Evil corporations commit obvious discrimination


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A member just told me Applebees and TGI Fridays offer discounts to public union members as well as military folks. This is awful discrimination........

Applebees and TGI Fridays are both racist, discriminatory restaurants.

Lets start with Applebees. They're racist against oranges. Is it the orange skin that they hate, or the fact that oranges are from tropical, humid climates? I see all the RED apples in there, and never see an orange. They also dont' show any diversity to blue berries and green beens. Applebees is racist against oranges.

And TGI Friday? HA!!! Out of all the 7 days they only Thank God for 1 of them? Friday? Why Friday? Is it because of "Black Friday"? Is it because it has the fewest letters? TGI's is an obvious racist corporation for discriminating 6 other days of the week. AND NOT ONLY THAT..................but how many people really "Thank God" it's Friday huh?

Some people dont' believe in god. Are they discriminating against atheists? Get your religion out of my chicken tenders dammit!!!!

And what about employees like cops or nurses who work odd rotating shifts? Maybe their work week is Thursday-Sunday with Mon-Wed off. Thats insensitive to them, while you're THANKING GOD it's Friday, their work week is just getting started. Very insensitive of them.

So, no suprise they offer freebies to unions. Unions obviously hate oranges, hate atheists and hate people who dont get weekends off.

And both offer military discounts? THey obviously hate Muslims and children. They are imperialist, racist, homophobic xenophobic corporatist empires that hate muslims.

Ok, I flirted with acting like a liberal for a moment. It wasn't fun. Thank you to both Applebees and TGI Fridays, both fine establishments, with great food, and yeah, they give discounts to public service employees, military, cops, firemen, etc, etc, great companies. DOn't know how they allow that, since that takes one little bit of their evil imperialist profit out of their bottom line, but they do it. Can ONLY be a ploy to trick those poor people into coming in there more often or something, ah, yes, ALWAYS a plot to get more profit, definitely not just a sign of appreciation for those people who get the discount.

Anyway, hope you all got a good laugh. Lighten up.
Darn. Thought the board may be up for a little humor this morning to lighten the mood. Guess not. Lighten up you miserable libs, it's gonna be ok.

After all, employment IS POSSIBLE without unions. Even good employment, despite what you've been told.
Well those filthy food conglomerants should spread those discounts to everyone!!


When I served I ALWAYS asked it there was a discount.

pfft Friday night, happy hour, at Applebees would be like roll call for my crew.

And what do they have against beetles? Filthy bee lovers. :lol:
Well those filthy food conglomerants should spread those discounts to everyone!!


When I served I ALWAYS asked it there was a discount.

pfft Friday night, happy hour, at Applebees would be like roll call for my crew.

And what do they have against beetles? Filthy bee lovers. :lol:

Yes, they do hate beetles and worms, I didn't realize their hate spread so far.

I also have to keep this movement going, we need a Day of Action against these hateful corporate empires.

Another awful offender is the restaurant chain "Chilis". I mean, do they hae a problem with tomatoes? Or Avocados? Or Onions? There are a lot of things that contribute to a good central american menu, why only glorify the chili? By doing so, they bring more attention to the chili pepper, which makes people want to buy the chili pepper more often, thus brining in more money to the fat cat owners of chili farms, I call them "Big Chili" instead of the poor, peasant working men of the noble onion, tomato and avocado farms.

Day of Action folks!
Well those filthy food conglomerants should spread those discounts to everyone!!


When I served I ALWAYS asked it there was a discount.

pfft Friday night, happy hour, at Applebees would be like roll call for my crew.

And what do they have against beetles? Filthy bee lovers. :lol:

Yes, they do hate beetles and worms, I didn't realize their hate spread so far.

I also have to keep this movement going, we need a Day of Action against these hateful corporate empires.

Another awful offender is the restaurant chain "Chilis". I mean, do they hae a problem with tomatoes? Or Avocados? Or Onions? There are a lot of things that contribute to a good central american menu, why only glorify the chili? By doing so, they bring more attention to the chili pepper, which makes people want to buy the chili pepper more often, thus brining in more money to the fat cat owners of chili farms, I call them "Big Chili" instead of the poor, peasant working men of the noble onion, tomato and avocado farms.

Day of Action folks!

And it doesn't end at higher end food chains. Fast food possibly has the worst offenders out there.

"Red Robin"; communism, right out in front of all of us. And to hell with all the other birds. No "black" bird pie for us.

and the worst, of course

Burger King. I don't think I can describe how that makes me feel w/o losing my cool.

Torches, pitchforks, tar, feathers, are all too good for places like this. What we need against the sources of evil like this is;


Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of mankind than to get a well written letter from a lawyer.


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