Evolution and physics made the universe and life!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Evolution and physics made the universe and life! Follow along!!!
-There was a big bang that grew from a small point into the universe we have today over 13 billion years. Some think there are multiverses and that one slammed into another to make this.
-Stars started to form about a billion years after....
-The stars grew old and through fusion created heavier and heavier elements.
-Some of these heavier elements like iron, silicon, carbon etc started to form planets.
-Some of these planets started to collect ice and water....
-On these planets were acids that would allow the formation of life.
-In our case life took hold and developed
-Over a billion years life want from single celled to us!!! Yes, we're just part of a long line of extinctions and evolutionary adaptions.
-We made computers, etc in order to bitch.

The end.
Well, the rules of physics dictate how the elements were formed. And the properties of the elements dictate how it was possible for life to form and evolve. And here we are.
So....how did we go from an inorganic universe to one with a single cell organism capable of reproduction.

You Darwinian nitwits go around yelling "ambiogenesis" as if that explains it. It doesn't. If inorganic material can create life, then surely scientists can do it in a lab. They can't. So when you nutcases make fun of religious people for believing in divine intervention, you're not any better by claiming it magically happened with no scientific means to back it up.

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