Evidence 'Special Counsel' Not Out For 'Justice' But 'Out For Trump'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Obama Crime Syndicate worked nearly flawlessly together, like a well-oiled Conspiracy Machine:

- The US AG & Director of the FBI collaborate to write Hillary's exoneration well before the investigation is over.

- Hillary pays a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked 'Dossier' containing Russian propaganda.

- Hillary turns a copy over to Obama's Head of the FBI, who shares it with Co-Conspirators in the CIA and NIA
-- Evidence shows a Hillary donor / supporter gave a 2nd 'Dossier' written by Clinton's people to the foreign spy who in turn turns it over to the FBI to make it appear the end 'Dossier' came from the same sources as the 1st. The FBI rejects the 2nd document citing it was even less believable than the 1st.

- Hillary then uses the 'Dossier' herself illegally in a US election, a violation of election law.

- The FBI uses their copy illegally to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election ('Watergate on steroids')

- The CIA handpicks 'Secret Society member FBI Agent Strzok to help co-author a falsified 'Russia Threat' Intel report based on the debunked / false 'Dossier' then gave the briefing to Congress.

- Mueller hand-picked the PERFECT politically partisan Lynch Mob to go after Trump: Every one of his hand-picked team members are card-carrying DNC fanatic Democratic Party / Hillary supporters / donors. Mueller went as far as to appoint the lawyer who ran Hillary's and Bill's Clinton Foundation as a member of the 'lynch mob'.

The 'evidence' I spoke of in the title of this thread?

In his rabid determination to take down Trump, Mueller jumped in his time machine and headed to a year PRIOR TO OABAM BEING ELECTED (to investigate a NON-CRIME in 2016) in order to dig up something on a Trump associate - Paul Manafort. I believe the charges for which he was indicted included money laundering. Interesting case....

What is even more interesting than Manafort being indicted for a potential crime 10...plus?...years ago is who WAS NOT indicted under the same charges for those same crimes!

There are 2 - TWO - groups at the heart of the 'scandal / crime' for which Manafort is being indicted - his and .... wait for it ... FAT TONY PODESTA'S!
-- You snowflakes remember 'Fat' Tony Podesta, right, the brother of Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta. Fat Tony was working for BOTH the KGB Bank - which paid millions to Hillary and $500k to Bill for a speaking gig AND THE Russian Intel Agency. John and Tony started up the Podesta Group, a lobbying group who had...GUESS WHO... as clients?! Yup - the Russians. That would explain why Fat Tony was so connected and why John, again Hillary's campaign manager, received thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks and why 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted or prominent Russian businessmen who had direct ties to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.

Well, if we ALL jumped in the back of Mueller's time machine and went back to the time he was digging in Manafort's history to come up with the indictment he filed against Manafort, we would see Mueller completely ignoring the 2 - TWO - lobbying groups engaged in doing what Manafort's was doing that wound up getting him indicted.....

Yeah, the other group was the PODESTAs, who were always found joined at the hip, or following around like a dog, Bill and Hillary. AGAIN, John ended up being 2016 Hillary's campaign manager.

IF Mueller really wanted to look for 'Russian Collusion' and 'Russian Hacking' he had no farther to go than to Hillary's Campaign Headquarters.
- The Russians gave millions to Hillary ('The Clinton Foundation')
- The Russians paid bill $500k for a speaking gig...and later Bill met with Putin...to talk about grandkids...
- The Podesta Group was working for the Russians
- John received thousands of unreported Russian stocks and 1/3rd of his Board of Directors were Putin Pals
- 'Fat Tony' was working for the KGB band and THE Russian Intel agency, the agency liberals blamed for hacking their server...

...and back in the day, in the same case from which Mueller pulled his indictment of Manafort, there were 2 - TWO- groups involved doing the same exact thing..... Manafort got indicted....while the Hillary/Clinton-connected Podestas / John Podesta got a pass.

EVERY step Mueller takes, EVERY action that he makes provides more and more evidence that he doesn't give a d@mn about 'going where evidence takes him' and 'prosecuting the crime he finds' - that's all BS. This is just another case / example where crimes committed by Democrats and Hillary associates / campaign members broke the law but their crimes are being ignored because they are not the targets of the on-going butt-hurt Witch Hunt.

Podesta Group’s Role in Manafort Case Looms Larger in Mueller Probe
Its pretty clear what took place here...now lets see just how honest our federal government is...lets see if we have one set of rules for everyone or if we have a special class of people untouchable by our rules and laws....
If Bush had put a spy in Obama's 2012 campaign what would have happened to him? Equal justice? or is the law just4us to obey?...
Democrats put into positions of authority, responsible for ensuring equal justice is carried out, treat US Law as a buffet line at a cheap ass restaurant: I will take a little bit of this and a little bit of that but not everything.

Obama's 1st act as US President was to hold a Press Conference during which he declared he was ordering his US AG / DOJ NOT to enforce / defend the LAW - the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) - because HE did not like it / approve of it.

That had to be the fastest case of a President violating the oath of office - to uphold /defend / enforce the Constitution and Rule of law ever.....

Barry did not believe in enforcing US Immigration laws...protected Human Traffickers, engaged in Human Trafficking, was found in Contempt once or twice for violating Judges' rules / the law, protected US Law-violating Sanctuary Cities, and even passed his own edicts that violated the Constitution to institute his will into the 'law of the land' after even HE admitted he did not have the power to do so....

...taking a little bit from this one, a little bit from that one...but not all of it.

Mueller wanted to use Manafort to go after Trump...but he didn't want to go anywhere near the Podestas...so he ignored THEIR crimes. He, like Gruber, counted on the American people being stupid...I mean, no one is going to remember back what EXACTLY happened that many years ago, and even less last Americans would bother to look it up to see what he had just pulled off...going after a Trump-Associate while leaving a Russian-connected Hillary campaign manager alone...in a case where he was tasked to find the Russian Connections and connections to their interference.

I may be wrong, but RUSSIANS co-authoring propaganda that went into a fake report designed to hurt the GOP candidate and thus benefit the DNC candidate sure as hell sounds like Russian Interference to help Hillary win the election.

The Dossier Hillary bought from foreign spies and Russians, the one she illegally used in a US campaign, is all the evidence Mueller needed, were he even close to an objective lead Special Counsel, to find / prove collusion with Russians in an attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election...

Every time Democrats do something to go after Trump they expose more of their own crime. Mueller went after Manafort but ended up exposing the crimes and Russian connections of her later campaign manager John Podesta - even more connections between Hillary and the Russians.
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The Obama Crime Syndicate worked nearly flawlessly together, like a well-oiled Conspiracy Machine:

- The US AG & Director of the FBI collaborate to write Hillary's exoneration well before the investigation is over.

- Hillary pays a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked 'Dossier' containing Russian propaganda.

- Hillary turns a copy over to Obama's Head of the FBI, who shares it with Co-Conspirators in the CIA and NIA
-- Evidence shows a Hillary donor / supporter gave a 2nd 'Dossier' written by Clinton's people to the foreign spy who in turn turns it over to the FBI to make it appear the end 'Dossier' came from the same sources as the 1st. The FBI rejects the 2nd document citing it was even less believable than the 1st.

- Hillary then uses the 'Dossier' herself illegally in a US election, a violation of election law.

- The FBI uses their copy illegally to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during an election ('Watergate on steroids')

- The CIA handpicks 'Secret Society member FBI Agent Strzok to help co-author a falsified 'Russia Threat' Intel report based on the debunked / false 'Dossier' then gave the briefing to Congress.

- Mueller hand-picked the PERFECT politically partisan Lynch Mob to go after Trump: Every one of his hand-picked team members are card-carrying DNC fanatic Democratic Party / Hillary supporters / donors. Mueller went as far as to appoint the lawyer who ran Hillary's and Bill's Clinton Foundation as a member of the 'lynch mob'.

The 'evidence' I spoke of in the title of this thread?

In his rabid determination to take down Trump, Mueller jumped in his time machine and headed to a year PRIOR TO OABAM BEING ELECTED (to investigate a NON-CRIME in 2016) in order to dig up something on a Trump associate - Paul Manafort. I believe the charges for which he was indicted included money laundering. Interesting case....

What is even more interesting than Manafort being indicted for a potential crime 10...plus?...years ago is who WAS NOT indicted under the same charges for those same crimes!

There are 2 - TWO - groups at the heart of the 'scandal / crime' for which Manafort is being indicted - his and .... wait for it ... FAT TONY PODESTA'S!
-- You snowflakes remember 'Fat' Tony Podesta, right, the brother of Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta. Fat Tony was working for BOTH the KGB Bank - which paid millions to Hillary and $500k to Bill for a speaking gig AND THE Russian Intel Agency. John and Tony started up the Podesta Group, a lobbying group who had...GUESS WHO... as clients?! Yup - the Russians. That would explain why Fat Tony was so connected and why John, again Hillary's campaign manager, received thousands of unreported shares of Russian stocks and why 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted or prominent Russian businessmen who had direct ties to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.

Well, if we ALL jumped in the back of Mueller's time machine and went back to the time he was digging in Manafort's history to come up with the indictment he filed against Manafort, we would see Mueller completely ignoring the 2 - TWO - lobbying groups engaged in doing what Manafort's was doing that wound up getting him indicted.....

Yeah, the other group was the PODESTAs, who were always found joined at the hip, or following around like a dog, Bill and Hillary. AGAIN, John ended up being 2016 Hillary's campaign manager.

IF Mueller really wanted to look for 'Russian Collusion' and 'Russian Hacking' he had no farther to go than to Hillary's Campaign Headquarters.
- The Russians gave millions to Hillary ('The Clinton Foundation')
- The Russians paid bill $500k for a speaking gig...and later Bill met with Putin...to talk about grandkids...
- The Podesta Group was working for the Russians
- John received thousands of unreported Russian stocks and 1/3rd of his Board of Directors were Putin Pals
- 'Fat Tony' was working for the KGB band and THE Russian Intel agency, the agency liberals blamed for hacking their server...

...and back in the day, in the same case from which Mueller pulled his indictment of Manafort, there were 2 - TWO- groups involved doing the same exact thing..... Manafort got indicted....while the Hillary/Clinton-connected Podestas / John Podesta got a pass.

EVERY step Mueller takes, EVERY action that he makes provides more and more evidence that he doesn't give a d@mn about 'going where evidence takes him' and 'prosecuting the crime he finds' - that's all BS. This is just another case / example where crimes committed by Democrats and Hillary associates / campaign members broke the law but their crimes are being ignored because they are not the targets of the on-going butt-hurt Witch Hunt.

Podesta Group’s Role in Manafort Case Looms Larger in Mueller Probe

There is no evidence of collaboration between the FBI and AG except maybe the AG asked Comey to refer to the Clinton investigation as a matter. Hardly earthshattering. Comey started thinking about a letter on the matter because he decided there was no evidence to file charges against Clinton.

- The dossier has not been debunked. Parts of it has been verified. Steele is not working with the Russians.

- Steele turned the information over to the head of the FBI. Comey has worked in Republican Administrations as well.

- There is no evidence the warrants were obtained illegally.

- A agent jokes about a secret society and you take it seriously. Trump supporters are jerks.

- The FBI verified some of the contents of the dossier. It apparently was not unbelievable.

- The person making the decisions to prosecute is Mueller who is a Republican. They are not fanatics as some gave small amounts. No one was a huge Democrat donor. Whether they are Democrats is debatable. Trump hired a lawyer who worked for Bill Clinton.

Paul Manafort has been under investigation for his lobbying even before he joined the Trump campaign. That investigation was likely transferred to Mueller because he would be going over similar ground.

The fact is that the Russians have provided Trump plenty of support. You had the Miss Universe pageant in Russia which benefitted Trump. Also Russian oligarchs have provided funding for Trump's projects. Also a number of Russians attended Trump's inauguration events.

Also the Russians hacked the DNC servers and released them through WikiLeaks. They clearly wanted Trump elected and not Clinton. Podesta would be germane if the Russians wanted Clinton elected.
There is no evidence of collaboration between the FBI and AG...


...since it has already come out that Comey and Lynch collaborated in writing Hillary's exoneration letter before the investigation was over ... and since Comey said himself in several interviews on his book tour that Lynch came to him and 'DIRECTED HIM' to refer / treat the Hillary investigation as a 'matter' and not an investigation. This is Comey describing Obstruction of Justice, as, again - in his words, she DIRECTED HIM to do something.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew well in advance of FBI Director James Comey 2016 press conference that he would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton, according to information turned over to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Friday.

The revelation was included in 384 pages of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and it significantly diminishes the credibility of Lynch's earlier commitment to
accept Comey's recommendation — a commitment she made under the pretense that the two were not coordinating with each other.

Was Lynch coordinating with Comey in the Clinton investigation?

Thank you for playing....have a nice day and a great weekend.
There is no evidence of collaboration between the FBI and AG...


...since it has already come out that Comey and Lynch collaborated in writing Hillary's exoneration letter before the investigation was over ... and since Comey said himself in several interviews on his book tour that Lynch came to him and 'DIRECTED HIM' to refer / treat the Hillary investigation as a 'matter' and not an investigation. This is Comey describing Obstruction of Justice, as, again - in his words, she DIRECTED HIM to do something.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew well in advance of FBI Director James Comey 2016 press conference that he would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton, according to information turned over to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Friday.

The revelation was included in 384 pages of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and it significantly diminishes the credibility of Lynch's earlier commitment to
accept Comey's recommendation — a commitment she made under the pretense that the two were not coordinating with each other.

Was Lynch coordinating with Comey in the Clinton investigation?

Thank you for playing....have a nice day and a great weekend.
That article you refer to was written by somebody who reported she was hacked, but actually had a stuck delete key. A really clueless lady.
That Lynch stuff is more than a year old. Same goes for Podesta. If there was anything there, it would have been taken care of by now, especially considering republicans have complete control over Washington.

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