European Meltdown Over Pence's Scolding-U.S. V.P. tells West European allies to grow up.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
More and More, President Trump is responding as a strong father to a bunch of unruly, undisciplined brats. He sets the bar high, works personally to achieve the standard, but also expects others to make a like effort.

We live in a world that is besieges by efforts to destroy the concept of family. Paternal Love is a concept experienced by fewer and fewer people.

I understand more what he means when he tells people he loves them. He is speaking as a father, saying 'You can count on me. I am looking out for your best interest. Pay attention here, there is a lesson to be learned.'

It is hard determined work and he is doing it, from the Oval Office for an entire Nation, and to a lessor degree to others around the world.

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West European leaders had hissy fits during the last several days over their displeasure with major elements of President Trump’s foreign policy. The growing split burst out into the open during the recent annual security conference in Munich, Germany, where Vice President Mike Pence laid out the Trump administration’s expectations for America’s West European allies. To sum up the message, Vice President Pence essentially told them to grow up, shoulder more financial responsibility for mutual defense, and stop putting their narrow economic interests over the security interests of the free world when it comes to such adversaries as Iran and Russia.

West European leaders have become used to being coddled by past U.S. presidents. Perhaps for that reason, they treated former Vice President Joe Biden like a long-lost indulgent uncle when he addressed the Munich security conference as a private citizen who is considering a run for the presidency in 2020. He played his audience of foreign dignitaries like a violin, soothing them with the words of solidarity they prefer to hear and with sharp criticism of the Trump administration that was music to their ears.

"The America I see does not wish to turn our back on the world or allies, our closest allies,” Mr. Biden said. “Indeed, the American people understand that it's only by working in cooperation with our friends that we are going to be able to harness the forces of a rapidly changing world, to mitigate their downsides and turn them to our collective advantage." Calling America’s policies under our current duly elected president of the United States “an embarrassment,” he declared, “I promise you, as my mother would say, this too shall pass. We will be back. We will be back. Don't have any doubt about that."

In stark contrast, Vice President Pence spoke at the security conference, as he did earlier in the week, like a disciplined adult who told his smug audience what they had to hear to meet the challenges of the world today, not the nostalgic bromides they wanted to hear.

“When you hear President Trump ask our NATO allies to live up to the commitments they've made to our common defense, that’s what we call being leader of the free world,” Vice President Pence told the Munich security conference as his audience sat mostly in silence.

Asking our NATO allies to contribute more to our common defense is not an abandonment of our allies. Quite the opposite. It is a recognition that we are no longer living in the decades immediately following World War II when European countries were still struggling to get on their feet, the Soviet Union posed an imminent threat, and only the United States could be counted on to bear the full burden of protecting the free world. If Western Europe today expects to be taken seriously as a full partner, it must stop its free-riding on the backs of American taxpayers.

West European countries also need to demonstrate by their actions that they are willing to sacrifice short-term economic advantages to secure the peace. Unfortunately, European countries insist on continuing to do business as usual with the leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. Vice President Pence appropriately scolded European leaders for not joining the United States in withdrawing from the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran and reimposing sanctions. “The time has come for our European partners to stand with us and with the Iranian people, our allies and friends in the region,” Vice President Pence said. “The time has come from our European partners to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and join us as we bring the economic and diplomatic pressure necessary to give the Iranian people, the region, and the world the peace, security, and freedom they deserve.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany shamelessly tried to portray the Iran nuclear deal as, the New York Times characterized in its report of her remarks, “the best way of influencing Iranian behavior on a range of non-nuclear issues, from missile development to terrorism.” She complained that the split over Iran “depresses me very much.” What is depressing is Chancellor Merkel’s willful blindness to the realities on the ground, where Iran’s missile program and its reach through terrorist proxies are rapidly expanding. All she and her European colleagues really care about is keeping the Iranian market open for European products and services in exchange for Iranian oil.

Germany is also placing its own selfish, parochial interests over the maintenance of European and international peace and security by collaborating with Russia to build the Nordstream 2 pipeline that would send Russian gas directly to Germany without requiring passage through Ukraine. “We can’t ensure the defense of the West if our allies are dependent on the East,” Vice President said in rebuking Chancellor Merkel’s lame attempt to defend her country’s collaboration with Russia.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, a former adviser to the German president and director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund, said, “If an alliance becomes unilateral and transactional, then it’s no longer an alliance.” He and his cohorts in the West European intelligentsia miss the point. President Trump is trying to realign America’s alliance with Europe within a multilateral framework of mutual responsibility rather than codependency. The president intends to continue America’s position as the leader of the free world. However, at the same time he expects our alliance partners to take off their rose colored glasses, worn also by Barack Obama and John Kerry when they were in office, in dealing with adversaries like Iran.
Pence was a disaster

Neither he, and especially Trump are respected outside of Fox News
More and More, President Trump is responding as a strong father to a bunch of unruly, undisciplined brats. He sets the bar high, works personally to achieve the standard, but also expects others to make a like effort.

We live in a world that is besieges by efforts to destroy the concept of family. Paternal Love is a concept experienced by fewer and fewer people.

I understand more what he means when he tells people he loves them. He is speaking as a father, saying 'You can count on me. I am looking out for your best interest. Pay attention here, there is a lesson to be learned.'

It is hard determined work and he is doing it, from the Oval Office for an entire Nation, and to a lessor degree to others around the world.

Frontpagemagaziner ^

West European leaders had hissy fits during the last several days over their displeasure with major elements of President Trump’s foreign policy. The growing split burst out into the open during the recent annual security conference in Munich, Germany, where Vice President Mike Pence laid out the Trump administration’s expectations for America’s West European allies. To sum up the message, Vice President Pence essentially told them to grow up, shoulder more financial responsibility for mutual defense, and stop putting their narrow economic interests over the security interests of the free world when it comes to such adversaries as Iran and Russia.

West European leaders have become used to being coddled by past U.S. presidents. Perhaps for that reason, they treated former Vice President Joe Biden like a long-lost indulgent uncle when he addressed the Munich security conference as a private citizen who is considering a run for the presidency in 2020. He played his audience of foreign dignitaries like a violin, soothing them with the words of solidarity they prefer to hear and with sharp criticism of the Trump administration that was music to their ears.

"The America I see does not wish to turn our back on the world or allies, our closest allies,” Mr. Biden said. “Indeed, the American people understand that it's only by working in cooperation with our friends that we are going to be able to harness the forces of a rapidly changing world, to mitigate their downsides and turn them to our collective advantage." Calling America’s policies under our current duly elected president of the United States “an embarrassment,” he declared, “I promise you, as my mother would say, this too shall pass. We will be back. We will be back. Don't have any doubt about that."

In stark contrast, Vice President Pence spoke at the security conference, as he did earlier in the week, like a disciplined adult who told his smug audience what they had to hear to meet the challenges of the world today, not the nostalgic bromides they wanted to hear.

“When you hear President Trump ask our NATO allies to live up to the commitments they've made to our common defense, that’s what we call being leader of the free world,” Vice President Pence told the Munich security conference as his audience sat mostly in silence.

Asking our NATO allies to contribute more to our common defense is not an abandonment of our allies. Quite the opposite. It is a recognition that we are no longer living in the decades immediately following World War II when European countries were still struggling to get on their feet, the Soviet Union posed an imminent threat, and only the United States could be counted on to bear the full burden of protecting the free world. If Western Europe today expects to be taken seriously as a full partner, it must stop its free-riding on the backs of American taxpayers.

West European countries also need to demonstrate by their actions that they are willing to sacrifice short-term economic advantages to secure the peace. Unfortunately, European countries insist on continuing to do business as usual with the leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. Vice President Pence appropriately scolded European leaders for not joining the United States in withdrawing from the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran and reimposing sanctions. “The time has come for our European partners to stand with us and with the Iranian people, our allies and friends in the region,” Vice President Pence said. “The time has come from our European partners to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and join us as we bring the economic and diplomatic pressure necessary to give the Iranian people, the region, and the world the peace, security, and freedom they deserve.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany shamelessly tried to portray the Iran nuclear deal as, the New York Times characterized in its report of her remarks, “the best way of influencing Iranian behavior on a range of non-nuclear issues, from missile development to terrorism.” She complained that the split over Iran “depresses me very much.” What is depressing is Chancellor Merkel’s willful blindness to the realities on the ground, where Iran’s missile program and its reach through terrorist proxies are rapidly expanding. All she and her European colleagues really care about is keeping the Iranian market open for European products and services in exchange for Iranian oil.

Germany is also placing its own selfish, parochial interests over the maintenance of European and international peace and security by collaborating with Russia to build the Nordstream 2 pipeline that would send Russian gas directly to Germany without requiring passage through Ukraine. “We can’t ensure the defense of the West if our allies are dependent on the East,” Vice President said in rebuking Chancellor Merkel’s lame attempt to defend her country’s collaboration with Russia.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, a former adviser to the German president and director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund, said, “If an alliance becomes unilateral and transactional, then it’s no longer an alliance.” He and his cohorts in the West European intelligentsia miss the point. President Trump is trying to realign America’s alliance with Europe within a multilateral framework of mutual responsibility rather than codependency. The president intends to continue America’s position as the leader of the free world. However, at the same time he expects our alliance partners to take off their rose colored glasses, worn also by Barack Obama and John Kerry when they were in office, in dealing with adversaries like Iran.
Pence is pushing for war with Iran, as his bosses the MIC and Ruling Class demand. The Euros want no such war, so naturally they consider him as jackass, as do I.
Just think of this, the Atlantic alliance which has kept us from WWIII the past 75 years is being destroyed by a con man, semi-literate, low IQ, Russian stooge, and Trumpist morons cheer him on. Europe knows that Trump is a frickin dolt and Russian useful idiot. The question they have is whether the Trumpist creature is an aberration or does he represent the new America, i.e. a Trumpist pro-authoritarian, anti democratic America. That is why they cheered Biden and remained silent for Pence. Europeans want nothing to do with Trumpist trash that is undermining all that the West stands for.
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Just think of this, the Atlantic alliance which has kept us from WWIII the past 75 years us being destroyed by a con man, semi-literate, low IQ, Russian stooge, and Trumpist morons cheer him on. Europe knows that Trump is a frickin dolt and Russian useful idiot. The question they have is whether the Trumpist creature is an aberration or does he represent the new America, i.e. a Trumpist pro-authoritarian, anti democratic America. That is why they cheered Biden and remained silent for Pence. Europeans want nothing to do with Trumpist trash that is undermining all that the West stands for.
It is truly amazing to read the psychotic ramblings of the left. They truly have gone off the rails with stupid.

The consequence of a media that fills their heads with hate and ignorance.
Just think of this, the Atlantic alliance which has kept us from WWIII the past 75 years is being destroyed by a con man, semi-literate, low IQ, Russian stooge, and Trumpist morons cheer him on. Europe knows that Trump is a frickin dolt and Russian useful idiot. The question they have is whether the Trumpist creature is an aberration or does he represent the new America, i.e. a Trumpist pro-authoritarian, anti democratic America. That is why they cheered Biden and remained silent for Pence. Europeans want nothing to do with Trumpist trash that is undermining all that the West stands for.
The people who started two world wars hate Trump. Film @ 11.
Just think of this, the Atlantic alliance which has kept us from WWIII the past 75 years us being destroyed by a con man, semi-literate, low IQ, Russian stooge, and Trumpist morons cheer him on. Europe knows that Trump is a frickin dolt and Russian useful idiot. The question they have is whether the Trumpist creature is an aberration or does he represent the new America, i.e. a Trumpist pro-authoritarian, anti democratic America. That is why they cheered Biden and remained silent for Pence. Europeans want nothing to do with Trumpist trash that is undermining all that the West stands for.
It is truly amazing to read the psychotic ramblings of the left. They truly have gone off the rails with stupid.

The consequence of a media that fills their heads with hate and ignorance.
Stop reveling in your own ignorance. Read something other than Breitbart. That you would even question what I wrote just shows how you have lost all sense of reality.
Trump and Pence are holding European leaders accountable now. Of course they don't like that because it exposes them. They are all Left leaning, socialist stooges trying to destroy their countries from within by importing Muslims.
Just think of this, the Atlantic alliance which has kept us from WWIII the past 75 years us being destroyed by a con man, semi-literate, low IQ, Russian stooge, and Trumpist morons cheer him on. Europe knows that Trump is a frickin dolt and Russian useful idiot. The question they have is whether the Trumpist creature is an aberration or does he represent the new America, i.e. a Trumpist pro-authoritarian, anti democratic America. That is why they cheered Biden and remained silent for Pence. Europeans want nothing to do with Trumpist trash that is undermining all that the West stands for.
It is truly amazing to read the psychotic ramblings of the left. They truly have gone off the rails with stupid.

The consequence of a media that fills their heads with hate and ignorance.
Stop reveling in your own ignorance. Read something other than Breitbart. That you would even question what I wrote just shows how you have lost all sense of reality.
Oh come on now. Aren't you going to double down on DUMB?
More and More, President Trump is responding as a strong father to a bunch of unruly, undisciplined brats. He sets the bar high, works personally to achieve the standard, but also expects others to make a like effort.

We live in a world that is besieges by efforts to destroy the concept of family. Paternal Love is a concept experienced by fewer and fewer people.

I understand more what he means when he tells people he loves them. He is speaking as a father, saying 'You can count on me. I am looking out for your best interest. Pay attention here, there is a lesson to be learned.'

It is hard determined work and he is doing it, from the Oval Office for an entire Nation, and to a lessor degree to others around the world.

Frontpagemagaziner ^

West European leaders had hissy fits during the last several days over their displeasure with major elements of President Trump’s foreign policy. The growing split burst out into the open during the recent annual security conference in Munich, Germany, where Vice President Mike Pence laid out the Trump administration’s expectations for America’s West European allies. To sum up the message, Vice President Pence essentially told them to grow up, shoulder more financial responsibility for mutual defense, and stop putting their narrow economic interests over the security interests of the free world when it comes to such adversaries as Iran and Russia.

West European leaders have become used to being coddled by past U.S. presidents. Perhaps for that reason, they treated former Vice President Joe Biden like a long-lost indulgent uncle when he addressed the Munich security conference as a private citizen who is considering a run for the presidency in 2020. He played his audience of foreign dignitaries like a violin, soothing them with the words of solidarity they prefer to hear and with sharp criticism of the Trump administration that was music to their ears.

"The America I see does not wish to turn our back on the world or allies, our closest allies,” Mr. Biden said. “Indeed, the American people understand that it's only by working in cooperation with our friends that we are going to be able to harness the forces of a rapidly changing world, to mitigate their downsides and turn them to our collective advantage." Calling America’s policies under our current duly elected president of the United States “an embarrassment,” he declared, “I promise you, as my mother would say, this too shall pass. We will be back. We will be back. Don't have any doubt about that."

In stark contrast, Vice President Pence spoke at the security conference, as he did earlier in the week, like a disciplined adult who told his smug audience what they had to hear to meet the challenges of the world today, not the nostalgic bromides they wanted to hear.

“When you hear President Trump ask our NATO allies to live up to the commitments they've made to our common defense, that’s what we call being leader of the free world,” Vice President Pence told the Munich security conference as his audience sat mostly in silence.

Asking our NATO allies to contribute more to our common defense is not an abandonment of our allies. Quite the opposite. It is a recognition that we are no longer living in the decades immediately following World War II when European countries were still struggling to get on their feet, the Soviet Union posed an imminent threat, and only the United States could be counted on to bear the full burden of protecting the free world. If Western Europe today expects to be taken seriously as a full partner, it must stop its free-riding on the backs of American taxpayers.

West European countries also need to demonstrate by their actions that they are willing to sacrifice short-term economic advantages to secure the peace. Unfortunately, European countries insist on continuing to do business as usual with the leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. Vice President Pence appropriately scolded European leaders for not joining the United States in withdrawing from the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran and reimposing sanctions. “The time has come for our European partners to stand with us and with the Iranian people, our allies and friends in the region,” Vice President Pence said. “The time has come from our European partners to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and join us as we bring the economic and diplomatic pressure necessary to give the Iranian people, the region, and the world the peace, security, and freedom they deserve.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany shamelessly tried to portray the Iran nuclear deal as, the New York Times characterized in its report of her remarks, “the best way of influencing Iranian behavior on a range of non-nuclear issues, from missile development to terrorism.” She complained that the split over Iran “depresses me very much.” What is depressing is Chancellor Merkel’s willful blindness to the realities on the ground, where Iran’s missile program and its reach through terrorist proxies are rapidly expanding. All she and her European colleagues really care about is keeping the Iranian market open for European products and services in exchange for Iranian oil.

Germany is also placing its own selfish, parochial interests over the maintenance of European and international peace and security by collaborating with Russia to build the Nordstream 2 pipeline that would send Russian gas directly to Germany without requiring passage through Ukraine. “We can’t ensure the defense of the West if our allies are dependent on the East,” Vice President said in rebuking Chancellor Merkel’s lame attempt to defend her country’s collaboration with Russia.

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, a former adviser to the German president and director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund, said, “If an alliance becomes unilateral and transactional, then it’s no longer an alliance.” He and his cohorts in the West European intelligentsia miss the point. President Trump is trying to realign America’s alliance with Europe within a multilateral framework of mutual responsibility rather than codependency. The president intends to continue America’s position as the leader of the free world. However, at the same time he expects our alliance partners to take off their rose colored glasses, worn also by Barack Obama and John Kerry when they were in office, in dealing with adversaries like Iran.

Biden overseas trashing America. Typical Democrat. He much prefers the European support. It’s part of his campaign.
Germany finds itself stuck between a rock and hard place, created of their own doing, thinking the US would always pick up their slack, allowing them to act as a petulant child, by not fulfilling their own obligations to protect their country. Now, they have been called on it, and never figured for a scenario where they might actually have to step up to help protect their own.
Just think of this, the Atlantic alliance which has kept us from WWIII the past 75 years is being destroyed by a con man, semi-literate, low IQ, Russian stooge, and Trumpist morons cheer him on. Europe knows that Trump is a frickin dolt and Russian useful idiot. The question they have is whether the Trumpist creature is an aberration or does he represent the new America, i.e. a Trumpist pro-authoritarian, anti democratic America. That is why they cheered Biden and remained silent for Pence. Europeans want nothing to do with Trumpist trash that is undermining all that the West stands for.

Obama the lying incompetent is no longer in office get over it.

The Empire is always hungry for more land –

“There can not be a just Europe without an independent Ukraine. There can not be a safe Europe without a safe Ukraine. Simply put, Europe can not be without Ukraine!“

As ever, these EU-jihadists conflate a continent and a political union, though it must be recognised that many of them do actually believe that there can be no former without the latter. And by “independent Ukraine”, Tusk of course means under the EU yoke. It was exactly these ambitions which kicked off the Ukraine civil war.

EU fans have to ask themselves a simple question. That is, are you willing to see your children drafted into an EU military and sent to Ukraine to fight against Russians. If not, then you must stop kidding yourselves.

Posted in ATW

It's funny when adults are in control rather than Utopian promising morons like Obama. The leftist Euros are Democrat types just like Joe Biden. Old news, irrelevant. Gone.
if Europe survives their cultural enrichment they need to shut up , pay up and maybe the Germans could do some sit ups
the Russians are not coming storming across the polish border
they want the gas to keep flowing west
so do the Germans

also during training exercises instead of black painted broom sticks could someone lend the Germans real rifles ..
I know hillbillys that have more fire power and ammo than the modern bundeswehr

i think last time the Germans wanted to send a small team overseas they had trouble getting 20 guys across the med without having to call the USA
could of been the frogs that gave em a lift

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