Even if we build the wall, will Democrats tear it down?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Let's say America, against all opposition and a deafening domestic enemy (The Left), manages to get a Southern Border Wall/Barrier built after all.

What's to stop the next elected Democrat Imbecile from removing that wall or those barriers?
Apparently the child trafficking, drug smuggling and criminal invasion are all democrat prizes.

Honestly, I'm a peaceful person and value life, but even I can't see a way to preserve the USA in ANY kind of semblance of the USA the US Constitution designed it to be without some kind of civil uprising or Civil War.

On it's current trajectory, the USA as designed by the Founders is already dissolved and transformed into something much less and in the words of Thomas Jefferson......

Occasionally the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
Thomas Jefferson

Blunt truth....failing that, we probably will become like Venezuela (or Russia) in time.
this is what our country as become. one side will build it and the next power swap, the other side will take it down.

destruction has become progress to us.
this is what our country as become. one side will build it and the next power swap, the other side will take it down.
destruction has become progress to us.

This is surely a recipe for a declining state of affairs and lower standard of living for everyone.

We're no longer One nation under God, but rather we are now two nations against one another, with the Left one under an evil influence.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Abraham Lincoln

I'm of the opinion that eventually, one side must absolutely prevail, just as one side did during the Civil war. If the Left prevails, we lose our nation and become a further divided land of diversity with no borders, no solidarity, no commonality. States will become nations unto their own.
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The only good thing about having barriers instead of the make believe beefed up security most Liberals tout is that it will take longer to ruin. If you went with the beefed up security plan one simple moment of defunding and it ends immediately. A barrier takes time. Perhaps with a court battle or two too much time.
Beto and Gillibrand are the first to admit publicly what the rest of the DEM leaders want. They want the existing barriers torn down, which would overwhelm the borders forcing rubber stamp entry into the United States. They care nothing about the consequences to health, education, welfare, crime,etc. All they care about is votes. They know if they can flip Arizona and Texas to blue, they will have a lock on Presidential Power for the next 50 years. THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.

Beto and Gillibrand are the first to admit publicly what the rest of the DEM leaders want. They want the existing barriers torn down, which would overwhelm the borders forcing rubber stamp entry into the United States. They care nothing about the consequences to health, education, welfare, crime,etc. All they care about is votes. They know if they can flip Arizona and Texas to blue, they will have a lock on Presidential Power for the next 50 years. THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.
Arizona and Texas will flip blue when the population has been replaced. That's what this is all about.
Let's say America, against all opposition and a deafening domestic enemy (The Left), manages to get a Southern Border Wall/Barrier built after all.

What's to stop the next elected Democrat Imbecile from removing that wall or those barriers?
Apparently the child trafficking, drug smuggling and criminal invasion are all democrat prizes.

Honestly, I'm a peaceful person and value life, but even I can't see a way to preserve the USA in ANY kind of semblance of the USA the US Constitution designed it to be without some kind of civil uprising or Civil War.

On it's current trajectory, the USA as designed by the Founders is already dissolved and transformed into something much less and in the words of Thomas Jefferson......

Occasionally the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
Thomas Jefferson

Blunt truth....failing that, we probably will become like Venezuela (or Russia) in time.

Some future President will probably declare an emercency need for wall dust and tear it down despite anything congress says.

I swear, this is how the Republic ended in Star Wars.
Let's say America, against all opposition and a deafening domestic enemy (The Left), manages to get a Southern Border Wall/Barrier built after all.

What's to stop the next elected Democrat Imbecile from removing that wall or those barriers?
Apparently the child trafficking, drug smuggling and criminal invasion are all democrat prizes.

Honestly, I'm a peaceful person and value life, but even I can't see a way to preserve the USA in ANY kind of semblance of the USA the US Constitution designed it to be without some kind of civil uprising or Civil War.

On it's current trajectory, the USA as designed by the Founders is already dissolved and transformed into something much less and in the words of Thomas Jefferson......

Occasionally the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
Thomas Jefferson

Blunt truth....failing that, we probably will become like Venezuela (or Russia) in time.
^drank the koolaide^

And not just a little.
^drank the koolaide^
And not just a little.

You're like a 3 year old....run in, make an ugly face, then run out.....
Having contributed nothing and made no point except to act like a 3 year old.

Your boy O'Beto and others you look up to openly say this.

Name ONE point that isn't true.......or remain a sulking 3 year old.
Let's say America, against all opposition and a deafening domestic enemy (The Left), manages to get a Southern Border Wall/Barrier built after all.

What's to stop the next elected Democrat Imbecile from removing that wall or those barriers?
Apparently the child trafficking, drug smuggling and criminal invasion are all democrat prizes.

Honestly, I'm a peaceful person and value life, but even I can't see a way to preserve the USA in ANY kind of semblance of the USA the US Constitution designed it to be without some kind of civil uprising or Civil War.

On it's current trajectory, the USA as designed by the Founders is already dissolved and transformed into something much less and in the words of Thomas Jefferson......

Occasionally the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
Thomas Jefferson

Blunt truth....failing that, we probably will become like Venezuela (or Russia) in time.
If it steal, recycle it.
But as the great Wall of Douche will never be completed. Even if starts.
If ever started, the gaps between sections will be Yuge. No ladders needed to pass by it.

Just more of the great Orange Douche failures.
Just some Orange Epoxy Resin with a hint of vinegar douche. Drink it down DOPers.
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St Trumpy’s got maybe two years left in office.

Considering the legal hurdles, there’s no way the wall is even going to get started in that time frame.
^drank the koolaide^
And not just a little.

You're like a 3 year old....run in, make an ugly face, then run out.....
Having contributed nothing and made no point except to act like a 3 year old.

Your boy O'Beto and others you look up to openly say this.

Name ONE point that isn't true.......or remain a sulking 3 year old.
One point.

I'm not a fan of ol' Beto.

Another point. Maybe you don't know what "drank the koolaide" means so I'll explain it too you:

If you "drank the koolaide" you are believing or participating in a silly idea that is bound to end badly. See Jonestown .Jonestown - Wikipedia
One point.
I'm not a fan of ol' Beto.
Another point. Maybe you don't know what "drank the koolaide" means so I'll explain it too you:
If you "drank the koolaide" you are believing or participating in a silly idea that is bound to end badly. See Jonestown .Jonestown - Wikipedia

You may or may not be a "fan", but it's likely safe to say you'd choose him or any Democrat who opposes a wall over nearly any Republican for the wall.

More importantly,
You did not name a single point in the post in question that wasn't true.
Can you not make a clear point? What are you talking about? Be specific.

If you make a good point based on fact and truth I have no problem admitting it so.
LOL! "at several points throughout its history the Great Wall failed to stop enemies, including in 1644 when the Manchu Qing marched through the gates of Shanhai Pass and replaced the most ardent of the wall-building dynasties, the Ming, as rulers of China."

So, I guess the 21st. century wall, should have no gates in it?
But old dirt ramps, will allow everyone over anyhow. LOL!
One point.
I'm not a fan of ol' Beto.
Another point. Maybe you don't know what "drank the koolaide" means so I'll explain it too you:
If you "drank the koolaide" you are believing or participating in a silly idea that is bound to end badly. See Jonestown .Jonestown - Wikipedia

You may or may not be a "fan", but it's likely safe to say you'd choose him or any Democrat who opposes a wall over nearly any Republican for the wall.

More importantly,
You did not name a single point in the post in question that wasn't true.
Can you not make a clear point? What are you talking about? Be specific.

If you make a good point based on fact and truth I have no problem admitting it so.
Look kid, you're a wing nut talking about starting a civil war. When you talk sense I'll respond to it, until then get used to the flippant replies.
Look kid, you're a wing nut talking about starting a civil war. When you talk sense I'll respond to it, until then get used to the flippant replies.

Exactly as I suspected.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the wall.
I didn't actually expect you, being a 3 year old mentally, to converse intelligently.

FYI, America has already had a civil war, and we were probably less divided then.
It's not unheard of.

And you are flippant to everyone you disagree with. Again, expected, of a 3year old.
Look kid, you're a wing nut talking about starting a civil war. When you talk sense I'll respond to it, until then get used to the flippant replies.

Exactly as I suspected.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the wall.
I didn't actually expect you, being a 3 year old mentally, to converse intelligently.

FYI, America has already had a civil war, and we were probably less divided then.
It's not unheard of.

And you are flippant to everyone you disagree with. Again, expected, of a 3year old.
Lol, am I gettin' under yer skin there Jethro?

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