Evolution and 9-11 conspiracy.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

O’donnell was right. Evolution is just a “myth.” Better word would have been “theory.” Man evolving is just a theory and not a proven fact. Some plants and animals evolved from other plants and animals GOD created and not from a “big bang.” GOD created one man and from that one man created a women and from them the entire human race.

Darwin did not believe in evolutions himself and he put that belief on paper when the wrote “Theory of Evolution” and “Missing Link” because there was nothing but a theory to connect monkey to man.

Why are monkeys not still evolving into men and why did they stop evolving at man?

Evolution is a theory just like some people believe 9-11 conspiracy was a theory.

O’donnell was right. Evolution is just a “myth.” Better word would have been “theory.” Man evolving is just a theory and not a proven fact. Some plants and animals evolved from other plants and animals GOD created and not from a “big bang.” GOD created one man and from that one man created a women and from them the entire human race.

Darwin did not believe in evolutions himself and he put that belief on paper when the wrote “Theory of Evolution” and “Missing Link” because there was nothing but a theory to connect monkey to man.

Why are monkeys not still evolving into men and why did they stop evolving at man?

Evolution is a theory just like some people believe 9-11 conspiracy was a theory.

Wow. Anti-evolution and a truther. Your stupidometer must be pegged out.

There are good answers to all your quandaries, as well as a proper explanation of Evolutionary Theory, which you have butchered, if you are interested enough to seek out the knowledge.

As it stands, I won't waste anymore time on the willfully ignorant.

O’donnell was right. Evolution is just a “myth.” Better word would have been “theory.” Man evolving is just a theory and not a proven fact. Some plants and animals evolved from other plants and animals GOD created and not from a “big bang.” GOD created one man and from that one man created a women and from them the entire human race.

Darwin did not believe in evolutions himself and he put that belief on paper when the wrote “Theory of Evolution” and “Missing Link” because there was nothing but a theory to connect monkey to man.

Why are monkeys not still evolving into men and why did they stop evolving at man?

Evolution is a theory just like some people believe 9-11 conspiracy was a theory.

Well lil lady--I thought you were a liberal? You have me totally confused now? What's up with your theory--because it certainly doesn't represent your politics?

O’donnell was right. Evolution is just a “myth.” Better word would have been “theory.” Man evolving is just a theory and not a proven fact. Some plants and animals evolved from other plants and animals GOD created and not from a “big bang.”

So you're saying evolution is real than?

Darwin did not believe in evolutions himself and he put that belief on paper when the wrote “Theory of Evolution” and “Missing Link” because there was nothing but a theory to connect monkey to man.

So Darwin wrote an entire book advocating a theory just to play devil's advocate :cuckoo:

(and if you were planning on it don't even start the 'he recanted on his deathbed' crap, his own wife and daughter said the story was false)
(and if you were planning on it don't even start the 'he recanted on his deathbed' crap, his own wife and daughter said the story was false)

And it's a silly point to make. The only reason Darwin is associated with evolution is that he was asked to introduce Wallace who had independently come up with the same theory for speciation. Darwin had written the manuscript and put it on reserve but sat on the "Origin of Species" for 20 years (most likely because he knew he would be demonized for it for at least a century by the ignorant).

Darwin only got credit for natural selection due to scientific protocol that give credit to the first person to come up with the theory.

If Darwin had never gone public with his theory, it would be known as "Wallace's Theory of Evolution".

O’donnell was right. Evolution is just a “myth.” Better word would have been “theory.” Man evolving is just a theory and not a proven fact. Some plants and animals evolved from other plants and animals GOD created and not from a “big bang.” GOD created one man and from that one man created a women and from them the entire human race.

Darwin did not believe in evolutions himself and he put that belief on paper when the wrote “Theory of Evolution” and “Missing Link” because there was nothing but a theory to connect monkey to man.

Why are monkeys not still evolving into men and why did they stop evolving at man?

Evolution is a theory just like some people believe 9-11 conspiracy was a theory.


Agreed, the "stupidometer" needs to be recalibrated from linear to logarithmic to handle LOL...Man does that acronym fit!!!
I still have issues with evolution, so I get the skepticism. I mean alligators ahvent changed since the dinosaurs, yet monkeys became man, yet we have monkeys, we have man, but none of the intermediate steps exist. I guess monkeys just stopped evolving? And I love the big bang, it happened just cuz

As for 9/11, no I dont think anyone knew it was going to happen. Even if you were told people are going to fly planes into a building, you'd be like..naaaaaaaa

O’donnell was right. Evolution is just a “myth.” Better word would have been “theory.” Man evolving is just a theory and not a proven fact. Some plants and animals evolved from other plants and animals GOD created and not from a “big bang.” GOD created one man and from that one man created a women and from them the entire human race.

Darwin did not believe in evolutions himself and he put that belief on paper when the wrote “Theory of Evolution” and “Missing Link” because there was nothing but a theory to connect monkey to man.

Why are monkeys not still evolving into men and why did they stop evolving at man?

Evolution is a theory just like some people believe 9-11 conspiracy was a theory.


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