Europe Embraces Trump...And Reality.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Time and again we have seen the proof of the Democrat/Liberal voter refusing to apply insight and knowledge, and simply voting "D."

It was proven when the question was posed...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

It has never been successfully answered by any anti-Trumper.

2. If Trump is opposed, they're for it.....including Obama's love affair with the 7th century savages of Iran.

3. But now their icons, the European elites, are slithering away from support of Iran.....

4. "...Germany, until now the most enthusiastic Iran enabler among the Western powers, hopped on the sanctions wagon. So, is Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government adopting President Trump’s sensibilities?

5. Berlin announced a complete ban against Mahan Air, a “civilian” airline that doubles as an adjunct to the Iranian regime’s nefarious activities....after months of US efforts to persuade the Germans that Mahan is no ordinary carrier.

6. ...German government spokesman Steffen Seibert told Reuters: “It cannot be ruled out that this airline could also transport cargo to Germany that threatens our security. This is based on knowledge of past terrorist activities by Iran in Europe.”

7. ...may signal a wider souring of Europe’s love affair with Iran, which culminated in the 2015 nuclear deal. The European Union also recently imposed sanctions on Iran, which, however symbolic, were a first since the deal.

8. Why? Terrorism.

9. Europe is frustrated as Iran experiments with ballistic missiles of ever-longer range. Last week saw the launch of a satellite on an ICBM-like platform that could reach over the Atlantic.

10. As Reuters put it in a recent headline, “Europe’s patience with Iran wears thin, tiptoes toward Trump.”
Europe Begins Souring on Iran Over Terror War

There's no way to sugar-coat it.....
Read as pro-Trump, in reality, it is an admission that Hussein Obama was the world's greatest supporter of terrorism.

About darn time.
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In the end they go with the winner. What...are they going to build an army and defend themselves?
In the end they go with the winner. What...are they going to build an army and defend themselves?

Can you imagine....Europeans actually objecting to being blown up??????

Forced to choose between Trump and obliteration.

Must be a tough choice for 'em.
Sanity is defined differently in the EU The EU parlement wants to have another level of EU taxes over and above the national taxes. This should have major effects on Brexit, immigration and similar odd ways of spending political capital.
11. "Berlin has been among the most adamant European advocates of ending Iran sanctions. Closely working with EU foreign policy czar Federica Mogherini, Frau Merkel has even sought to create a banking mechanism for the sole purpose of helping the mullahs thwart the American-imposed sanctions.

Problem is, even top Iran apologists and European industrialists eager to make deals with the mullahs can’t turn a blind eye to Tehran’s misbehavior." Europe Begins Souring on Iran Over Terror War

Get that???

A correct interpretation of the above is that the one who has turned that blind eye to the misbehavior of his co-religionists is

....Barack Hussein Obama.
Europe has started how many world wars and wars on each other and conquering other countries and making them servant colonies, why should we listen to one word those morons say?
Europe has started how many world wars and wars on each other and conquering other countries and making them servant colonies, why should we listen to one word those morons say?

That word "we" requires elucidation.

The 'we' who fit the meaning...."why should we listen to one word those morons say?'....are Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Remember John 'do you know who I am?' Kerry who ran for President, relying on the OK from Europe for policy decisions?

"And I know you wish you could vote in Europe," Kerry added. "Going back to 2004, so do I." Kerry, the Democratic nominee, ran against President George W. Bush in 2004, losing by a 51 percent to 48 percent margin in the popular vote. During that campaign, polls of international opinion found strong preference for Kerry over Bush.

The 'we' who demand a separation from what passes for thinking in the European elites are Americans, conservatives, and, sometimes, Republicans.
Sorry PC, Nancy Pelosi despite obvious dementia usually makes much better sense than any member of the European elites.
Europe has started how many world wars and wars on each other and conquering other countries and making them servant colonies, why should we listen to one word those morons say?

That word "we" requires elucidation.

The 'we' who fit the meaning...."why should we listen to one word those morons say?'....are Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Remember John 'do you know who I am?' Kerry who ran for President, relying on the OK from Europe for policy decisions?

"And I know you wish you could vote in Europe," Kerry added. "Going back to 2004, so do I." Kerry, the Democratic nominee, ran against President George W. Bush in 2004, losing by a 51 percent to 48 percent margin in the popular vote. During that campaign, polls of international opinion found strong preference for Kerry over Bush.

The 'we' who demand a separation from what passes for thinking in the European elites are Americans, conservatives, and, sometimes, Republicans.

Internationally they preferred Barack Hussein as well...and Hillary. When George Bush won remember all the shallow liberals who hold up signs on Facebook saying "we're sorry"?
The US is a pie they want to divide up. And, as Kerry mentioned, the first part of that is giving the world a veto on US policy decisions.

Might be a time for liberals to bone up on a word they bandy about often as a pejorative but have never really understood.

American Exceptionalism

The Communist Party USA and Joseph Stalin both decried the fact that America was uniquely resistant to collectivism and Stalin used the term in 1930 when, like present day Democrats, he predicted that depressions and recessions would drive Americans to eventually accept the communist yoke.
Sorry PC, Nancy Pelosi despite obvious dementia usually makes much better sense than any member of the European elites.

Including her vote in favor of guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran?

Just as those European elites did?
"Berlin has been among the most adamant European advocates of ending Iran sanctions. Closely working with EU foreign policy czar Federica Mogherini, Frau Merkel has even sought to create a banking mechanism for the sole purpose of helping the mullahs thwart the American-imposed sanctions."
Europe Begins Souring on Iran Over Terror War

Or do you have some documentation that the Bond-villain, Pelosi-galore, fought tooth and nail against Hussein Obama's nuclear deal????

"Pelosi says Iran deal 'a diplomatic masterpiece'"
Pelosi says Iran deal 'a diplomatic masterpiece'

Welllllll, willie????
Europe has started how many world wars and wars on each other and conquering other countries and making them servant colonies, why should we listen to one word those morons say?

That word "we" requires elucidation.

The 'we' who fit the meaning...."why should we listen to one word those morons say?'....are Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Remember John 'do you know who I am?' Kerry who ran for President, relying on the OK from Europe for policy decisions?

"And I know you wish you could vote in Europe," Kerry added. "Going back to 2004, so do I." Kerry, the Democratic nominee, ran against President George W. Bush in 2004, losing by a 51 percent to 48 percent margin in the popular vote. During that campaign, polls of international opinion found strong preference for Kerry over Bush.

The 'we' who demand a separation from what passes for thinking in the European elites are Americans, conservatives, and, sometimes, Republicans.

Internationally they preferred Barack Hussein as well...and Hillary. When George Bush won remember all the shallow liberals who hold up signs on Facebook saying "we're sorry"?
The US is a pie they want to divide up. And, as Kerry mentioned, the first part of that is giving the world a veto on US policy decisions.

Might be a time for liberals to bone up on a word they bandy about often as a pejorative but have never really understood.

American Exceptionalism

The Communist Party USA and Joseph Stalin both decried the fact that America was uniquely resistant to collectivism and Stalin used the term in 1930 when, like present day Democrats, he predicted that depressions and recessions would drive Americans to eventually accept the communist yoke.

"Even Karl Marx accepted the image of America as a land of boundless opportunity, citing this as an explanation for the lack of class consciousness in the U.S. "The position of wage laborer," he wrote in 1865, "is for a very large part of the American people but a probational state, which they are sure to leave within a longer or shorter term."

Read more: As rich-poor gap widens in U.S., class mobility stalls
As Rich-Poor Gap Widens in the U.S., Class Mobility Stalls
This is probably the worst sourced thread this forum has seen ...

How does the OP defend their claim from the thread title?

With an OP-Ed from the New York Sun?

This is probably the worst sourced thread this forum has seen ...

How does the OP defend their claim from the thread title?

With an OP-Ed from the New York Sun?


2. If Trump is opposed, they're for it.....including Obama's love affair with the 7th century savages of Iran.

3. But now their icons, the European elites, are slithering away from support of Iran.....

4. "...Germany, until now the most enthusiastic Iran enabler among the Western powers, hopped on the sanctions wagon. So, is Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government adopting President Trump’s sensibilities?

5. Berlin announced a complete ban against Mahan Air, a “civilian” airline that doubles as an adjunct to the Iranian regime’s nefarious activities....after months of US efforts to persuade the Germans that Mahan is no ordinary carrier.

6. ...German government spokesman Steffen Seibert told Reuters: “It cannot be ruled out that this airline could also transport cargo to Germany that threatens our security. This is based on knowledge of past terrorist activities by Iran in Europe.”

7. ...may signal a wider souring of Europe’s love affair with Iran, which culminated in the 2015 nuclear deal. The European Union also recently imposed sanctions on Iran, which, however symbolic, were a first since the deal.

8. Why? Terrorism.

9. Europe is frustrated as Iran experiments with ballistic missiles of ever-longer range. Last week saw the launch of a satellite on an ICBM-like platformthat could reach over the Atlantic.

10. As Reuters put it in a recent headline, “Europe’s patience with Iran wears thin, tiptoes toward Trump.”
Europe Begins Souring on Iran Over Terror War

There's no way to sugar-coat it.....
Read as pro-Trump, in reality, it is an admission that Hussein Obama was the world's greatest supporter of terrorism.

About darn time.

You can't beat something with nothing, dunce.

Any part of the above you're prepared to dispute?????
This is probably the worst sourced thread this forum has seen ...

How does the OP defend their claim from the thread title?

With an OP-Ed from the New York Sun?


Did Obama guarantee nukes to Iran because he is Muslim or because he hates everything Western Civilization stands for?

Which is it?

Germany bans Iranian airline from its airspace after U.S. pressure

And the New York Sun Op-Ed.

That's how you support your bullshit?

This is probably the worst sourced thread this forum has seen ...

How does the OP defend their claim from the thread title?

With an OP-Ed from the New York Sun?


Did Obama guarantee nukes to Iran because he is Muslim or because he hates everything Western Civilization stands for?

Which is it?

Do you lie because you're a Trumper or is it a medical Trump...
This is probably the worst sourced thread this forum has seen ...

How does the OP defend their claim from the thread title?

With an OP-Ed from the New York Sun?


Did Obama guarantee nukes to Iran because he is Muslim or because he hates everything Western Civilization stands for?

Which is it?

Trump guaranteed that your precious North Korea can have nukes. You must be so happy.
This is probably the worst sourced thread this forum has seen ...

How does the OP defend their claim from the thread title?

With an OP-Ed from the New York Sun?


Did Obama guarantee nukes to Iran because he is Muslim or because he hates everything Western Civilization stands for?

Which is it?

Trump guaranteed that your precious North Korea can have nukes. You must be so happy.
THAT'S actually true
Germany bans Iranian airline from its airspace after U.S. pressure

And the New York Sun Op-Ed.

That's how you support your bullshit?


Where is there any error in my post?????

Did Iran-supporter, Germany, ban the Iranian airline????


Here, let's double your vocabulary:

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

A lie which has somehow been legitimized by an uneducated public. Seenewspeak, doublespeak

Public relations term, referring to slightly altering facts to portray a desired version of a story.

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