Excellent News for America - this November we will elect leaders w/out establishment


Nov 17, 2011
There is some very good news for America: this November we will elect all new senators, all new congressmen and a new president, without them being pre selected by the establishment elite! All candidates who participated in CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC debates including Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney are disqualified and are strongly advised to abandon their campaigns. they can go peacefully, or they can go like Gadhafi, either way, they will go, because we will get united, because you will share this message with all your friends right away. any radio or television personality who does not fully endorse pvsi.net, is considered a traitor, and will face consequences.

read more: People VS media

And please consider becoming a candidate, no money involved - remember - the candidates on the establishment media circus are a fraud/non existent, therefor America needs leaders like you. this is not another scam, I will keep anoying you until you will finally wake up, I'm like that beeper in the Bruce allmighty movie, sound unbelievable but totaly true.
Pvsi I have better ideas,plans,and proposals than all of them. I believe in government for the people,by the people,and of the people.if interested,can email my proposals,some are being reviewed in my state for vote
Pvsi I have better ideas,plans,and proposals than all of them. I believe in government for the people,by the people,and of the people.if interested,can email my proposals,some are being reviewed in my state for vote
You should consider being a candidate for senate or congress

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