Everything's Big in Texas...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
...including government!!!

Texas, Florida lead in government job growth

by G. Scott Thomas

Friday, May 27, 2011

Texas led the states with the largest growth in government jobs over the past 10 years.

Big government grew a bit bigger in 43 states and the District of Columbia during the past decade.

Texas posted the largest 10-year upswing in federal, state and local government jobs, adding 286,800 positions, according to an On Numbers study of employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Texas, Florida lead in government job growth | The Business Journals
Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?

Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.

No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.
Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?

Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.

No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.

But if you cherry pick the info and find what makes your side look good and then enlarge it and color it you can make a big statement and make some people believe your side is doing something. Doesn't matter if it's the truth or not.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWyCCJ6B2WE&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.‬‏[/ame]
Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?

Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.

No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.

But if you cherry pick the info and find what makes your side look good and then enlarge it and color it you can make a big statement and make some people believe your side is doing something. Doesn't matter if it's the truth or not.

It's hard to ignore the Collosal Government Failure that is Democrat Legislature California, which despite having the largest number of Government Employees of any state, lost over 600,000 private sector jobs in the past 10 years.

However, it is still troubling to see TX gaining more private sector jobs than California lost, and increasing the size of its government. Texas take a clue from California, and should endeavor to have one of the LOWEST growing governments over the next 10 years.
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Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?

Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.

No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.

So conservatives are FOR the expansion of government? Conservatives WANT our government at all levels to get bigger as the economy grows?

Who are the small-government conservatives then? What happened to them? Off riding their unicorns?

btw, I knew a post like yours would come up. I read the link. I figured someone on the right would step in it.
Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?


Another fake conservative who supports using a growing tax base to expand government.:lol:
Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?

Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.

No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.

So conservatives are FOR the expansion of government? Conservatives WANT our government at all levels to get bigger as the economy grows?

Who are the small-government conservatives then? What happened to them? Off riding their unicorns?

btw, I knew a post like yours would come up. I read the link. I figured someone on the right would step in it.

Texas is doing well and can afford it. They have enough sense to cut back when they see they can't afford it. Did you expect them to be dumb asses like the demonrats in California, NY, Michigan and other states that are broke because of your policies? Fucking dumb ass.
Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.

So conservatives are FOR the expansion of government? Conservatives WANT our government at all levels to get bigger as the economy grows?

Who are the small-government conservatives then? What happened to them? Off riding their unicorns?

btw, I knew a post like yours would come up. I read the link. I figured someone on the right would step in it.

Texas is doing well and can afford it. They have enough sense to cut back when they see they can't afford it. Did you expect them to be dumb asses like the demonrats in California, NY, Michigan and other states that are broke because of your policies? Fucking dumb ass.

I disagree.

No one can "afford it [Bigger Government]" and hopefully Texans will decrease its size in the next 10 years.

However, many government jobs at the state and local level are MANDATED AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL. So whether or not a state increases or decreases their government jobs is often not a reflection of that state's values, but rather National Laws. Therefore, the implied arguement that Texas itself has chosen to expand government is a little silly.
How can you tell a Texan?

Well those are the people that shit on the American flag of course!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbOoHqC2UxI]YouTube - ‪Texas Christian Conservatives Who "Hate America"‬‏[/ame]

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