Evil Repubs: "We must pay for unemployment benefits" Democrats: "No"


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
Republicans want to pay for unemployment extension without adding to the national debt and Democrats say screw you....

I guess we know who is really responsible for our debt growing to the size it is.... What's wrong with Democrats? And why can't the US government live by a budget like Obama is telling the US citizens to live by.... Once again more hypocrisy....

Democrats, are you not embarrassed by your leaders yet????? The same thing that is happening to Illinois is happening to the Federal Government and most of you Democrats either don't give a shit or are just to stupid to understand. Sad....

Dems refuse compromise to extend unemployment benefits | Washington Examiner
After the bill failed, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., offered a compromise that would extend benefits for two months and pay for it fully with unused stimulus funding. But Reid turned it down.


Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill., told The Washington Examiner on Thursday that unemployment benefits are considered emergency spending and do not fall under the same rules requiring them to be offset.

"We've never done it," Durbin said. "And it is counterintuitive that to stop a recession we have to take spending away from one area and put it into another. We need to put money into the economy."
But the money hasn't been spent, idiot. If it hasn't been spent, it hasn't been put into the economy.

And Democrats claim their economic ideas are realistic and workable. :cuckoo:
The electorate gave a bimbo an American Express credit card and dropped her off on Rodeo drive.

It isn't their/her credit. Time to pahteeee!
The Republicans only got fiscal responsibility religion when they were no longer the majority and no longer could dictate where the money was spent. Now that the Democrats can do what the Republicans could do for a decade, suddenly the Republicans are born again deficit hawks.

I say pay for the the UE extension, and a few other things, by doubling the royalties on oil drilling on federal lands and waters.
The same thing can be said of the democrats. Two years ago, 0bama was a deficit hawk, until he came into office and spent twice as much as the tax income in a single year.

Royalties are contracts. The constitution forbids your idea.

Royalties are also set by auction. Even if it did pass constitutional muster, it would permanently depress the money the government could get out of any future auctions.
The same thing can be said of the democrats. Two years ago, 0bama was a deficit hawk, until he came into office and spent twice as much as the tax income in a single year.

Royalties are contracts. The constitution forbids your idea.

Royalties are also set by auction. Even if it did pass constitutional muster, it would permanently depress the money the government could get out of any future auctions.

That is nonsensical. Period. The idea that we are permanently locked into the royalty rates we currently charge for is breathtakingly stupid.
The same thing can be said of the democrats. Two years ago, 0bama was a deficit hawk, until he came into office and spent twice as much as the tax income in a single year.

Royalties are contracts. The constitution forbids your idea.

Royalties are also set by auction. Even if it did pass constitutional muster, it would permanently depress the money the government could get out of any future auctions.

Republicans let PAYGO expire because they couldn't do their tax cuts and Medicare part D, aka budget busters, under PAYGO rules. The deficits created by both of those, plus the ongoing cost of the Iraq war, comprise a major portion of what is called Obama's deficit.
If the Dems really wanted to extend unemployment benefits, they could use some of the more than $400B of the original stimulus bill that remains unspent.

Just sayin'.
If the Dems really wanted to extend unemployment benefits, they could use some of the more than $400B of the original stimulus bill that remains unspent.

Just sayin'.

Maybe a bit of explanation is in order, boedicca. The fires stimulus bill provided how much and where did the money go? Was the money sent without any mandate for it's use? And, since it makes sense (if country first is your motto), where did the bail out funds Bush provided go? It seems the big banks too big to fail benefited, but they're not doing much banking today (as in making loans so business can expand and hire).

As a sidebar issue, have you (and anyone reading this post) taken your money out of the large national banks and put it all in a credit union or local bank. If not, shame on you.
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If the Dems really wanted to extend unemployment benefits, they could use some of the more than $400B of the original stimulus bill that remains unspent.

Just sayin'.

They are saving that for pre November ads in hopes to remain in power ... fuck us
The Republicans only got fiscal responsibility religion when they were no longer the majority and no longer could dictate where the money was spent. Now that the Democrats can do what the Republicans could do for a decade, suddenly the Republicans are born again deficit hawks.

I say pay for the the UE extension, and a few other things, by doubling the royalties on oil drilling on federal lands and waters.

Brilliant. Pay for unemployment benefits by creating more unemployed.
Evil Repubs: "We must pay for unemployment benefits" Democrats: "No"

I agree with the Republicans.

We ought to pay for unemplyment benefits by curtailing the EMPIRE building we're attempting in ASIA.

We can easily do THAT since that's really where the money is to do so, and those misadventures are not going to help this nation (overall) even if we WIN in BOTH wars.

Agreed, my fellow fiscal conservatives?

Nobody really wants to address this?

There isn't a true fiscal conservative on this board.
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If the Dems really wanted to extend unemployment benefits, they could use some of the more than $400B of the original stimulus bill that remains unspent.

Just sayin'.

Maybe a bit of explanation is in order, boedicca. The fires stimulus bill provided how much and where did the money go? Was the money sent without any mandate for it's use? And, since it makes sense (if country first is your motto), where did the bail out funds Bush provided go? It seems the big banks too big to fail benefited, but they're not doing much banking today (as in making loans so business can expand and hire).

As a sidebar issue, have you (and anyone reading this post) taken your money out of the large national banks and put it all in a credit union or local bank. If not, shame on you.

If you want to see what is being done with the stimulus, you can find the Obama Accounting on Recovery.org. They are reporting that $400B is still available.

Agency Reported Data

Given the way the legislation was written, $224B was allocated for "entitlements". $90B of that amount remains unspent. And really - at this point do you expect the Dems not to use weaselly wordplay to justify spending whatever they wish?

(I think you are confusing TARP with the Stimulus - and I am not going to respond to blaming the stimulus on Bush.)
The Republicans only got fiscal responsibility religion when they were no longer the majority and no longer could dictate where the money was spent. Now that the Democrats can do what the Republicans could do for a decade, suddenly the Republicans are born again deficit hawks.

yes, that is true, however, when that was the reality what were the dems saying? deficit spending bad! How bad is bad? I think we have reached the farther shore.

Its the usual rope a dope, granted BUT this is now, we have blown apart the budget, ( that why the dems will not work up a budget for next year which was due in May) and the deficit is growing, if it were realizing gains, I'd say go for it, but it is not.

Thats why the crys of politics are true, but hollow. We have not netted any results that makes this further deficit spending viable. It is now a true detriment every step we take down that road.

I say pay for the the UE extension, and a few other things, by doubling the royalties on oil drilling on federal lands and waters.

I don't thinks that productive, the cost will just reach us at the pump, nothing gained. if you want to tax petroleum concerns, then do it honestly, have congress do it, raise the federal gas tax and let the chips fall were they may.
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The Republicans only got fiscal responsibility religion when they were no longer the majority and no longer could dictate where the money was spent. Now that the Democrats can do what the Republicans could do for a decade, suddenly the Republicans are born again deficit hawks.

yes, that is true, however, when that was the reality what were the dems saying? deficit spending bad! How bad is bad? I think we have reached the farther shore.

Its the usual rope a dope, granted BUT this is now, we have blown apart the budget, ( that why the dems will not work up a budget for next year which was due in May) and the deficit is growing, if it were realizing gains, I'd say go for it, but it is not.

Thats why the crys of politics are true, but hollow. We have not netted any results that makes this further deficit spending viable. It is now a true detriment every step we take down that road.

I say pay for the the UE extension, and a few other things, by doubling the royalties on oil drilling on federal lands and waters.

I don't thinks that productive, the cost will just reach us at the pump, nothing gained. if you want to tax petroleum concerns, then do it honestly, have congress do it, raise the federal gas tax and let the chips fall were they may.

We're selling our federal oil to companies like BP for 12 to 16 cents on the dollar while other countries in comparable situations are getting 40 to 70 cents on the dollar. Even our states like Alaska are getting 50 cents on the dollar for their oil. I fail to see the good in that.
The Republicans only got fiscal responsibility religion when they were no longer the majority and no longer could dictate where the money was spent. Now that the Democrats can do what the Republicans could do for a decade, suddenly the Republicans are born again deficit hawks.

I say pay for the the UE extension, and a few other things, by doubling the royalties on oil drilling on federal lands and waters.

Brilliant. Pay for unemployment benefits by creating more unemployed.

Then why don't we just give our oil away, to create jobs? Not to mention all our other resources...
The Republicans only got fiscal responsibility religion when they were no longer the majority and no longer could dictate where the money was spent. Now that the Democrats can do what the Republicans could do for a decade, suddenly the Republicans are born again deficit hawks.

yes, that is true, however, when that was the reality what were the dems saying? deficit spending bad! How bad is bad? I think we have reached the farther shore.

Its the usual rope a dope, granted BUT this is now, we have blown apart the budget, ( that why the dems will not work up a budget for next year which was due in May) and the deficit is growing, if it were realizing gains, I'd say go for it, but it is not.

Thats why the crys of politics are true, but hollow. We have not netted any results that makes this further deficit spending viable. It is now a true detriment every step we take down that road.

I say pay for the the UE extension, and a few other things, by doubling the royalties on oil drilling on federal lands and waters.

I don't thinks that productive, the cost will just reach us at the pump, nothing gained. if you want to tax petroleum concerns, then do it honestly, have congress do it, raise the federal gas tax and let the chips fall were they may.

We're selling our federal oil to companies like BP for 12 to 16 cents on the dollar while other countries in comparable situations are getting 40 to 70 cents on the dollar. Even our states like Alaska are getting 50 cents on the dollar for their oil. I fail to see the good in that.

because its politics. that 50 cents that Alaska gets is a buy back for/to the Alaskan state gov. so as to turn partial royalties over to Alaskan state occupants via Juneau.

Same for all the states, ask La's gov. why its so cheap.....*shrugs* either way, BP will get theirs, one way or another, they will just move the royalty charges downstream.

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