Ex Machina


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2014
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.

Why did you give it such a high rating? It doesn't really sound all that good. :D
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.

Why did you give it such a high rating? It doesn't really sound all that good. :D

Well, like I said, it wasn't badly done. It had some intense scenes, the acting was good, and I was legitimately curious to see where it was going.

The only part I really didn't like was the conclusion. Lol
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.

Why did you give it such a high rating? It doesn't really sound all that good. :D

Well, like I said, it wasn't badly done. It had some intense scenes, the acting was good, and I was legitimately curious to see where it was going.

The only part I really didn't like was the conclusion. Lol

That's the worst, when you watch an entire movie to be disappointed at the end. :) I hate that, and I felt the same about No Country for Old Men. The movie was great, but the ending kind of left you hanging.
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.

Why did you give it such a high rating? It doesn't really sound all that good. :D

Well, like I said, it wasn't badly done. It had some intense scenes, the acting was good, and I was legitimately curious to see where it was going.

The only part I really didn't like was the conclusion. Lol

That's the worst, when you watch an entire movie to be disappointed at the end. :) I hate that, and I felt the same about No Country for Old Men. The movie was great, but the ending kind of left you hanging.

Lol. Yeah. That one pissed me off too. This one annoys me because it basically went deliberately out of its way to try and trick me into seeing an entirely different kind of movie than was advertised.

At the end of the day, this really wasn't "high concept" science fiction at all. It was basically a Lifetime Original Movie with robots. Lol!
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.

Why did you give it such a high rating? It doesn't really sound all that good. :D

Well, like I said, it wasn't badly done. It had some intense scenes, the acting was good, and I was legitimately curious to see where it was going.

The only part I really didn't like was the conclusion. Lol

That's the worst, when you watch an entire movie to be disappointed at the end. :) I hate that, and I felt the same about No Country for Old Men. The movie was great, but the ending kind of left you hanging.

Lol. Yeah. That one pissed me off too. This one annoys me because it basically went deliberately out of its way to try and trick me into seeing an entirely different kind of movie than was advertised.

At the end of the day, this really wasn't "high concept" science fiction at all. It was basically a Lifetime Original Movie with robots. Lol!

Are you saying it was a chick flick? :D
Ex Machina

Sooo... Yea. Long story short, this was basically feminist Pinocchio.

Don't get me wrong. It's got a science fiction setting, and it briefly pays lip service to some of the "deep philosophical questions" surrounding Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, however, it's basically a story about a young woman escaping from an abusive man who thinks he can control her, and going on to ultimately make her own way in the world.

I was down with that... Right up until the end, where things got a bit weird.


Basically, it turns out that she was never interested in the red headed guy, and was just playing him the whole time as a way to gain her freedom. After killing her creator with his help, she promptly kicks his ass to the curb, and abandons him in a locked room from which he can't escape (whether he lives or dies is never addressed). She then goes on to take a helicopter and make her way out into the wider world (again, whether she was able to sweet talk the pilot into giving her ride, or incapacitated him and took the helicopter by force isn't addressed).

The last scene shows her walking through a crowd in a city, and then the credits roll.


Given the feminist themes running through the rest of the film, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to take that. Seems a bit harsh, and possibly even punitive in a way the character really didn't deserve.

Overall: 7 out of 10

It was interesting enough, but kind of basic. The message was also a tad confused, IMO.

Why did you give it such a high rating? It doesn't really sound all that good. :D

Well, like I said, it wasn't badly done. It had some intense scenes, the acting was good, and I was legitimately curious to see where it was going.

The only part I really didn't like was the conclusion. Lol

That's the worst, when you watch an entire movie to be disappointed at the end. :) I hate that, and I felt the same about No Country for Old Men. The movie was great, but the ending kind of left you hanging.

Lol. Yeah. That one pissed me off too. This one annoys me because it basically went deliberately out of its way to try and trick me into seeing an entirely different kind of movie than was advertised.

At the end of the day, this really wasn't "high concept" science fiction at all. It was basically a Lifetime Original Movie with robots. Lol!

Are you saying it was a chick flick? :D

Not really.

It was definitely sort of a femnazi "Screw men! Grrr!" flick though. [emoji38]
Saw this film. Quite interesting, mostly by dialogues. Forcing to think about artificial intelligent problem.
There are very few films I've watched in my life that after finishing them I wished I had never seen it in the first place. This was one of them. What a waste of time...
The film had a very basic problem - in order to get the movies physiological innuendos throughout the movie, you have to have a pretty decent IQ. But at the same time anyone smart enough to "get it" - can also see through the terrible science of the movie, as well as suspend reality constantly at the glaring omissions on every level.

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