Ex-Major Dan Paige exposes Elite Agenda: Martial Law / NWO

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Ex - Major Dan Paige explains the Bill of Rights, the 9th and 10th amendment and why President Barack Obama is not presently the Commander in Chief because an act of war has not been declared. Who is presently the Commander and Chief? The Congress is. Former Major Dan Paige explains why we are in great, great peril and what is going on behind the scenes including plans to enact martial law. Very informative video. Please share with others.

In this video you will see a list of nations which are being divided into 10 regions. The goal is to have this agenda completed by 2020. America is also being broken down to 10 regions.

1. America, Canada, Mexico
2. South America
3. Australia, New Zealand
4. Western Europe
5. Eastern Europe
6. Japan
7. South Asia
8. Central Asia
9. North Africa, Middle East
10. Remainder of Africa

This is the goal. He received this information while in a meeting with Sec. Hillary Clinton. He took a snap shot of the screen to give this information to the American people. By 2020 this will be in effect. The US has also been subdivided into ten regions. Example: Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri are zone 7. The boundaries and the county boundaries have been erased. The police men do not know this he says. Ex-Major Dan Paige says that the police departments are becoming one. Some of the information you will learn from this presentation is something you may not hear anywhere else. He says there are 3 phases to take over a society.

1. Persecution
2. Prosecution
3. Execution

Much of what he reveals in this video was brand new to me. How about you?
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I watched the video twice. This is what I see. First, he isn't a born again Christian. He doesn't even know the Lord Jesus Christ and did a poor job of quoting Scripture and presenting what faith in Jesus Christ is all about. If he attends church he's attending a false church - probably a Catholic one (spirit of anti-Christ). Second, Most of what he told his audience is probably already out there on the internet for those who search for such information. I would advise others to study the Word of God rather than to waste time too much time on the subject because God is in full control. Third, he is full of fear. Because he does not know the Lord all he sees is according to how he was trained in the military. In the natural, it doesn't look good and that is about all this man is capable of knowing. Is he an agent of the government? Don't know, don't care. The truth is that the holy angelic host that God has prepared for his own obedient people is going to decimate anything that tries to touch us.

At the end of the day - what everyone needs to do is know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, keep His commandments and keep away from sin and all appearances of evil. Buy a King James Version Holy Bible and read it as much as possible. Stay away from the interfaith - one world religion movement that is at this writing having its official kickoff in Jerusalem - Jesuit Pope Francis, Islamic and Jewish leaders are meeting for the One World Religion Unity Conference in Jerusalem from September 4th - September 24th 2016 according to an Israeli news report I saw last night.

That is clearly part of the anti-Christ spirit / deception that Jesus warned us about 5 times in Matthew 24 when He said, DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Jesus warned us not to be deceived 5 times in Matthew 24. He also told us to come out from among them (false teachers / false religions such as Catholicism) and be ye separated. Again - have nothing to do with any interfaith - one world religion or any church that has agreed to be a part of it. It is the spirit of anti-Christ and those who join it are enemies of Jesus Christ and the written Word of God which tells us to expose false prophets - not to join them.

Study the Word of God every day and hide it in your heart. Memorize Scripture. Embrace your trials knowing that they are the very thing that is going to increase your faith in God. Jesus Christ is Lord. Every knee is going to bow to Jesus Christ (just as the ex-Major said and that will include his own) and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus Christ (including the ex-Major) - of the King James Holy Bible - is LORD Not the Catholic Jesus. The real Jesus Christ who is going to destroy His enemies at the appointed time. I'll close this out with To God be the Glory and I praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the discernment that He has given me. I thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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It's in the right forum, Clayton. The man is an ex-Major and delivered some facts about the Bill of Rights, the 9th and 10th amendment and other pertinent information he was able to get from his experience in the military. I do not doubt that much of what he said is how it is at this writing - but with all of that - what he fails to comprehend is that what is about to happen is not happening without God's approval. The judgment of God is going to fall on this country and He is going to use the wicked to accomplish His plans. See Psalm 17:13. There is precedent for it. Still what the ex-Major fails to understand is that God still has people in this country who have not bowed their knee to Baal (Catholicism, Satanism, Wicca, Islam, Hinduism, New Age, Communist false gods).

With that said, if the thread troubles you find another one. No one is forcing you to read this thread or listen to the video in the OP. You're free to go.
Some things he mentioned that might be important. He's mentioning Ft. Leonard Wood more than once. He mentions that he was told there are 1,000 Russian Spetsnaz coming in each week. Each week. Forget about Syrian refugees coming into the USA. Our government is bringing in 1,000 Russian Spetsnaz (Russian special forces) into USA each week. Little do they understand the real agenda of Russia and that they will not be on board with the NWO agenda when the time comes - they will turn on America. He states that there are 18,000 Russian Spetsnaz in Ft. Leonard Wood right now, on Colorado base there are 28,000 Russian Spetsnaz and in Fort in Mississippi there are 1400 Spetsnaz troops, (Russian Spetsnaz). Fort Carlson has 25,000 Spetsnaz Russian special forces..... and that is only what this ex-Major can confirm on what's here.

p.s. I have met military Catholics before who believe their heart is in the right place - I'm not saying the man doesn't think he believes in the God of the Bible as most of the Catholics I've met think they do believe in the God of the Bible (even though the Vatican does not base their religion on the KJV Holy Bible or Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible) They also believe they can fight this battle in the flesh but that simply is not possible.

links that add to what he was speaking about:
Russian Troops In America CONFIRMED
Garden Plot & Rex 84

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