Even In Blue States The 'Mobs' Keep Coming


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uji-jjp0rs4&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Chairman Ejects Constituent At Barney Frank Town Hall[/ame]
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he said he "asked the chairman to ignore the disruptions" but he really told him do it...1:08 - 1:13
You would think that a government that wanted to manage the health care for all the people in the country could at least manage a 250 person crowd at a Town Hall Meeting. This must be that great Democrat leadership we've been hearing so much about. Run right down there and tell them how much you want them to manage your health care... if you're stupid.
Can you believe the arrogance of Franks? Do you think he'll talk down to people that way when it's time for re-election?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYlZiWK2Iy8&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Townhall Comparing Obama To Hitler[/ame]

I applaud Frank for what he did here. Fantastic stuff.
Of course that doesn't help Hannity or Griff make any point. So lets do some cuts and not show what he was reacting too.

At least CNN had the decency to show shit in context, Fox is a joke.
he makes my ears bleed, he was out shouting everybody and doing it in high 3rd grade style too I might add.. what a pig. :cuckoo:

You're welcome for the story Annie.

Yes I live in MA and i'm one of those pesky people who keeps asking tough questions and wont let them just sell me the bill THEY want.

I know I know I'm an unamerican, racist, terrorist, tea bagging, astro turf, stop talking and get out of the way, ignorant wackjob.

I'm soooo sorry for it too :lol:

Dumb asses in congress think that they are our masters when indeed they are our servants.

EDIT: I didn't see anyone using nazi stuff like the cooks on the fringe of the left used to to do bush. What a dummy that girl was she made herself look like a moron.
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i dont believe one should refer to voters from either party as "mobs" ... people are disheartened by the broken promises and the high expectations that obama gave them. many people are willing to give obama more time and rebuke you with...its only been 8 months...well he is the one that said his admin would hit the ground running...and yet he didnt vet his cabinet well enough to do that?

he has not united this country but has deepened the divisions. its same old same old..and the american people are being to react. long overdue if you ask me.
How much is a jackass is Barney Frank? He's got about as much poise as a small soap dish!!

Indeed the mobs are coming...........lots of mobs. Big ass mobs. And they're going to keep coming so long as the current lefty government wants to keep raising taxes and mega-balooning the deficit.

And truly...........how proud of these mobs are we??? >>>>>>>>>


oh very proud indeed!!!!!:clap2::eusa_whistle:

You're welcome for the story Annie.

Yes I live in MA and i'm one of those pesky people who keeps asking tough questions and wont let them just sell me the bill THEY want.

I know I know I'm an unamerican, racist, terrorist, tea bagging,somebody her mentioned how big barney's balls are so methinks he is the teabagger. astro turf, stop talking and get out of the way, ignorant wackjob.

I'm soooo sorry for it too :lol:

Dumb asses in congress think that they are our masters when indeed they are our servants.

EDIT: I didn't see anyone using nazi stuff like the cooks on the fringe of the left used to to do bush. What a dummy that girl was she made herself look like a moron.

Of course that doesn't help Hannity or Griff make any point. So lets do some cuts and not show what he was reacting too.

At least CNN had the decency to show shit in context, Fox is a joke.

fail...........there is no "context" here. None whatsoever. Congress is elected to represent US s0n.......its called the United States of America.

And what does Frank do? He does an ideologue mental meltdown and berates the people HE represents.

But hey...........I'll take it. Every time he stands there like a moron and says, "What the hell is wrong with you people?", its a win-win for those opposing this k00k bill. People see clearly that he is not at all interested in "hearing" ( not listening mind you) his constituents. Politically, he might as well have opened up on them with an automatic weapon!!!:lol::lol::lol:


He's a big assed hypocrite as are all demcwats.. bitching about a picture of obama portrayed as hitler.. makes me pee in my panties laughing at your idiocy! cue "reveiw Bush" Did he bitch when pelosi called americans nazi'?????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You have to love hypocracy when its big and bold.

Frank has a reputation for running around and calling people homophobes all the time...not that its the same as that dingbat lady calling it a "nazi" plan. I hate it when people who oppose the bill act like idiots, it makes me look bad.

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