Even Wall Stree Journal Knows That Job Market Is Better


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
In months gone by, it usually take s half dozen threads, and 30 or more posts, to figure this out. The April jobs report is the best in years, even though the unemployment rate actually increased.

Why Did the Unemployment Rate Rise? - Real Time Economics - WSJ

It is elsewhere posted, that the high unemployment rate is analogous to the bull market, 10% correction in the stock market. These sorts of things are better to have behind you(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so the Great Prophet, Jeremiah Wright--of parts unknown, including Chicago--is better to have behind you(?): And by that the Obamas mean, "Way, way, way behind you!)
In months gone by, it usually take s half dozen threads, and 30 or more posts, to figure this out. The April jobs report is the best in years, even though the unemployment rate actually increased.

Why Did the Unemployment Rate Rise? - Real Time Economics - WSJ

It is elsewhere posted, that the high unemployment rate is analogous to the bull market, 10% correction in the stock market. These sorts of things are better to have behind you(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so the Great Prophet, Jeremiah Wright--of parts unknown, including Chicago--is better to have behind you(?): And by that the Obamas mean, "Way, way, way behind you!)

Great! Can we have our trillion dollars back now?
The job market is not better if there are more people looking for work who cannot find it. I don't care how you twist it and spin it the percentage of unemployed workers went up. Even with the government counting the temporary census workers as employed.


Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 290,000 in April, the unemployment rate
edged up to 9.9 percent, and the labor force increased sharply, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in manufactur-
ing, professional and business services, health care, and leisure and hospi-
tality. Federal government employment also rose, reflecting continued hiring
of temporary workers for Census 2010.
Employment Situation Summary
Or Mao Say: "Confucius Lackey Of Imperialist, Worldwide, Running Dogs of Capitalist Enemies Of All The Peoples International: And Their Snotty, Runny-Nosed, Little Kids! Maybe he'll give it back!"

The banks could actually be nationalized, and pay it back with interest in two or three years.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casinos could be set on behalf of many nations, even!)
In 1848, in California, the foothill areas buttressing the High Sierra lofty ranges: Were an environmental picture post card--that actually people rarely saw! It was just sitting idle.

Within two years, gold was discovered, and hordes and hordes then ravaged and pillaged everything with abandon!

Mostly, everyone saw it, and that was better! In the interim, they actually had to get there in the first place!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Settlers find gold in sacred ground of Dakotas. Many say Sitting Idle better!)
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U6 unemployment increased from 16.9% to 17.1%. These figures already include the discouraged people who moved into U3. The numbers of unemployed are INCREASING faster than the number of employed.

Boedicca poster is so personally ignorant, arrogant, and self-absorbed, that the evidence of 800,000 new job-skeekers, finding 600,000 new jobs--just in 30 days--means that all the new employed are discouraged from employment.

SFC Ollie poster even displays the military insignia of success at killing and dismembering U. S. Nationals. They are war participants, who get their buddies like that in the field--killed, dismembered, maimed, decapitated, disemboweled, and otherwise destroyed.

When a penis inserted between the loins is an act of love, then anyone sees the intended outcome. Anyone looking for work is bad news. Anyone employed is bad news. Anyone in uniform is clearly bad news.

The Pakistanis appear to have a concept, "If we don't fight them there, then we'll have to fight them here!" They are admittedly being droned at this time.

But that is what love is to all peoples! Anyone can even ask the referenced posters!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Warrior mainly love ponies. . . . hmmmmm!)

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