Executive orders gone wild season three. Reminds me of pardongate

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Website to access federal programs. (cant give away the kitchen sink fast enough)

Cap student loan payments (anyone see a similarity to the bursting housing bubble?)

Provide a discount of consolidation of student loans

Mortgage refi program (verdict still out)

Accelerating products from labs to marketplace

Hiring 8000 vets in 3 years program (lol will happen anyways)

Helping vets become physician assistants

Establish the presidential economic recovery advisory board (hahaha 3 years and then.....)

Establishing a whitehouse council on automotive communities and workers (gotta keep track of those union voters)

Federal leadership in environmental energy and economic performance (hint.... Electric cars aren't selling)

Presidents advisory council on financial capability (how much more can we spend advisors?)

National export initiative

Establish gulfcoast Eco restoration task force

Export enforcement coordination center

Whitehouse council for community solutions (good ole acorn)

Improving regulation review

Establishment of presidents council on jobs and competitiveness

Establishment of the intellectual property enforcement advisory committees

Establishment of the whitehouse rural council

Delivering an efficient, effective and accountable govt (omg lololololololol)

Establishment of the select USA initiative

Coordinating policies on automotive communities and workers (and libs say he doesn't want to control gm)

Regulation and independent regulatory agencies

Interagency working group on coordination of domestic energy development and permitting in Alaska (ill believe it when I see it)

This list was compiled from Bulls and Bears on Fox news @ 9am on Saturday.
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Want some cheese with that whine, gramps?

Go look up how many executive orders were issued by shrub

Please point out where I was whining.

Also, this post is about our current potus. Pointing out previous stupid behavior does not give Obama a free pass to also be stupid.
I agree with jillian, the past practices in the issuance of executive orders are highly relevant to interpreting Obama's orders. Any way you slice it, Obama has issued noticeably fewer orders than GWB had at this point in his presidency: Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index. The two time periods aren't particularly comparable, of course. GWB had 9/11 and Obama had a major ongoing financial crisis. If you go back to Clinton, who had no crises of comparable magnitude, he had even more executive orders.

I don't consider the bare number of executive orders a good metric for anything in particular. For example, GWB used executive orders to establish ongoing programs like the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and the Office of Homeland Security and to order the military to active duty after 9/11. He also used an executive order to amend the order of succession within the Department of Agriculture (that is, who will act as Sec. Ag. if the Secretary dies). Different executive orders have vastly different implications, and just counting them doesn't tell you much about how they are used.

I'm also not sure why this reminds you of pardongate, which I assume is a reference to Clinton's 11th-hour pardons.
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Want some cheese with that whine, gramps?

Go look up how many executive orders were issued by shrub

Please point out where I was whining.

Also, this post is about our current potus. Pointing out previous stupid behavior does not give Obama a free pass to also be stupid.

Actually, you talked about pardongate (another rightwing creation). These things can't be measured in a vacuum, no matter how much you want to ignore what your president and your congress did.

It doesn't work that way.
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That's why I didn't count them or compare them to previous administrations lady. These orders speak for themselves and will stand on their own merits making their imposition irrelevant to other presidents.

For instance, multiple orders to follow or influence sections of the private sector that are mostly unionized. Or orders to hire 8k soldiers which will happen anyways thus he can claim credit for it. Some of these are just laughable. Simply tinkering around the edges of our problems without attacking them head on.
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Want some cheese with that whine, gramps?

Go look up how many executive orders were issued by shrub

Please point out where I was whining.

Also, this post is about our current potus. Pointing out previous stupid behavior does not give Obama a free pass to also be stupid.

Actually, you talked about pardongate (another rightwing creation). These things can't be measured in a vacuum, no matter how much you want to ignore what your president and your congress did.

It doesn't work that way.
Actually it does work that way. Each president stands on his own group of accomplishments or failures. Except Obama, he still blames everyone else when he fails and takes credit when he succeeds.

Who was the last president to constantly place blame on his predecessors in his 3rd year in office?

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