Evangelicals Pay Attention


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Shock Pew Research Poll:

American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals According to Pew Research
, Evangelical support for Jews is very high. However the feeling is not mutual. While 69% of white evangelicals say they have a favorable view of Jews, only 34% of Jews say they have a favorable view of Evangelicals.

Shock Pew Research Poll American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals

They like RC's better too, and we don't send them money.:biggrin:
Shock Pew Research Poll:

American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals According to Pew Research
, Evangelical support for Jews is very high. However the feeling is not mutual. While 69% of white evangelicals say they have a favorable view of Jews, only 34% of Jews say they have a favorable view of Evangelicals.

Shock Pew Research Poll American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals

They like RC's better too, and we don't send them money.:biggrin:
Jews have learned the hard way to not trust fundamentalists of all kinds.
Religious zealots of any denomination are dangerous and crazy. They want the opposite of the principles this country was founded on. Let them think whatever nonsense they want but keep them in their churches and out of our government, schools and off my front porch.

Jews don't favor Muslims over Evangelicals, in fact they gave Muslims a 35% rating. Penelope, you dishonest little twit.

If you look closely, 58% of Jews have a favorable "feeling" towards Catholicism.

Man, I never expected this kind of stupid when I first logged on today.
The Zionist leaders in Israel are the radicals and have been since they invaded Palestine. Evans need to wake up.
for the record------jews have a problem with AVID proselytizers having been subject to forced conversion
for centuries. If one asks a jew in the USA " who bugs
you more------Achmed at the local newspaper stand----
or Mrs Brown with the missionizing pamphlets shoved
at you incessantly and even stuck into books and magazines
you buy at the local jewish book store"??? the answer
is going to be ------Mrs. Brown. ----the poll is idiotic.


a similar poll in a shariah shit hole would elicit a different
response------sheeeesh penelope

Jews don't favor Muslims over Evangelicals, in fact they gave Muslims a 35% rating. Penelope, you dishonest little twit.

If you look closely, 58% of Jews have a favorable "feeling" towards Catholicism.

Man, I never expected this kind of stupid when I first logged on today.
Catholicism is not evangelical and she noted they like Catholics in the OP.

Jews don't favor Muslims over Evangelicals, in fact they gave Muslims a 35% rating. Penelope, you dishonest little twit.

If you look closely, 58% of Jews have a favorable "feeling" towards Catholicism.

Man, I never expected this kind of stupid when I first logged on today.
Catholicism is not evangelical and she noted they like Catholics in the OP.

Imagine that, They like RC more than Evans, no of course RC's are not even Christians according to the Evans, the Pope is the Antichrist. RC's does not have an Israel fund.

Jews don't favor Muslims over Evangelicals, in fact they gave Muslims a 35% rating. Penelope, you dishonest little twit.

If you look closely, 58% of Jews have a favorable "feeling" towards Catholicism.

Man, I never expected this kind of stupid when I first logged on today.
Catholicism is not evangelical and she noted they like Catholics in the OP.

Imagine that, They like RC more than Evans, no of course RC's are not even Christians according to the Evans, the Pope is the Antichrist. RC's does not have an Israel fund.

SO? neither are killing jews right now -----and the stats are really not significantly different and jews are not killing catholics or evangelicals either. Your guys are filling the gutters with blood and bodies in a dozen different countries and even sometimes in the USA, Why would jews be
concerned about how evangelicals evaluate Catholicism?
Jews tend to evaluate any group that neither kills them or tries to force their own religion on them as GOOD
muslims decided to start flirting with Christians about 30
years ago -----I remember it well------arafart went to a church and ADDRESSED "dear lord jesus"-----and some muslims started with the business -----we love jesus and his virgin mother------inbetween these statements they continually slipped the idea------Christians and muslims are "ALLIES" because we both "love jesus"------'joos don't'
What Penelope doesn't tell you is the overall Jewish support for Christianity. She singles out a certain denomination of Christianity and says "Jews hate you!"

Never did that. Its self explanatory isn't it. I was rather shocked they like RC better than evans since RC's do not worship them like the evans. Never said they hated any group, but seems like they Like Muslims the best.
Think about it...

If you keep telling some one that they broke the covenant with their God(never explains how), blame them for the death of your god(I thought God was immortal) and threaten them with hellfire unless they convert(why should they when every thing you say does not match up with their prophecies?), I doubt they will like you very much.

Oh--- add in the fact that the so called "charity" you provide them is based on some wacky belief that all of them are going to die or convert someday--a concept that some evangelicals pray will happen soon!

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