
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

That’s what Reno channel 2 morning news reported call the reorganization of the one years university of the demise of Osama. If Bush had got Osama “dead or alive” we would have a national holiday with a parade yearly and a statue on Bush erected next to Martin King or at the site of 911. When the news got out that Obama had got Osama there were nation wide applauding. Appalling that Obama mention Osama on the university of the death? And university happen to fall on an election years has nothing to do with it. Hypocrites.
Taking a shot at GOP rival Mitt Romney over his potential decision-making is not “excessive celebrating” Osama death.
President Obama denies 'excessive celebration' on anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death - NY Daily News

Bush’s “mission accomplished” grandstanding when the mission was not accomplished is was a celebration by Bush. The only problem with getting Osama is that it was Obama got him instead of Bush. Obama did accomplish the mission and there were no grandstanding or celebration.
Channel 2 morning radical right wing news host never past up a chance to take cheap shots at Obama. Report the news and leave personal attacks on Obama to blogs.
If is want to hear cheap shots toward Obama, I would go to FOXNEWS.
Obama's only making more terrorists!

You can't fight an ideology with bullets and bombs!
Can anyone tell me how we conservatives have been dancing in the streets over .....

Saddam Hussein is Captured Day?

Have I missed that date on the Republican calendar of days to celebrate a great victory?

December 13th should be the day of the party. I double checked my conservative date book and there's nothing nada about being able to shamelessly brag on and on.


Or how about a let's celebrate President Bush for arranging the execution of Saddam Hussein every December 30th?

Party down!!!
So the guy that earned the Nobel Peace Prize is celebrating the death of Bin Laden..........wonder if the Nobel committee is having any buyers remorse??

Anyone that celebrates the death of another isn't fit to lead the US or anything else. Terrorist is as terrorist does, but the war on terror is over, right!!

Not only is this guy clueless, he's also classless!!

That’s what Reno channel 2 morning news reported call the reorganization of the one years university of the demise of Osama. If Bush had got Osama “dead or alive” we would have a national holiday with a parade yearly and a statue on Bush erected next to Martin King or at the site of 911. When the news got out that Obama had got Osama there were nation wide applauding. Appalling that Obama mention Osama on the university of the death? And university happen to fall on an election years has nothing to do with it. Hypocrites.
Taking a shot at GOP rival Mitt Romney over his potential decision-making is not “excessive celebrating” Osama death.
President Obama denies 'excessive celebration' on anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death - NY Daily News

Bush’s “mission accomplished” grandstanding when the mission was not accomplished is was a celebration by Bush. The only problem with getting Osama is that it was Obama got him instead of Bush. Obama did accomplish the mission and there were no grandstanding or celebration.
Channel 2 morning radical right wing news host never past up a chance to take cheap shots at Obama. Report the news and leave personal attacks on Obama to blogs.
If is want to hear cheap shots toward Obama, I would go to FOXNEWS.

"Mission Accomplished" was the celebration of the successful invasion of Iraq.

Love the ways you left wing psychos love to rewrite history.


Oh and btw Ariana Huffington slagged Obama for his advertisement bragging on his killing of Osama. Last I heard she wasn't working for Fox News.
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They will do anything to protect their dear leader... he can do no wrong.


"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished
They will do anything to protect their dear leader... he can do no wrong.


"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Yep... he had t sleep on it too.

Real gutsy

Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama took 16 hours to make up his mind | Mail Online
Can anyone tell me how we conservatives have been dancing in the streets over .....

Saddam Hussein is Captured Day?

Have I missed that date on the Republican calendar of days to celebrate a great victory?

December 13th should be the day of the party. I double checked my conservative date book and there's nothing nada about being able to shamelessly brag on and on.


Or how about a let's celebrate President Bush for arranging the execution of Saddam Hussein every December 30th?

Party down!!!

The part that you missed (and keep missing) is that Saddamm Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. Now, get it tatooed somewhere before you "miss" it again.
They will do anything to protect their dear leader... he can do no wrong.


"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Yep... he had t sleep on it too.

Real gutsy

Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama took 16 hours to make up his mind | Mail Online

That's right. He weighed the options, thought about it, didn't make a snap decision that put American lives at risk.

Damn, he acted downright Presidential.

"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Yep... he had t sleep on it too.

Real gutsy

Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama took 16 hours to make up his mind | Mail Online

That's right. He weighed the options, thought about it, didn't make a snap decision that put American lives at risk.

Damn, he acted downright Presidential.

Yeah... OK. :lol:
Can anyone tell me how we conservatives have been dancing in the streets over .....

Saddam Hussein is Captured Day?

Have I missed that date on the Republican calendar of days to celebrate a great victory?

December 13th should be the day of the party. I double checked my conservative date book and there's nothing nada about being able to shamelessly brag on and on.


Or how about a let's celebrate President Bush for arranging the execution of Saddam Hussein every December 30th?

Party down!!!

The part that you missed (and keep missing) is that Saddamm Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. Now, get it tatooed somewhere before you "miss" it again.

I never said he did. Read my post carefully again. Where did I claim he was involved with 9/11?

He was a vicious dictator and terrorist supporter. He was suspected of having WMD by both the Dems and the Republicans, hence the invasion.

The bottom line is we succeeded in capturing him, and unlike Gaddafi, President Bush insured that Saddam received a fair trial for his war crimes and his human rights atrocities.

So why aren't we celebrating this? Because we have class.

Unlike the liberals who are going koo koo bye bye in their blood lust because brave brave Obama said...


What a freaking champ! What bravery! What guts! What a man!

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They will do anything to protect their dear leader... he can do no wrong.


"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Gutsy? Yes, I suppose it was. And any POTUS would have done the same. Obama's attempt to say Romney wouldn't is patently absurd.
They will do anything to protect their dear leader... he can do no wrong.


"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Gutsy? Yes, I suppose it was. And any POTUS would have done the same. Obama's attempt to say Romney wouldn't is patently absurd.

Any feelings of admiration I had for Obama on the issue of Bin Laden have now been eroded by this "spike the football, look at me I am a God routine".

Admiration has now turned to disgust with the "neener neener look what I did and Romney wouldn't do it".

Obama truly demeans the Presidency with every idiotic move he makes.
They will do anything to protect their dear leader... he can do no wrong.


"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Gutsy? Yes, I suppose it was. And any POTUS would have done the same. Obama's attempt to say Romney wouldn't is patently absurd.

I disagree. Mittney may not have made the decision to go into Pakistan.

Ive heard on the radio that the mission had a 50/50 chance of succeeding at best. If it had failed, the politcal backlash would have destroyed any chance obama had in the next election. Thats a big risk.

You really think Mittney would risk his second term making a decision like that? Think about it. When has Mittney ever taken a REAL STAND on anything? Ole etch a sketch moves with the wind. Back and forth, flippity floppity, in his campaign for the presidency.

No way Mittney would order such a risky mission in his first term.

"our dear leader' made a gutsy call sending men into Pakistan to get Osama. Think about Reagan and Beriut, or even better Carter and the failed IranHostage rescue. Obama sent American military forces 100 miles into Pakistan! If that mission goes wrong, then the Obama presidency is OVER from that moment on. Obama risked everything on that decision.

And as far as celebrating the decision? And how Republicans would NEVER do that? Lol

I have only a two word reply to that hilarious bullshit argument:

Mission Accomplished

Gutsy? Yes, I suppose it was. And any POTUS would have done the same. Obama's attempt to say Romney wouldn't is patently absurd.

I disagree. Mittney may not have made the decision to go into Pakistan.

Ive heard on the radio that the mission had a 50/50 chance of succeeding at best. If it had failed, the politcal backlash would have destroyed any chance obama had in the next election. Thats a big risk.

You really think Mittney would risk his second term making a decision like that? Think about it. When has Mittney ever taken a REAL STAND on anything? Ole etch a sketch moves with the wind. Back and forth, flippity floppity, in his campaign for the presidency.

No way Mittney would order such a risky mission in his first term.

That position is laughable. Had he not done it the political fallout would have been fatal. You know it, I know it and Obama knows it. To assert otherwise is simply not credible.
To assert that ANY POTUS in a similar situation wouldn't follow through is equally laughable.
Can anyone tell me how we conservatives have been dancing in the streets over .....

Saddam Hussein is Captured Day?

Have I missed that date on the Republican calendar of days to celebrate a great victory?

December 13th should be the day of the party. I double checked my conservative date book and there's nothing nada about being able to shamelessly brag on and on.


Or how about a let's celebrate President Bush for arranging the execution of Saddam Hussein every December 30th?

Party down!!!

The part that you missed (and keep missing) is that Saddamm Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. Now, get it tatooed somewhere before you "miss" it again.

I never said he did. Read my post carefully again. Where did I claim he was involved with 9/11?

He was a vicious dictator and terrorist supporter. He was suspected of having WMD by both the Dems and the Republicans, hence the invasion.

The bottom line is we succeeded in capturing him, and unlike Gaddafi, President Bush insured that Saddam received a fair trial for his war crimes and his human rights atrocities.

So why aren't we celebrating this? Because we have class.

Unlike the liberals who are going koo koo bye bye in their blood lust because brave brave Obama said...


What a freaking champ! What bravery! What guts! What a man!


Its called Commander in Chief for a reason. because they dont move without his ok.

Therefore any success or failure of a mission like that falls on his shoulders. If it had failed I guarantee you the right would be parading it around as if it were the Christ child Himself.
Gutsy? Yes, I suppose it was. And any POTUS would have done the same. Obama's attempt to say Romney wouldn't is patently absurd.

I disagree. Mittney may not have made the decision to go into Pakistan.

Ive heard on the radio that the mission had a 50/50 chance of succeeding at best. If it had failed, the politcal backlash would have destroyed any chance obama had in the next election. Thats a big risk.

You really think Mittney would risk his second term making a decision like that? Think about it. When has Mittney ever taken a REAL STAND on anything? Ole etch a sketch moves with the wind. Back and forth, flippity floppity, in his campaign for the presidency.

No way Mittney would order such a risky mission in his first term.

That position is laughable. Had he not done it the political fallout would have been fatal. You know it, I know it and Obama knows it. To assert otherwise is simply not credible.
To assert that ANY POTUS in a similar situation wouldn't follow through is equally laughable.


Had Biden been President, the mission wouldnt have happened

Joe Biden Advised Against the Osama Bin Laden Raid - ABC News

Thank God Biden isnt President.

And Bush and Clinton have both been accused of letting Bin Laden get away

Bush Saved Osama Bin Laden at least twice… | Addicting Info
BBCW: Bill Clinton let Osama Bin Laden Go, As the Press Insults George W. Bush over Bin Ladin
CIA operative says Bush, military leaders let bin Laden escape
Maurice Hinchey: George W. Bush 'intentionally' lost Osama bin Laden - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

The idea that ANYONE in that position would have made the exact same choice is utter nonsense. If it WERE true, then it wouldnt matter who was President at all, would it?
I find it ironic that so many people on here who criticize Obama for getting Osama Bin Laden are the same ones who continually say that messiah Ronnie Reagan single handily won the cold war.

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