Europe: Judea-Christian Symbols Vanish, Islam Rises

Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017
I could not find a thread on this forum about this, so here we go.

When Islam invaded Europe and other areas, the people were still - to a certain extent - allowed to follow their religion, be it Jews or Christians. There may have been some oppression, but is it anything like we are seeing now in Europe?

Some who live in Europe, and travel around it, like this journalist, are seeing things that we have not seen for the past 1400 years or so.

How different is it from when the Moors took over Southern Spain, or the Ottomans took over some areas of Europe?

Is the mass immigration of Muslims to many countries in Europe changing slowly what Europe has been since the fall of the Roman Empire, or before?

Is the vanishing of so many Judeo-Christian symbols and attacks on Jews and women on the streets of many of these countries something we need to really be worried about?

What would be the answer to it? How to stop and reverse this trend if it is actually moving in that direction?

First Europe, then other Continents as we are seeing happening in Australia and in the Americas in the past twenty years.

Is Islam on its March to conquer Christianity as Mohammad wished it would happen (Instead of being conquered by Christianity) as it was done by the Muslim Kurds, Arabs, Turks, and now the Iranians and others who are more like groups like ISIS and Al Qaida. ?

Are Christians afraid of pushing back, or are they too Politically Correct where saying anything bad about what some Muslims have been doing is going to be termed to be "Islamophobic"?

Are some in Europe correct to be afraid of Islam's plans for Europe?

Is Islam rising in Europe as this article reports? And what are the consequences?

Europe: Judeo-Christian Symbols Vanish, Islam Rises
Christianity has been in decline in Europe since the Age of Enlightenment almost 400 years ago.

And its demise was greatly accelerated during the chaotic events and social breakdown after WWl and especially post WWll.

To blame it on muslims is disingenuous at best .... :cool:
the answer to the problem REVERSE DHIMMIA!!!!!!-----Christian societies MUST PROTECT muslims
in the same manner that Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and even Hindus are "PROTECTED" in
Islamic lands. Sunni can provide the details
Christianity has been in decline in Europe since the Age of Enlightenment almost 400 years ago.

And its demise was greatly accelerated during the chaotic events and social breakdown after WWl and especially post WWll.

To blame it on muslims is disingenuous at best .... :cool:
Self-Determination for Those Genetically Determined to Destroy Us

The World Wars weakened the West so much that the primitive savages were able to break out of the cage they deserved to be in.

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