made to discuss the ethics and regulation of such tests and the informed consent of donors

Well, we can just ignore the derailer for now.

However, I see no issue with a national database, there are many benefits which outweigh all the possible flaws, I gave only a couple examples. The genetic research possible would be the biggest benefit at this point. The thing that most people don't realize is that many hospitals already have that information on them stored in their system, this would merely make it more accessible to the people who already have access and need for the information.
I guess I'm failing to understand how this becomes a problem:

The problem is that, because scientists can now identify the ancestry behind the DNA, such samples can be used to draw conclusions about small, possibly vulnerable groups of people.

Can anyone explain to me what "possibly vulnerable groups of people" they're talking about, exactly?
I guess I'm failing to understand how this becomes a problem:

The problem is that, because scientists can now identify the ancestry behind the DNA, such samples can be used to draw conclusions about small, possibly vulnerable groups of people.
Can anyone explain to me what "possibly vulnerable groups of people" they're talking about, exactly?

They're hinting at negative eugenics

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