Excuse me dirty harry


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

FYI Obama did not keep all his “promises” because of a 12% job approval rate congress that instead of compromising threw roadblocks up at his every turn, but in spite of the roadblocks, Dirty Harry if you can understand this, Obama did not fail. The stimulus worked, G.M. is alive paying off the loan and giving employee bonuses and Osama is dead and he did not get his 72 virgins and the banks are lending and the paying off and we are in a recession recovery instead of a depression we were heading when Obama took office, thanks to Bush and unemployment is at 8.1% instead of 20%. He pass affordable healthcare that no other president was able to do and it’s being paid for and provides medical care to 45 million people who were uninsured and is saving lives with preventive healthcare. And makes Medicare strong until 2034 instead of 2016. Not a bad record for a “failure.” Not only are you a dumb *** washed up old actor but deaf and blind also.

I am an old Native American woman and I love James Taylor and Obama.
Wahhh Wahhh Wahh Congress doesn't love Obama like I do! Wahhh

Shut the fuck up.

Reagan had an even more hostile Congress that lied to his face
Obama got his health care, stimulus and cash for clunkers......still didnt do shit, so quit blaming republicans, clinton worked with the republicans, reagan with the democrats, but Obama is a leftwinger and wont compromise
well now they have a crystal ball to see that unemployment would of been 20% INSTEAD OF JUST 8% because of Obama

He passed ObamaCare AGAINST THE WILL of the people, remember Pelosi, you have to pass it to see what's in it...oh yeah, Obama the great..

He used OUR money to bail ONE damn car company and they are still failing, yet they cheer him as some hero..and try to blow smoke up our asses with he SAVED THE ENTIRE AUTO INDUSTRY

you can paint lipstick on a pig it's still a damn pig
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