Excellent Description of Where Our Problems Come From America Today

Actually, he called him a facist.

Thanks for agreeing with me that topspin did NOT equate Liberty to Fascism but was instead referring to T. LOL

Nipspot lacks the grey matter necessary to equate water with wet.

So what does it say about you when you chime in to help T/smear topspin and end up pointing out that T's claim was false as you defend topspin from a false smear??

LOL You try to smear but end up defending and you have the nerve to comment on someone else's grey matter?? LOL Do your posts usually backfire like that??
PP, do you have something to say yourself? I mean directly relating to the video in the first post that is??

Did you happen to miss that fact that you offerend nothing but a baseless opinion that it's an "Excellent Description of Where Our Problems Come From America Today" and "This is a great watch, its long but this guy hits it pretty good." so do you have any SPECIFICS to offer about this man's OPINIONS and how they are what you claim or do you only demand specifics from people you disagree with while you offer NONE yourself??
CON$ think it is excellent because it blames America's problems on their favorite scapegoats, Liberals, Europeans, Professors, etc. The only thing CON$ might disagree with is the bigot failed to blame Hollywood also!

Ok, I give... who is to blame?

Oh.. let's see... Christians, Jews, conservatives, etc.
To blame for what?
The bigot's false premise that Americans are too stupid to know what America is?

He said that the Greatest Generation didn't teach his generation what America is, but that is just a projection of the fact that HIS parents didn't teach him how great it is to be American.
How is it the fault of Liberal professors and Europe that his parents taught him to hate America???????
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I can't be sure if you or the banned 'Lost Soul' are worse? Or even if you're the same? *Jury is out*.

But I will tell you this?

The Military is a Mandated function of. governemnt. Socialist Welfare and equalization at the power of the Imperial FED is not. If Flies in the face of Liberty, and the Limits imposed on government in regards to Liberty.

Government's role is to safeguard Liberty...not ROB IT. And Liberty is an all or nothing proposition bolstered in this Republic with the rule of LAW.

Simple Premise: Life, Liberty, Persuit Of Happiness...of the Individual. Not of Government for the purposes of EQUAL OUTCOME at the behest of the jealous or lazy.

You I can see are a product of Government schools of the past couple decades...and weren't taught these things. Stick around bub. Get a real education.

It seems the video was lost upon you, and you are more apt for the French/EU Model that has failed...and they are having RIOTS over even now.

Perhaps you might wanna move there?

just as i thought, fuck you facist

I spoke of LIBERTY...you seem to equate that to Fascism...so? Can I task you to tell me if the Imposition of Liberty is Fascism?


I argue for your freedom...and you in turn call me no better than a Hitler or Moussilini who saw fit to take it away once upon a time in history.

History is certainly been lost in your narrow brow. Shame this is.

~Go Figure.
"Narrow brow" indeed !
He hasn't passed on his "whiteness". He wants to teach Americans how to be white and American Christian. It's a kind of white Christian. Not like Middle Easter Christian or European Christian.

And he lies. Listen to him lying.


He says people don't work long and hard enough. They want "vacations" and to "retire" one day. The greedy bastards.

I bet he's worked to help send jobs to China.

I bet he's read the constitution the same as Christine O'Donnell. Both scholars. Greeks don't believe in their own culture?

He's talking about Iranian women? American right wingers put Iraqi women into burkas. Their lies ruined a country that was already a mess. But they made it worse and made it our mess.

This is a great watch, its long but this guy hits it pretty good.

Great watch? It's not very hard to understand what Prager is saying...ALL America's problem = liberals. They are not like us (Americans)

The problem isn't what the greatest generation taught, it's what the generation that followed DID. They turned their backs on the greatest generation. They systematically dismantled or attacked every program and accomplishment the greatest generation created.

Ironic PLYMCO_PILGRIM; you choose a quote from a great liberal from the greatest generation, an era dominated by liberalism.
What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

But first, I would like to say what I understand the word "Liberal" to mean and explain in the process why I consider myself to be a "Liberal"

This is my political credo:

I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas. It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.

I believe also in the United States of America, in the promise that it contains and has contained throughout our history of producing a society so abundant and creative and so free and responsible that it cannot only fulfill the aspirations of its citizens, but serve equally well as a beacon for all mankind. I do not believe in a superstate. I see no magic in tax dollars which are sent to Washington and then returned. I abhor the waste and incompetence of large-scale federal bureaucracies in this administration as well as in others. I do not favor state compulsion when voluntary individual effort can do the job and do it well. But I believe in a government which acts, which exercises its full powers and full responsibilities. Government is an art and a precious obligation; and when it has a job to do, I believe it should do it. And this requires not only great ends but that we propose concrete means of achieving them.

Our responsibility is not discharged by announcement of virtuous ends. Our responsibility is to achieve these objectives with social invention, with political skill, and executive vigor. I believe for these reasons that liberalism is our best and only hope in the world today. For the liberal society is a free society, and it is at the same time and for that reason a strong society. Its strength is drawn from the will of free people committed to great ends and peacefully striving to meet them. Only liberalism, in short, can repair our national power, restore our national purpose, and liberate our national energies. And the only basic issue in the 1960 campaign is whether our government will fall in a conservative rut and die there, or whether we will move ahead in the liberal spirit of daring, of breaking new ground, of doing in our generation what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson did in their time of influence and responsibility.

Our liberalism has its roots in our diverse origins. Most of us are descended from that segment of the American population which was once called an immigrant minority. Today, along with our children and grandchildren, we do not feel minor. We feel proud of our origins and we are not second to any group in our sense of national purpose. For many years New York represented the new frontier to all those who came from the ends of the earth to find new opportunity and new freedom, generations of men and women who fled from the despotism of the czars, the horrors of the Nazis, the tyranny of hunger, who came here to the new frontier in the State of New York. These men and women, a living cross section of American history, indeed, a cross section of the entire world's history of pain and hope, made of this city not only a new world of opportunity, but a new world of the spirit as well.

Acceptance Speech of the New York Liberal Party Nomination

John F. Kennedy
September 14, 1960

He hasn't passed on his "whiteness". He wants to teach Americans how to be white and American Christian. It's a kind of white Christian. Not like Middle Easter Christian or European Christian.

And he lies. Listen to him lying.


He says people don't work long and hard enough. They want "vacations" and to "retire" one day. The greedy bastards.

I bet he's worked to help send jobs to China.

I bet he's read the constitution the same as Christine O'Donnell. Both scholars. Greeks don't believe in their own culture?

He's talking about Iranian women? American right wingers put Iraqi women into burkas. Their lies ruined a country that was already a mess. But they made it worse and made it our mess.

OF COURSE!!! Why did I not notice it? IT HAS TO BE RACIAL!! All that white hood KKK spouting and black bashing that Prager did in that video. As always RDean, you have NOTHING to add to anything. Get off the race bandwagon and attack what the man actually SAID instead of hating every white person because they are so 'racist.'
Of course CON$ love it because the first thing America hater Prager does is blame the American people for America not being CON$ervative enough to suit him.

What is exceptional about America is it is not full of bigots like Prager!!!!

Prager said no such thing. Watch the video again and give it another try.
Take your own advice.

He said "The greatest generation didn't teach my generation what America is." Then he blamed that on Dewey and Liberal professors which is probably all you heard. After blaming Libs and bashing Europe he summarized it as, "We are our problem."

Take my original advice and watch the video again. Then come back and let us know where he blamed "the American people for America not being CON$ervative (sic) enough to suit him."
Prager said no such thing. Watch the video again and give it another try.
Take your own advice.

He said "The greatest generation didn't teach my generation what America is." Then he blamed that on Dewey and Liberal professors which is probably all you heard. After blaming Libs and bashing Europe he summarized it as, "We are our problem."

Take my original advice and watch the video again. Then come back and let us know where he blamed "the American people for America not being CON$ervative (sic) enough to suit him."
Again take your own advice. The bigot equates Americanism with CON$ervatism. How could you possibly have missed it???

"The average American who deeply loves this country and even has CON$ervoFascist values cannot articulate what those values are."
The Bigot
Take your own advice.

He said "The greatest generation didn't teach my generation what America is." Then he blamed that on Dewey and Liberal professors which is probably all you heard. After blaming Libs and bashing Europe he summarized it as, "We are our problem."

Take my original advice and watch the video again. Then come back and let us know where he blamed "the American people for America not being CON$ervative (sic) enough to suit him."
Again take your own advice. The bigot equates Americanism with CON$ervatism. How could you possibly have missed it???

"The average American who deeply loves this country and even has CON$ervoFascist values cannot articulate what those values are."
The Bigot

Hey, moron, I'm just quoting you. And pointing out to the class he never said what you claimed he did. I can understand that being a problem for you, so chalk it up as a learning experience and try to do better next time.
Take my original advice and watch the video again. Then come back and let us know where he blamed "the American people for America not being CON$ervative (sic) enough to suit him."
Again take your own advice. The bigot equates Americanism with CON$ervatism. How could you possibly have missed it???

"The average American who deeply loves this country and even has CON$ervoFascist values cannot articulate what those values are."
The Bigot

Hey, moron, I'm just quoting you. And pointing out to the class he never said what you claimed he did. I can understand that being a problem for you, so chalk it up as a learning experience and try to do better next time.
Hey dumbass, I paraphrased the bigot accurately and supplied the quotes that support my paraphrasing. YOU posted nothing but your worthless opinion.
Again take your own advice. The bigot equates Americanism with CON$ervatism. How could you possibly have missed it???

Hey, moron, I'm just quoting you. And pointing out to the class he never said what you claimed he did. I can understand that being a problem for you, so chalk it up as a learning experience and try to do better next time.
Hey dumbass, I paraphrased the bigot accurately and supplied the quotes that support my paraphrasing. YOU posted nothing but your worthless opinion.

Thank you for finally admitting what I wrote in the beginning is correct, "Prager said no such thing." Which by the way is a fact, not an opinion.
Hey, moron, I'm just quoting you. And pointing out to the class he never said what you claimed he did. I can understand that being a problem for you, so chalk it up as a learning experience and try to do better next time.
Hey dumbass, I paraphrased the bigot accurately and supplied the quotes that support my paraphrasing. YOU posted nothing but your worthless opinion.

Thank you for finally admitting what I wrote in the beginning is correct, "Prager said no such thing." Which by the way is a fact, not an opinion.
Thank you for finally admitting that my paraphrasing in the beginning was 100% accurate by your not supplying a quote that contradicts it and supports your worthless opinion.
Hey dumbass, I paraphrased the bigot accurately and supplied the quotes that support my paraphrasing. YOU posted nothing but your worthless opinion.

Thank you for finally admitting what I wrote in the beginning is correct, "Prager said no such thing." Which by the way is a fact, not an opinion.
Thank you for finally admitting that my paraphrasing in the beginning was 100% accurate by your not supplying a quote that contradicts it and supports your worthless opinion.

Here. I underlined the part you must have missed. Or, maybe just don't understand.
Thank you for finally admitting what I wrote in the beginning is correct, "Prager said no such thing." Which by the way is a fact, not an opinion.
Thank you for finally admitting that my paraphrasing in the beginning was 100% accurate by your not supplying a quote that contradicts it and supports your worthless opinion.

Here. I underlined the part you must have missed. Or, maybe just don't understand.
You gave no facts, not one single quote to contradict my accurate paraphrasing of a long bigoted rant. You just pontificated your worthless opinion repeatedly. With each of your pontifications I countered with a direct quote from the bigot, you countered with more pontification of your worthless opinion.
What factual quote that you gave did I miss?

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