Examine Yourselves

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This message from Paul Washer is serious. It is based on 2 Corinthians 13:5.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5

We must examine ourselves under the light of Scripture. Our own hearts can deceive us. We must examine ourselves under the light of Scripture. Are you in the faith today?

Do not listen to your heart, listen to the Word of God. - Paul Washer

Forget about your denomination, what church you belong to. Examine yourself under the light of scripture. Your church membership cannot save you. Your denomination cannot save you. Jesus Christ is the only One can save you. Are you in the faith today? Examine yourself under the light of scripture and see where you stand. There is nothing more important than eternity and where you shall spend it. There are one two places in which you will spend eternity. Heaven or hell. Where do you stand today? Where would you be if you died in your sleep tonight? Heaven or hell? We must examine ourselves by the light of Scripture. God is light. God's Word will reveal to us what path we are on.
It is written:
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
It is written:

If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
1 John 1:6
After reading what you wrote about serial child molester, Josh Duggar, don't you really think YOU should be examining yourself instead of preaching at others?

Please comment on the links concerning this cult.

THE DUGGARS ARE NOW CLOSER TO GOD US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I do not know what you are referring to, Luddly. What did I say? Please post the link here to the post so that we can all examine what I've said about Josh Duggar word for word.

As for your question -

I examine myself every single day before the LORD. His Spirit has not convicted me of anything I have said about the Duggar case. The boy was forgiven when he repented. Who are you to remind him of his sins? That is the work of Satan. Do not allow yourself to be used by him, Luddly. Think about the mercy of God upon your own life and be grateful to Him for it.
Post the link and post # here and I will look at it later - God willing. I will also look at the link you posted and if the LORD gives me something I'll post it. Otherwise I won't.
You don't know what you said and what you think?

There are several threads concerning the Duggars. As I remember, you wrote that he "repented", was "forgiven" and was living in the "grace" of god or some such shit.

Have you given even a moment's thought to the victims? The cult says the 4-5yo girls are to blame for being molested. Do you agree with that?

That cult and your unwillingness to condemn a child molester is "the work of satan". You are the one who is serving evil.
You don't know what you said and what you think?

There are several threads concerning the Duggars. As I remember, you wrote that he "repented", was "forgiven" and was living in the "grace" of god or some such shit.

Have you given even a moment's thought to the victims? The cult says the 4-5yo girls are to blame for being molested. Do you agree with that?

That cult and your unwillingness to condemn a child molester is "the work of satan". You are the one who is serving evil.

I did write that he repented, he was forgiven and the matter is settled in God's eyes. The consequences for sin however can be long lasting as we see by the aftermath of this story coming out, Luddly. So what is your point? That God should not have forgiven a 14 yr old boy of sinning against his sisters over a decade ago? Or that we should remind people of the sins they have committed after God has forgiven them and cast them into the sea of forgetfulness - according to his Word? Either way you and I won't agree because I believe in the Word of God and abide in it whereas you do not believe in the Word of God and reject it. Therein the difference in our point of view.

You asked me to view the link about Did this bring the Duggars closer to God? I did. Here is my response: I believe anytime a family goes through a great trial and trusts in God to bring them through it - the end result will be a closer walk with God.

As for the Quiverfull church? I've never heard of it. Children are a gift from God and it is up to the LORD how many children a family will have. It isn't a contest and should not be turned into one. The goal is not to see who can have the most children but rather to raise our children in the LORD and teach them to live lives that glorify God.

I really cannot speak to the integrity of the Duggar family's church as I have no knowledge of it. I've never watched their television show but as a Christian I wouldn't put my children on a reality television show because I'm not a part of this world system and how it operates. I have little time for television because the Bible tells me to redeem the time and share the Gospel with the lost. A Christian's life is not fodder for the worlds entertainment. A Christian's life should be for the glory of God. (in all that we do)

About the victims: The victims are in no way at fault for what happened. They are victims. What happened was the result of one boys choice to disregard the Word of God, disregard anyone else and indulge in a vile sin against his younger sisters. I would question where were the parents because with the choice to be married and have children comes the responsibility that goes with it. Did the victims have the opportunity to tell their parents what had happened to them? Was there trust between them and their parents and a confidence that their parents would protect them? I do not have the answer to those questions. I do not know this family.
Why don't you focus on examining yourself, and leave the rest of us alone?
This message from Paul Washer is serious. It is based on 2 Corinthians 13:5.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5

It's been a while since I've been called a reprobate.

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