Europe's Long-Standing Dislike of America

Originally posted by CSM
That is pure BS....I submit that Europe is going through the evil period right now, especially given the sneaky, underhanded way they tried to support Saddam, appease the terrorists, and now even cozy up to China. I guess "evil" is a matter of perception, eh?

Originally posted by Adam's Apple
The libs' propaganda that Bush is responsible for alienating Europe from America is just that--propaganda.

You may try to stop and think for a while.

Use the grey matter once in your miserable, good for nothing lives. Yes, you are nothing. You are all peasants. You can be replaced. In fact, you are being replaced, by more competent, harder working peasants from the rising 2nd world countries.
Think, and then maybe, just maybe, the shells of your narcistic self-pity will fall off your eyes. And you will see the uselessness of asking the “Why do they (the world) hate us? It’s not fair.” - I'll just keep my head in the sand question.

First, it is necessary for you to recognize that the United States is NOT the greatest nation on earth, that’s Norway. Nor has the United States ever been the greatest nation on earth and considering the course you are taking at present, it will never be.
Secondly, you will realize the United States is NOT the most fucked up nation on earth, was never the most fucked up nation in the world, and considering the course you are taking at present, is making sure it will be a runner up at the least.
My point is, there is no nation on earth that can be regarded as the epitome of goodness, nor as the epitome of evil. I’m sorry, but it’s not that simple. This is not Lord of the Rings.

I am from the Netherlands, as some of you may know. In our history, we have a period which we refer to as our “golden age”. Trade was plentiful, and the country harvested more wealth towards ourselves as ever before. Although this period is, as the name would suggest, a great age in our history, some people take a little different perspective on this. The Spanish, for example, whose armada’s were viciously attacked by what they refer to as pirates. And while they mostly managed to hold them off, there is at least one occasion where an entire armada was confiscated by the Dutch, killing all the Spanish sailors and hauling off treasure worth millions.

This hypocrisy of polishing one’s evil deeds while trumpeting one’s good deeds is fairly universal. But that does not change the fact that it IS hypocrisy.

From a European perspective, most Americans are so utterly shut off from the world, it is almost as if you voluntarily locked yourselves in cages and collectively swallowed the key.

Before you start fulminating at this European perspective of your country, try and do some research. Try and be objective about your country’s actions, weigh all sides before you jump to conclusions. And realize a nation does what it’s people choose it to do. Even in a fake democracy such as yours, the people still hold the power to bring the government down. Do not swallow all that is poured in your mouth, nor by your government, nor by me nor anyone else. Use your brain, that’s what it’s for. Gather facts first, then build conclusions, not the other way around.

When you do, you will reach the conclusion that the United States is at present going through a period of basically, evil. And you will come to understand that no-one in the world will come to your aid. Not one. Sure, a hurricane here, another one there and people from all over the world will pay for the sad situation that many of your people are in. But what this government does to you, is what you have elected upon yourselves. It is solely your concern.

And believe me, I do realize this administration is not only devastating your nation, but whole communities across the globe as well. All in your name. So you may think it is not solely your concern, but the rest of the world’s as well. If you do, congratulations, you just hit the nail on the head. However, it takes more hits than one for any construction to hold; the nail needs to be driven all the way into the wood.

However fraudulent your current administration may be, for another nation to step in and remove your government from power is by any law, be it your constitution or international laws, an act of war on behalf of the invading nation. A simple pondering over this statement results in the obvious fact that your country illegally invaded another nation. An act of illegal agression under any law.

The knife cuts both ways is another way to put this.

Take my advice:
Quit whining about the fact that over half the world despises your country’s actions, and educate yourself as to why this is so. You may find yourself joining the anti-war prostesters sooner than you know. Go out and learn, dammit!
Don’t give me the “I can’t handle the truth” crap! Learn it, face it, swallow it, hate it.

Ignorance may be bliss, but so is a comatose state.
Harmageddon said:
You may try to stop and think for a while.

Use the grey matter once in your miserable, good for nothing lives. Yes, you are nothing. You are all peasants. You can be replaced. In fact, you are being replaced, by more competent, harder working peasants from the rising 2nd world countries.
Think, and then maybe, just maybe, the shells of your narcistic self-pity will fall off your eyes. And you will see the uselessness of asking the “Why do they (the world) hate us? It’s not fair.” - I'll just keep my head in the sand question.

First, it is necessary for you to recognize that the United States is NOT the greatest nation on earth, that’s Norway. Nor has the United States ever been the greatest nation on earth and considering the course you are taking at present, it will never be.
Secondly, you will realize the United States is NOT the most fucked up nation on earth, was never the most fucked up nation in the world, and considering the course you are taking at present, is making sure it will be a runner up at the least.
My point is, there is no nation on earth that can be regarded as the epitome of goodness, nor as the epitome of evil. I’m sorry, but it’s not that simple. This is not Lord of the Rings.

I am from the Netherlands, as some of you may know. In our history, we have a period which we refer to as our “golden age”. Trade was plentiful, and the country harvested more wealth towards ourselves as ever before. Although this period is, as the name would suggest, a great age in our history, some people take a little different perspective on this. The Spanish, for example, whose armada’s were viciously attacked by what they refer to as pirates. And while they mostly managed to hold them off, there is at least one occasion where an entire armada was confiscated by the Dutch, killing all the Spanish sailors and hauling off treasure worth millions.

This hypocrisy of polishing one’s evil deeds while trumpeting one’s good deeds is fairly universal. But that does not change the fact that it IS hypocrisy.

From a European perspective, most Americans are so utterly shut off from the world, it is almost as if you voluntarily locked yourselves in cages and collectively swallowed the key.

Before you start fulminating at this European perspective of your country, try and do some research. Try and be objective about your country’s actions, weigh all sides before you jump to conclusions. And realize a nation does what it’s people choose it to do. Even in a fake democracy such as yours, the people still hold the power to bring the government down. Do not swallow all that is poured in your mouth, nor by your government, nor by me nor anyone else. Use your brain, that’s what it’s for. Gather facts first, then build conclusions, not the other way around.

When you do, you will reach the conclusion that the United States is at present going through a period of basically, evil. And you will come to understand that no-one in the world will come to your aid. Not one. Sure, a hurricane here, another one there and people from all over the world will pay for the sad situation that many of your people are in. But what this government does to you, is what you have elected upon yourselves. It is solely your concern.

And believe me, I do realize this administration is not only devastating your nation, but whole communities across the globe as well. All in your name. So you may think it is not solely your concern, but the rest of the world’s as well. If you do, congratulations, you just hit the nail on the head. However, it takes more hits than one for any construction to hold; the nail needs to be driven all the way into the wood.

However fraudulent your current administration may be, for another nation to step in and remove your government from power is by any law, be it your constitution or international laws, an act of war on behalf of the invading nation. A simple pondering over this statement results in the obvious fact that your country illegally invaded another nation. An act of illegal agression under any law.

The knife cuts both ways is another way to put this.

Take my advice:
Quit whining about the fact that over half the world despises your country’s actions, and educate yourself as to why this is so. You may find yourself joining the anti-war prostesters sooner than you know. Go out and learn, dammit!
Don’t give me the “I can’t handle the truth” crap! Learn it, face it, swallow it, hate it.

Ignorance may be bliss, but so is a comatose state.

One thing I can say about you Euros, you guys are great at going on and on pretending to be so incredibly sophisticated and say absolutely nothing. Worse than that is when you do basically the same thing and make a complete ass out of yourself.
The Netherlands is a inconsequential bore of a country which is why nobody has a clue or an opinion about your little government. I can't tell you what type of system of government or what runs it, I couldn't give a shit. You pretend to know something about the U.S. government but all you know is the garbage that is force fed to you by other utopian dreamer twerps. Step up into the real world clogs and try to keep up. There are really dangerous assholes out there and they aren't on our side of the Atlantic. . . yet. Luckily we don't have to depend on an asswipe like you for help, we take care of ourselves along with the rest of the world. . . somebody has to, Europe sure won't. Idiots like you want to drone on and on about how wonderful peace would be without understanding that peace is nothing but a Utopian fantasy. To be so naive as to think that something like world peace is even achievable diqualifies you from any serious adult discussions about reality.
You don't know anything about our President, mainly because you don't possess a set of balls, the Dutch gave up the little ones they had years ago so shut the fuck up Hans . I'm curious gedde, is there anytime or reason that would make yoou try to shoot a gun(point the side with a hole in the end away from you)?
Oh and Van Gogh sucked dick and couldn't paint worth a shit either.
Harmageddon said:
However, the situation has grown harsh quite recently, and your nation's response to the atrocities of 9/11 didn't really improve things, to say the least. Petty tradewars, like the boeing vs airbus deathmatch are one thing, agressively invading one of the world's largest reserves of oil is quite another.
I guess if we were Dutch we would have retired to a "coffee shop" and tried to forget an act of war against our country. That will never happen with the United States, not as long as we have a real man in the White house. You know, a guy that you Euros cleverly(in your own eyes) call a cowboy. And we are the ones that supposedly have the small minds. The President comes from Texas so Euro dimwits call him a cowboy, how incredibly original and proof of how little Europe knows about America besides what they see from Hollywood's movies. Texans guided the first man to step foot on the moon, Euros can't even get a little Mars Rover to work.
We were asked by Iraqis that were forced to flee their country because of Hussein, the murderous rip off and the single most disasterous environmental weapon of mass destruction on the planet. He deserved to have the world go after him and string him up by the nuts ( the Dutch don't have ) just for what he did after President Bush 41 kicked his wide ass back to Baghdad. He also asked for it himself by firing on our aircraft in the no-fly zone along with many other violation to the cease fire agreement he agreed to.
The only way anyone will fly an Airbus is if it is given to them which may be the way you Euros do business, it isn't the way we work. Boeings superior designs should be flown by all carriers especially when groups of innocent people are involved, Airbus can't even get a nose gear designed to retract or roll correctly.

Sitarro, you must be the most worthless piece of shit I’ve seen on a message board in ages. You don’t know shit, so don’t start opening your sphincter if you don’t know what it’s for.

Originally posted by Sitarro
Oh and Van Gogh sucked dick and couldn't paint worth a shit either.
I agree with this statement one hundred percent. Although it has nothing to do with whatever I’ve posted, but then I didn’t expect as much of you, yet.

Thanks for the explanation about how to shoot a gun, I wouldn’t have a clue were it for your excellent advice on the matter. As for who to point it at, I’m at present not at war with anyone, but were it so, I'd be happy to point it at the enemy. As for the warless situation I'm in, I'd prefer to kill with my bare hands should the situation arise where killing seems the only option.

Dude, what makes you think you know more about your president than I do? The fact that you’re American? Give me a break. There’s a thing called the Internet, captain moron. Read it, and weep.

Peace is as much a fantasy as is democracy and freedom in America, I agree. Check out your own constitution, and thanks for proving the point.

Originally posted by Sitarro
Luckily we don't have to depend on an asswipe like you for help, we take care of ourselves along with the rest of the world. . . somebody has to, Europe sure won't.

You can take care of yourselfves?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fucking HA!
Remember New Orleans? You probably do, it used to be on the map.

Just when you think there's no way another braincell could leak out of the collective American brain and yet keep the country up and running, it happens. You are truly amazing people, such resilience. I'm in awe. Grin.

But, get a load of this, you then get hit, by some frikkin' natural disaster, a real big fuckin' hurricane.And this hurrican is on it's way to spread destruction, smearing incompetence across your collective crackers. That's right, it has hit you right in your fucking face. And you saw it coming too.

This massive storm is coming, and your nation just stares at it.
Like it's a staring contest or something. The face of your nation, as the storm approached, it just smirks. Like some sort of intelligent chimp man. Like, you just realized you are the missing link or something.

Imagine all this shit. That's America for you.

Just ignore the massive aid that was sent to the disaster area from all over the world, pretend it doesn’t exist. Thanks again.

Originally posted by Sitarro
The Netherlands is a inconsequential bore of a country which is why nobody has a clue or an opinion about your little government. I can't tell you what type of system of government or what runs it, I couldn't give a shit. You pretend to know something about the U.S. government but all you know is the garbage that is force fed to you by other utopian dreamer twerps. Step up into the real world clogs and try to keep up. There are really dangerous assholes out there and they aren't on our side of the Atlantic. . . yet.

Yet for all your stupidity you keep on hammering on the fact that you indeed do not know shit about the world. That you do not even give a shit.

You don’t KNOW shit, is more like it. My government aided you fuckheads in Iraq, and sent some troops to Afghanistan to find Bin Laden, the guy your army couldn’t find, nor the British. I wonder why the Dutch think they may be able to succeed where you failed.
I do not think it senseless or idiotic that your country responded to 9/11 in an agressive way. It seems only natural, and you have every right to do so, in my view. However, invading countries that have nothing to do with this is not the way to go about this. It makes you just as bad as the perpetrators of 9/11.

The dangerous assholes you refer to have been identified as suspect in the Madrid train bombing and the London underground bombing, but they’re not here. No, those facts wouldn’t fit the picture based on pre-emptive conclusions you prefer.

Originally posted by Sitarro
One thing I can say about you Euros, you guys are great at going on and on pretending to be so incredibly sophisticated and say absolutely nothing. Worse than that is when you do basically the same thing and make a complete ass out of yourself.
Ever wonder what that dripping noise is? It's your brains, fuckhead, leaking out of your nose.

Come get some.
Harmageddon said:

Sitarro, you must be the most worthless piece of shit I’ve seen on a message board in ages. You don’t know shit, so don’t start opening your sphincter if you don’t know what it’s for.

I agree with this statement one hundred percent. Although it has nothing to do with whatever I’ve posted, but then I didn’t expect as much of you, yet.

Thanks for the explanation about how to shoot a gun, I wouldn’t have a clue were it for your excellent advice on the matter. As for who to point it at, I’m at present not at war with anyone, but were it so, I'd be happy to point it at the enemy. As for the warless situation I'm in, I'd prefer to kill with my bare hands should the situation arise where killing seems the only option.

Dude, what makes you think you know more about your president than I do? The fact that you’re American? Give me a break. There’s a thing called the Internet, captain moron. Read it, and weep.

Peace is as much a fantasy as is democracy and freedom in America, I agree. Check out your own constitution, and thanks for proving the point.

You can take care of yourselfves?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fucking HA!
Remember New Orleans? You probably do, it used to be on the map.

Just when you think there's no way another braincell could leak out of the collective American brain and yet keep the country up and running, it happens. You are truly amazing people, such resilience. I'm in awe. Grin.

But, get a load of this, you then get hit, by some frikkin' natural disaster, a real big fuckin' hurricane.And this hurrican is on it's way to spread destruction, smearing incompetence across your collective crackers. That's right, it has hit you right in your fucking face. And you saw it coming too.

This massive storm is coming, and your nation just stares at it.
Like it's a staring contest or something. The face of your nation, as the storm approached, it just smirks. Like some sort of intelligent chimp man. Like, you just realized you are the missing link or something.

Imagine all this shit. That's America for you.

Just ignore the massive aid that was sent to the disaster area from all over the world, pretend it doesn’t exist. Thanks again.

Yet for all your stupidity you keep on hammering on the fact that you indeed do not know shit about the world. That you do not even give a shit.

You don’t KNOW shit, is more like it. My government aided you fuckheads in Iraq, and sent some troops to Afghanistan to find Bin Laden, the guy your army couldn’t find, nor the British. I wonder why the Dutch think they may be able to succeed where you failed.
I do not think it senseless or idiotic that your country responded to 9/11 in an agressive way. It seems only natural, and you have every right to do so, in my view. However, invading countries that have nothing to do with this is not the way to go about this. It makes you just as bad as the perpetrators of 9/11.

The dangerous assholes you refer to have been identified as suspect in the Madrid train bombing and the London underground bombing, but they’re not here. No, those facts wouldn’t fit the picture based on pre-emptive conclusions you prefer.

Ever wonder what that dripping noise is? It's your brains, fuckhead, leaking out of your nose.

Come get some.
Ok, so you are a troll...that is all I need to know about you. You contribute nothing and obviously have self esteem issues. I bet you get banned in less than two weeks.
Harmageddon said:
talk about worthless piece of shit! i had to cut all the bull out of your post and ended up deleting everything cause, well, you really suck cock.
sissy euro, jsut like the rest
Harmageddon said:
snipped more bullshit.
christ almighty, more bullshit!
i can only imagine you live in a trailer over there. so i can see why you would be so pissy.
but as usual with euros, you have a stick up your ass thinking your some superior race... wait havent we been there before?

talk about being a peasant. now get out of that library, there another 8 year old that wants to use that computer
Trigg said:
I definitally got this idea when I was over there. Many just don't like Americas politics and feel the US tries to be the worlds big brother.

Most I talked to were under the impression that all Americans are rich, since those are the only people they see, middle aged with no children especially.

They also don't understand why Americans don't travel more. I tried explaining that traveling between states here is like them traveling between countries there (distance wise anyway), and the cost is very high.

My mother was overseas during Katrina and most of the comments to her were "how did this happen in rich America". She tried to explain that New Orleans was a high crime city before the hurricane, but she got the idea that people still didn't get it.

I think it's actually amazing how much Europeans like Americans, based on the ones they actually come into contact with. I've seen Americans barge into traditional Italian restaurants, asking for hamburgers (in English) and trying to pay with dollars. Most are seniors, because for some reason that's when Americans START to travel. Well after the point when travel skills can be learned.

There's a general lack of adventurousness and intellectual curiosity in the modern American, which is exemplified by the example of our current President. Rich as he is and with such a massive silver spoon in his mouth, he had so little curiosity about the world that he didn't even travel internationally. Even now, when he is "forced" to travel due to the job we gave him, he totally avoids any cultural places or activities. His idea of a good vacation is chopping wood on a dusty ranch.

There are a lot of Americans like this. Frequently they are the ones who like to comment upon the activities of people in countries they've never been to and know nothing about.
Nuc said:
I think it's actually amazing how much Europeans like Americans, based on the ones they actually come into contact with. I've seen Americans barge into traditional Italian restaurants, asking for hamburgers (in English) and trying to pay with dollars. Most are seniors, because for some reason that's when Americans START to travel. Well after the point when travel skills can be learned.

There's a general lack of adventurousness and intellectual curiosity in the modern American, which is exemplified by the example of our current President. Rich as he is and with such a massive silver spoon in his mouth, he had so little curiosity about the world that he didn't even travel internationally. Even now, when he is "forced" to travel due to the job we gave him, he totally avoids any cultural places or activities. His idea of a good vacation is chopping wood on a dusty ranch.

There are a lot of Americans like this. Frequently they are the ones who like to comment upon the activities of people in countries they've never been to and know nothing about.

Aw cmon now. There are Americans who are truly socially and culturally inept, of that there is no question. There are also many Europeans, Asians and any other nationality you care to name that are the same. Bush's lack of travel or level of wealth means what? I dont recall that the Constitution or any law regarding political office requiring world travel or wealth (or lack thereof) as a requirement.
CSM said:
Aw cmon now. There are Americans who are truly socially and culturally inept, of that there is no question. There are also many Europeans, Asians and any other nationality you care to name that are the same. Bush's lack of travel or level of wealth means what? I dont recall that the Constitution or any law regarding political office requiring world travel or wealth (or lack thereof) as a requirement.

I don't understand anyone with the means to travel who doesn't. That's all. How could the man get to the age of 40 without setting foot on foreign soil? His dad is not that lame. If you want to be the most powerful man in the world, shouldn't you know SOMETHING about it?
Nuc said:
I don't understand anyone with the means to travel who doesn't. That's all. How could the man get to the age of 40 without setting foot on foreign soil? His dad is not that lame. If you want to be the most powerful man in the world, shouldn't you know SOMETHING about it?
jsut because you can do something doesnt mean you have to. i dont see a need to travel all over either, but i can if i wanted. i guess there just isnt nothing id want to see in other countries. or see again, i did travel while i was in the Army.
Nuc said:
I don't understand anyone with the means to travel who doesn't. That's all. How could the man get to the age of 40 without setting foot on foreign soil? His dad is not that lame. If you want to be the most powerful man in the world, shouldn't you know SOMETHING about it?

Just because you have the means doesn't mean you have to exercise the means. I know lots of people well over 40 who have the means but not the desire to travel. As for the most powerful man in the world knowing about the world...I suspect that is why they have a staff.

Also, just because someone travels, doesn't mean they know anything either.
CSM said:
Just because you have the means doesn't mean you have to exercise the means. I know lots of people well over 40 who have the means but not the desire to travel. As for the most powerful man in the world knowing about the world...I suspect that is why they have a staff.

Also, just because someone travels, doesn't mean they know anything either.

I'm not saying anybody HAS to travel. I just can't imagine it any more than I can imagine anyone who eats nothing but hamburgers. It's your right, but ??????????.
Harmageddon said:
Use the grey matter once in your miserable, good for nothing lives.

I do use it--every day--but, apparently, not to your liking.

But I do like to read the European perspective on things--especially America. It's interesting to me to read what you have to say. Helps me to understand why there is such a difference politically today between Europe and America, which was founded by Europeans to escape the governments of their homelands.
Look, if I offended you people by my previous post, I’m sorry, but Sirrato struck a chord, and his intentions of flaming me without any solid argument have merely provoked me to strike back and shred his post to pieces. Now if you don’t like that, that’s your problem, not mine.
Just one thing though: I did misread the point Sitarro referred to as our side of the Atlantic, so my reply concerning the Madrid and London bombings should be rephrased to refer to 9/11, which did give your country a piecemeal of terror. What can I say, my mistake.

As for the insightful replies:

Originally posted by CSM
Ok, so you are a troll...that is all I need to know about you. You contribute nothing and obviously have self esteem issues. I bet you get banned in less than two weeks.
Originally posted by Johnney
talk about worthless piece of shit! i had to cut all the bull out of your post and ended up deleting everything cause, well, you really suck cock.
sissy euro, jsut like the rest
Both of you have just proven my point.
Alas, if you refuse to reply to any factual argument I’ve put forward in my first two posts, then you leave me with no other choice than to ask you to re-read my third post, and insert your own name where it states Sitarro.

I didn’t subscribe to this forum just to indulge myself in some namecalling contest. If you truly want some of that, be my guest, I’ll give what it takes to shred your posts to pieces while I’m at it, but I’ll probably get bored soon.
As for the fact that I started calling you all peasants, no offence meant, it refers to myself as much as to you all. Besides, where would we be without the peasants eh? Still hunting deer I suppose.

What I did get onto this forum for was to try and make you people see what my opinions are and why they have grown into a state of utter contempt for your present administration. Exchange some ideas, maybe we’ll all leave this forum a little wiser. Sure, the whole story is quite complex, but we can all take a shot at explaining it to the best of our abilities.

In my opinion, the Project for the New American Century describes best what is going on right now, as far as your government is concerned. It was written before 9/11 and states that Iraq is going down, amongst other things. Because it will be hard to press this issue of invading Iraq on the American public, which is usually wary of waging war, this project states that a “pearl harbour like event” would be convenient to push this agenda forward, and would be able to convince the people of the necessity of war.
What this means is up to you to figure out. Just start gathering facts, is all I’m saying.

For CSM and Johnney, you obviously didn’t get the point I was trying to make in my first two posts, so let me rephrase them in a Jesus like parable.Your current administration’s pre-emptive war ideology as a Jesus parable would sound something like this:

“Hey, I will have to give you a pre-emptive punch in your face, to prevent you from working up an appetite for punching me in the face in the near future.”

Or I can use the father and son rape-anology:

“Son, I’ll have to pre-emptively rape you now, do not resist, I only do this because I love you and to protect you from working up an appetite for rape in your adult life. You will refrain from rape when you’ve grown up, because you know how much it hurts.”

That’s my view on pre-emptive war. What’s yours?
Harmageddon said:
In my opinion, the Project for the New American Century describes best what is going on right now, as far as your government is concerned. It was written before 9/11 and states that Iraq is going down, amongst other things. Because it will be hard to press this issue of invading Iraq on the American public, which is usually wary of waging war, this project states that a “pearl harbour like event” would be convenient to push this agenda forward, and would be able to convince the people of the necessity of war.

Hello Comrade Peasent:

Could be please link the documents you are quoting (para-phrasing).

Please and thank you.
Hello Said1, thank you for showing an interest.

Click on publications/Reports

Rebuilding America's defences, the bottom document on the page.
Released: september 2000, one year prior to 9/11.
It is a document stating concerns over the Pax Americana defences, propheting a time where the USA will fight multiple, simultaneous wars and expressing concerns over the declining defence budget, which is only larger than the rest of the world combined.
Featuring William Kristol as chair and John Bolton amongst others as board members.

Page 51 of the document:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor"

Harmageddon said:
You may try to stop and think for a while.

[B]Use the grey matter once in your miserable, good for nothing lives. Yes, you are nothing. You are all peasants. You can be replaced. In fact, you are being replaced, by more competent, harder working peasants from the rising 2nd world countries. Think, and then maybe, just maybe, the shells of your narcistic self-pity will fall off your eyes. And you will see the uselessness of asking the “Why do they (the world) hate us? It’s not fair.” - I'll just keep my head in the sand question.[/B]

First, it is necessary for you to recognize that the United States is NOT the greatest nation on earth, that’s Norway. Nor has the United States ever been the greatest nation on earth and considering the course you are taking at present, it will never be.
Secondly, you will realize the United States is NOT the most fucked up nation on earth, was never the most fucked up nation in the world, and considering the course you are taking at present, is making sure it will be a runner up at the least.
My point is, there is no nation on earth that can be regarded as the epitome of goodness, nor as the epitome of evil. I’m sorry, but it’s not that simple. This is not Lord of the Rings.

I am from the Netherlands, as some of you may know. In our history, we have a period which we refer to as our “golden age”. Trade was plentiful, and the country harvested more wealth towards ourselves as ever before. Although this period is, as the name would suggest, a great age in our history, some people take a little different perspective on this. The Spanish, for example, whose armada’s were viciously attacked by what they refer to as pirates. And while they mostly managed to hold them off, there is at least one occasion where an entire armada was confiscated by the Dutch, killing all the Spanish sailors and hauling off treasure worth millions.

This hypocrisy of polishing one’s evil deeds while trumpeting one’s good deeds is fairly universal. But that does not change the fact that it IS hypocrisy.

From a European perspective, most Americans are so utterly shut off from the world, it is almost as if you voluntarily locked yourselves in cages and collectively swallowed the key.

Before you start fulminating at this European perspective of your country, try and do some research. Try and be objective about your country’s actions, weigh all sides before you jump to conclusions. And realize a nation does what it’s people choose it to do. Even in a fake democracy such as yours, the people still hold the power to bring the government down. Do not swallow all that is poured in your mouth, nor by your government, nor by me nor anyone else. Use your brain, that’s what it’s for. Gather facts first, then build conclusions, not the other way around.

When you do, you will reach the conclusion that the United States is at present going through a period of basically, evil. And you will come to understand that no-one in the world will come to your aid. Not one. Sure, a hurricane here, another one there and people from all over the world will pay for the sad situation that many of your people are in. But what this government does to you, is what you have elected upon yourselves. It is solely your concern.

And believe me, I do realize this administration is not only devastating your nation, but whole communities across the globe as well. All in your name. So you may think it is not solely your concern, but the rest of the world’s as well. If you do, congratulations, you just hit the nail on the head. However, it takes more hits than one for any construction to hold; the nail needs to be driven all the way into the wood.

However fraudulent your current administration may be, for another nation to step in and remove your government from power is by any law, be it your constitution or international laws, an act of war on behalf of the invading nation. A simple pondering over this statement results in the obvious fact that your country illegally invaded another nation. An act of illegal agression under any law.

The knife cuts both ways is another way to put this.

Take my advice:
Quit whining about the fact that over half the world despises your country’s actions, and educate yourself as to why this is so. You may find yourself joining the anti-war prostesters sooner than you know. Go out and learn, dammit!
Don’t give me the “I can’t handle the truth” crap! Learn it, face it, swallow it, hate it.

Ignorance may be bliss, but so is a comatose state.

Harma, you post something like this and expect nicey nice from me????

You are obviously anti US (I dont care how you try to dress it up or rationalize it.) You accuse US citizens of not using their brains, of not thinking; you calll the US evil and it's government corrupt.

This is exactly what I expect from an arrogant hypocritical European such as yourself. Norway is the greatest nation???? Says you and I'm supposed to accept that. I am supposed to acknowledge that the opinion of a bunch of washed up, has been nations that are swiftly descending into irrelevance has merit. You want me to not only acknowledge European superiority but to believe it as well.

I am willing to listen to opposing ideas and opinions; I am not willing to listen to some arrogant ass tell me how evil I am....

By the way, you forgot to mention that your country's golden age (you know, where you amassed all that wealth?) was based on the suppression and exploitation of foriegn countries and their people.

You claim in subsequent posts that you know more about The US and its government than the citizens who actually live and work in this country (because of the internet no less!!!). If that is not pure arrogance then bears dont live in the woods.
Harmageddon said:

Sitarro, you must be the most worthless piece of shit I’ve seen on a message board in ages. You don’t know shit, so don’t start opening your sphincter if you don’t know what it’s for.

I agree with this statement one hundred percent. Although it has nothing to do with whatever I’ve posted, but then I didn’t expect as much of you, yet.

Thanks for the explanation about how to shoot a gun, I wouldn’t have a clue were it for your excellent advice on the matter. As for who to point it at, I’m at present not at war with anyone, but were it so, I'd be happy to point it at the enemy. As for the warless situation I'm in, I'd prefer to kill with my bare hands should the situation arise where killing seems the only option.

Dude, what makes you think you know more about your president than I do? The fact that you’re American? Give me a break. There’s a thing called the Internet, captain moron. Read it, and weep.

Peace is as much a fantasy as is democracy and freedom in America, I agree. Check out your own constitution, and thanks for proving the point.

You can take care of yourselfves?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fucking HA!
Remember New Orleans? You probably do, it used to be on the map.

Just when you think there's no way another braincell could leak out of the collective American brain and yet keep the country up and running, it happens. You are truly amazing people, such resilience. I'm in awe. Grin.

But, get a load of this, you then get hit, by some frikkin' natural disaster, a real big fuckin' hurricane.And this hurrican is on it's way to spread destruction, smearing incompetence across your collective crackers. That's right, it has hit you right in your fucking face. And you saw it coming too.

This massive storm is coming, and your nation just stares at it.
Like it's a staring contest or something. The face of your nation, as the storm approached, it just smirks. Like some sort of intelligent chimp man. Like, you just realized you are the missing link or something.

Imagine all this shit. That's America for you.

Just ignore the massive aid that was sent to the disaster area from all over the world, pretend it doesn’t exist. Thanks again.

Yet for all your stupidity you keep on hammering on the fact that you indeed do not know shit about the world. That you do not even give a shit.

You don’t KNOW shit, is more like it. My government aided you fuckheads in Iraq, and sent some troops to Afghanistan to find Bin Laden, the guy your army couldn’t find, nor the British. I wonder why the Dutch think they may be able to succeed where you failed.
I do not think it senseless or idiotic that your country responded to 9/11 in an agressive way. It seems only natural, and you have every right to do so, in my view. However, invading countries that have nothing to do with this is not the way to go about this. It makes you just as bad as the perpetrators of 9/11.

The dangerous assholes you refer to have been identified as suspect in the Madrid train bombing and the London underground bombing, but they’re not here. No, those facts wouldn’t fit the picture based on pre-emptive conclusions you prefer.

Ever wonder what that dripping noise is? It's your brains, fuckhead, leaking out of your nose.

Come get some.

Ha Ha Ha Ha
I'm curious hans, are you sitting on a bidet as you peck that drivel out on your American designed computer system broadcasting it across the American developed internet?
Oh wait, I'm sure you have been told that the Dutch created those things and it was also the Dutch that went into space first and the Dutch that landed and returned from the moon.tehee
We create in America, we work very hard and produce an economy that you with your little twat country couldn't possibly understand. You're too busy trying to plug up dikes with your fingers to do anything worth while.
What are the Dutch known for, carving shoes out of wood, ancient windmills, One decent painter(Rembrandt) that would have rathered live in America if given the chance, liberal prostitution laws, liberal drug laws, murder, and an economy the size of Rhode Island. . . . wow, get me a ticket as long as it's not on an Airbus.
Actually it is quite obvious, to Americans that travel a lot, why the rest of the world dislikes us but dream of coming here. While you have a lot of really old buildings and sit back and coast on what your ancestors accomplished, you produce very little compared to the young European established country of America.
It takes multiple European countries to copy badly(Airbus) what one American company has been doing for many years(Boeing). Europe's space agency has contributed very little to the International Space Station and what it has brought doesn't work worth a crap.
What relief has "the world" contributed to the victims of poor planning in New Orleans? I remember reading that France was sending some moth eaten cots, and Britain was sending meals that weren't edible. What did the Dutch contribute, warm air? New Orleans is and has been a disaster waiting to happen, it was Euros that settled it and decided that building below sea level was a good idea, I believe you may know more about that since flooding is a major concern in Nederland. The Hurricane wasn't the problem for New Orleans, graft, corruption, greed was and still is the problem with New Orleans. Hurricanes happen every year, not a lot that can be done about them. If the same storm would have hit in Europe I would imagine there would have been deaths in the 10s of thousands. After all, Europe lost over 20,000 a few summers ago because the temperature reached 90 degrees. . . . it will be 98 here today, as it has been all summer. . . 0 lives will be lost.
I would love to continue but I need to go, I'm photographing 2 golf courses today and will probably play 9 holes in between. Later twat.
Well, let’s get going, shall we?

Originally posted by CSM
This is exactly what I expect from an arrogant hypocritical European such as yourself. Norway is the greatest nation???? Says you and I'm supposed to accept that. I am supposed to acknowledge that the opinion of a bunch of washed up, has been nations that are swiftly descending into irrelevance has merit. You want me to not only acknowledge European superiority but to believe it as well.
No, you don’t have to believe everything I say, I recall posting somewhere before that you should not swallow ANY information as if it were candy, not mine, nor your government’s.
As for Norway, it’s been called the greatest nation by the UN’s human development report, which ranks 173 countries across the globe, based on the quality of life – using indicators such as life expectancy and income per person. for the second year in a row according to the first link. - 2002 - 2004

Notice the US has dropped from place six to eight.

Originally posted by CSM
I am willing to listen to opposing ideas and opinions; I am not willing to listen to some arrogant ass tell me how evil I am....

I’m sorry if you misinterpreted: I did not state anywhere that you are an evil person, although I may have stated you could use some education on worldly matters, which may have come across as rude. Understandably. And as to the arrogance; yes, you are correct. However, you keep posting comments that have not convinced me to withdraw this statement. Still, some credit for this:

Originally posted by CSM
By the way, you forgot to mention that your country's golden age (you know, where you amassed all that wealth?) was based on the suppression and exploitation of foriegn countries and their people.

No, I didn’t mention it, although it is correct. I myself, in all my hypocrisy, have neglected to mention this fact, and perhaps buried it by acknowledging we were pirates that robbed the Spanish tradefleets, which is a far less evil than the things you refer to – Indonesia for one have had some bad experiences with the Dutch, as did South Africa.

Which was mainly the point I was trying to make previously. But if you fail to draw the parallel with our exploitations of foreigner’s wealth in the past, and your exploitations of foreigner’s wealth in the present, you are in a dire need of an update on current events.

Originally posted by CSM
You claim in subsequent posts that you know more about The US and its government than the citizens who actually live and work in this country (because of the internet no less!!!). If that is not pure arrogance then bears dont live in the woods.

That is a bold statement by me, I agree. And probably untrue.
However, I do check multiple sources to get to the bottomline.
You see, there is not one mainstream media source that states the truth and nothing but the truth. All countries suffer from certain blind spots, mostly regarding the atrocities they commit themselves. I’m merely trying to shed light on yours.

Now, on to Sitarro, I still have a lot of explaining to do.

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