Europe closes its borders to Christians who are fleeing death, persecution and imprisonment

I have never seen such blatant, self-serving propaganda. Nothing in those pictures show whether the victim's pictures are Muslim or Christian. Yet, you posit them as such with no proof to back up what you're showing.
she does not have the capacity for thought. she's just a fucking ignorant child.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

Not according to the Hungarian Prime Minister
EUROPE - Refugees 'threaten Europe's Christian identity': Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned on Sept.3 that the wave of refugees and migrants coming to Europe and the EU's "failed immigration policy" threaten to undermine the continent's Christian roots.

"If you're being overrun, you can't accept" migrants, he wrote in German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding that most were Muslims, not Christians.

"We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture," wrote the conservative leader, who was visiting Brussels on Sept.3.

"The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.
The Christians are the ones our State Dept is rejecting and returning, however: Iraqi Christians held for months by ICE after crossing Mexican border in asylum bid
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

Not according to the Hungarian Prime Minister
EUROPE - Refugees 'threaten Europe's Christian identity': Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned on Sept.3 that the wave of refugees and migrants coming to Europe and the EU's "failed immigration policy" threaten to undermine the continent's Christian roots.

"If you're being overrun, you can't accept" migrants, he wrote in German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding that most were Muslims, not Christians.

"We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture," wrote the conservative leader, who was visiting Brussels on Sept.3.

"The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.
The Christians are the ones our State Dept is rejecting and returning, however: Iraqi Christians held for months by ICE after crossing Mexican border in asylum bid

There you go, but what you 1st posted was a different issue. :)
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

Not according to the Hungarian Prime Minister
EUROPE - Refugees 'threaten Europe's Christian identity': Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned on Sept.3 that the wave of refugees and migrants coming to Europe and the EU's "failed immigration policy" threaten to undermine the continent's Christian roots.

"If you're being overrun, you can't accept" migrants, he wrote in German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding that most were Muslims, not Christians.

"We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture," wrote the conservative leader, who was visiting Brussels on Sept.3.

"The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.
The Christians are the ones our State Dept is rejecting and returning, however: Iraqi Christians held for months by ICE after crossing Mexican border in asylum bid

There you go, but what you 1st posted was a different issue. :)

Kinda conflated like.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

Not according to the Hungarian Prime Minister
EUROPE - Refugees 'threaten Europe's Christian identity': Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned on Sept.3 that the wave of refugees and migrants coming to Europe and the EU's "failed immigration policy" threaten to undermine the continent's Christian roots.

"If you're being overrun, you can't accept" migrants, he wrote in German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding that most were Muslims, not Christians.

"We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture," wrote the conservative leader, who was visiting Brussels on Sept.3.

"The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.
The Christians are the ones our State Dept is rejecting and returning, however: Iraqi Christians held for months by ICE after crossing Mexican border in asylum bid
what does that have to do with the plight of refugees heading to europe?
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

Not according to the Hungarian Prime Minister
EUROPE - Refugees 'threaten Europe's Christian identity': Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned on Sept.3 that the wave of refugees and migrants coming to Europe and the EU's "failed immigration policy" threaten to undermine the continent's Christian roots.

"If you're being overrun, you can't accept" migrants, he wrote in German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding that most were Muslims, not Christians.

"We must not forget that those who are coming in have been brought up under a different religion and represent a profoundly different culture," wrote the conservative leader, who was visiting Brussels on Sept.3.

"The majority are not Christians but Muslims. That is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.
The Christians are the ones our State Dept is rejecting and returning, however: Iraqi Christians held for months by ICE after crossing Mexican border in asylum bid

There you go, but what you 1st posted was a different issue. :)

Kinda conflated like.

Totally different issues and the news has Called them Christians who have been fleeing since 2013 till now.
Yes America is doing the same thing that they did during WWII with the Jews and we are turning them away.
Hopefully that will change when we get a new President and administration.
-Why is the U.S. Discriminating Against Iraqi Christian Immigrants Fleeing ISIS? | Christian News
I don't know why this administration is so against Christians when he claims that he is a Christian.
He had the German Christian family deported also.
Team Obama wins fight to have Christian home-school family deported | Fox News
“I think this is a part of the Obama administration’s overall campaign to crush religious freedom in this country,” said Michael Farris, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association. His organization is representing family.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.

Based on news reports over the last few days most of the immigrants appear to be christian. There are some muslims in the mix, but not very many.
Where does the link you put up say that they are Christians?
The press never states that they are, but they are Christians being targeted by ISIS.

You are confusing the two issues koshergrl.
Yes there are Christians fleeing but the huge majority fleeing right now going to Europe are mostly Muslims.

Based on news reports over the last few days most of the immigrants appear to be christian. There are some muslims in the mix, but not very many.
That's certainly the information I had. The news and the countries rejecting them are spinning it another way...but I think these are Christians or muslims who have lived among/helped out Christians.
Just as they did the Jews. Meanwhile, our own government actively campaigns to bring in militant and CONVICTED criminals, included muslim terrorists...while actively blocking the migration of desperate Christians who are being slaughtered, enslaved, tortured, and imprisoned.




Doesn't Trump want to close our borders to Christians?

Yes, as he should, and we should be securing our borders and kicking out anyone who comes here illegally.

As it is most of the offenders are Christian Mexicans.
Just as they did the Jews. Meanwhile, our own government actively campaigns to bring in militant and CONVICTED criminals, included muslim terrorists...while actively blocking the migration of desperate Christians who are being slaughtered, enslaved, tortured, and imprisoned.




Doesn't Trump want to close our borders to Christians?

Yes, as he should, and we should be securing our borders and kicking out anyone who comes here illegally.

As it is most of the offenders are Christian Mexicans.

No, Trump wants to close our borders to illegals. We have and have always had the ability to allow REFUGEES into the country...

What the current admin has done with their eternal ass-fuckery, is to change the DEFINITION of refugee so that now everybody thinks a refugee immigrant is anybody who illegally enters the country. WRONG. Refugees are those people who apply for succor and are granted a legal exception to enter the country based on the degree of persecution and risk of death if they remain in the country they're in.

Obama is escorting in the criminals and terrorists...while blocking the people who REALLY need and would ordinarily be granted refuge in our country. Coinicidentally, they're Christians who are fleeing from death. His admin actively blocks them from entering this country...because they are Christian, and because they aren't criminals. Progressives do NOT want law abiding Christians flooding our country. Christianity always has, and always will, pose a huge threat to violent, murderous regimes.
Anyone else notice every essentially White, basically peaceful hard working prosperous country on the planet is being invaded by those who are desperate to escape from fucking Muslim countries?
I wonder why that would be?
BOBO was desperate to turn the US into a Socialist shithole like every Socialist country on the planet was/is and will always be.
What illegal immigrants see as THEIR shining light on the mountain top is a country where the fucking government takes from the Makers and gives to the losers (sorry Takers ).
It's never ever worked once anywhere on the planet.These (cough) refuges will never have never had the slightest interest in assimilating.
Drive through fucking Dearborn and see for yourself.
Just as they did the Jews. Meanwhile, our own government actively campaigns to bring in militant and CONVICTED criminals, included muslim terrorists...while actively blocking the migration of desperate Christians who are being slaughtered, enslaved, tortured, and imprisoned.




Doesn't Trump want to close our borders to Christians?

Yes, as he should, and we should be securing our borders and kicking out anyone who comes here illegally.

As it is most of the offenders are Christian Mexicans.

No, Trump wants to close our borders to illegals. We have and have always had the ability to allow REFUGEES into the country...

What the current admin has done with their eternal ass-fuckery, is to change the DEFINITION of refugee so that now everybody thinks a refugee immigrant is anybody who illegally enters the country. WRONG. Refugees are those people who apply for succor and are granted a legal exception to enter the country based on the degree of persecution and risk of death if they remain in the country they're in.

Obama is escorting in the criminals and terrorists...while blocking the people who REALLY need and would ordinarily be granted refuge in our country. Coinicidentally, they're Christians who are fleeing from death. His admin actively blocks them from entering this country...because they are Christian, and because they aren't criminals. Progressives do NOT want law abiding Christians flooding our country. Christianity always has, and always will, pose a huge threat to violent, murderous regimes.

I said illegals.
Anyone else notice every essentially White, basically peaceful hard working prosperous country on the planet is being invaded by those who are desperate to escape from fucking Muslim countries?
I wonder why that would be?
BOBO was desperate to turn the US into a Socialist shithole like every Socialist country on the planet was/is and will always be.
What illegal immigrants see as THEIR shining light on the mountain top is a country where the fucking government takes from the Makers and gives to the losers (sorry Takers ).
It's never ever worked once anywhere on the planet.These (cough) refuges will never have never had the slightest interest in assimilating.
Drive through fucking Dearborn and see for yourself.
Anyone else notice every essentially White, basically peaceful hard working prosperous country on the planet is being invaded by those who are desperate to escape from fucking Muslim countries?
I wonder why that would be?
BOBO was desperate to turn the US into a Socialist shithole like every Socialist country on the planet was/is and will always be.
What illegal immigrants see as THEIR shining light on the mountain top is a country where the fucking government takes from the Makers and gives to the losers (sorry Takers ).
It's never ever worked once anywhere on the planet.These (cough) refuges will never have never had the slightest interest in assimilating.
Drive through fucking Dearborn and see for yourself.

The invasion from south of the U.S. border are not Muslim countries.
Anyone else notice every essentially White, basically peaceful hard working prosperous country on the planet is being invaded by those who are desperate to escape from fucking Muslim countries?
I wonder why that would be?
BOBO was desperate to turn the US into a Socialist shithole like every Socialist country on the planet was/is and will always be.
What illegal immigrants see as THEIR shining light on the mountain top is a country where the fucking government takes from the Makers and gives to the losers (sorry Takers ).
It's never ever worked once anywhere on the planet.These (cough) refuges will never have never had the slightest interest in assimilating.
Drive through fucking Dearborn and see for yourself.
Anyone else notice every essentially White, basically peaceful hard working prosperous country on the planet is being invaded by those who are desperate to escape from fucking Muslim countries?
I wonder why that would be?
BOBO was desperate to turn the US into a Socialist shithole like every Socialist country on the planet was/is and will always be.
What illegal immigrants see as THEIR shining light on the mountain top is a country where the fucking government takes from the Makers and gives to the losers (sorry Takers ).
It's never ever worked once anywhere on the planet.These (cough) refuges will never have never had the slightest interest in assimilating.
Drive through fucking Dearborn and see for yourself.

The invasion from south of the U.S. border are not Muslim countries.
I ought have been more specific. I was referring to European countries obviously.
The US has a unique plaque of illegal immigrants coming from virtually all Latin American countries.
Fleeing the same violence, corruption, death squads whose leaders have no interest in the well being of their populations.
Has there ever been a single incidence of a boat full of White americans being spotted trying to illegally entering El Salvador?
I don't know why this administration is so against Christians when he claims that he is a Christian.
He had the German Christian family deported also.
Team Obama wins fight to have Christian home-school family deported | Fox News
“I think this is a part of the Obama administration’s overall campaign to crush religious freedom in this country,” said Michael Farris, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association. His organization is representing family.
The GOP claims to be the bastion of western Christianity but look how they treat their Christian president? False allegations like the one you just posted abound.

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