Exclusive Trump to release JFK assassinations files


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Exclusive: Trump to Release JFK Assassination Files

President Trump is expected to declassify CIA documents relating to the JFK assassination which may finally debunk the official story that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

The president spoke to Infowars correspondent Roger Stone on Thursday about releasing more JFK files to the public to the dismay of the CIA.


Oh and the CIA begged Trump not to come out with these this should be interesting.
I'd like to see those, but as you know what trump says while he's taking a shit or wakes up in the morning or at sunset changes within a couple of hours.
Exclusive: Trump to Release JFK Assassination Files

President Trump is expected to declassify CIA documents relating to the JFK assassination which may finally debunk the official story that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

The president spoke to Infowars correspondent Roger Stone on Thursday about releasing more JFK files to the public to the dismay of the CIA.


Oh and the CIA begged Trump not to come out with these this should be interesting.

why the orange sociopath is demeaning his office by talking to infowars is beyond me.

that said... he should release the information. *shrug*

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